Professional Drivers....

I myself find the blatant bisexuals a real problem.
I mean, you just don’t know where you stand with them do you! Blowing hot and cold.

Maybe an unfortunate turn of phrase mate eh? :laughing:


That was my job in catering, I worked for the biggest contractor, sorting out all the problem units, dealt with the lot, psychos, blatant homosexuals, thickos, the lot…

I have to ask, how exactly do you deal with “blatant homosexuals” and in what way are they considered a problem along with the “psychos and thickos”?

I’m guessing it must be a different process as to how you deal with blatant bisexuals or blatant heterosexuals?

I myself find the blatant bisexuals a real problem sector of society. I mean, you just don’t know where you stand with them do you! Blowing hot and cold, never being clear as to whether they fancy you or not, thinking they can have their cake and eat it too. Should be outlawed. Just who the hell do they think they are? Wanting the best of both worlds but putting on a public face of being normal and hiding their true intentions until they pounce.
And don’t get me started on those ■■■■ blatant heterosexuals, shoving their heterosexuality down you throats at every available opportunity (metaphorically speaking of course!!), you known I’ve even seen them walking down the street holding hands, and even being so blatant as kissing in public. Like gross man. How dare they, what about the children for gods sake…
I applaud your sorting out the problem “blatant homosexuals” and look forward with much anticipation of hearing your tales of how you deal with the problem blatant bi and hetro sectors of society.

A blatant homosexual in a preparatory school 30 years ago was a major concern…These days you are somewhat of an oddity, unless you ride the sausage or drink from the furry cup…I am still hetrosexual and have nothing against anybody, if they want to go against what nature intended, that is their business, none of mine. :wink: