Professional Drivers....



Employers love this type of driver, as it keeps their wage bill down.

And the damage bill up, £10,000 a week regularly at my place.

And I bet the meatheads (as somebody else said :smiley: ) are on the same rate of pay as the proper drivers, as they are at my firm…why is this?

A lot of Dutch firms have a two tier system of pay structure, you are on a lower rate for a certain period until you prove yourself, if you don’t, and/or make habitual balls ups, you stay on the lower rate of pay.

Why should I be on the same rate of pay as Richard Head who is totally crap at his job ?

Regrettably, this happens in many if not most jobs: I worked at an engineering firm where there were good machine operators and less skilled ones who tended to produce a high percentage of scrap. What happened was that the bad machinists were not sacked but promoted to foreman, in which function they didn’t machine anything, saving the cost of scrapped items. Mind you, this was a solution taken to avoid hassle with the union, which was then likely to be more costly.




Employers love this type of driver, as it keeps their wage bill down.

And the damage bill up, £10,000 a week regularly at my place.

And I bet the meatheads (as somebody else said :smiley: ) are on the same rate of pay as the proper drivers, as they are at my firm…why is this?

A lot of Dutch firms have a two tier system of pay structure, you are on a lower rate for a certain period until you prove yourself, if you don’t, and/or make habitual balls ups, you stay on the lower rate of pay.

Why should I be on the same rate of pay as Richard Head who is totally crap at his job ?

Regrettably, this happens in many if not most jobs: I worked at an engineering firm where there were good machine operators and less skilled ones who tended to produce a high percentage of scrap. What happened was that the bad machinists were not sacked but promoted to foreman, in which function they didn’t machine anything, saving the cost of scrapped items. Mind you, this was a solution taken to avoid hassle with the union, which was then likely to be more costly.


It mirrors what happens with lorry drivers.

The crappy bodgers get the easy jobs that can’t be ■■■■■■ 'd up, whilst the experienced drivers end up doing locals and all the trailer swaps cos they don’t do any damage.

Every week Bedfords fill up a skip with mirrors, bumpers, mudflaps, sidebars, headlamp units, radiator grilles etc…EVERY week.

The problem is large companies are not run by transport people, they are run by bean counters where cost is the bottom line.

They spend a fortune on monitoring driver performance Fleetboard Microlise forward and side facing cameras Tachomaster and so on, and are still happy to to £10,000+ per week on damage they changed the contracts for new drivers where a “bonus” scheme was in introduced.

The driver starts off with a pot of £200 per 4 weekly pay period, this is reduced by poor fleet board scores tachograph infringement and lead in/out times, nothing related to damage or general incompetence, they even loose £10 of the bonus for every days holiday taken, you couldn’t make it up !!!

In years past the very best agency drivers were taken on after they had proven themselves, now they laugh when you suggest they take a full time position, also they spend a small fortune on incompetant sub contract hauliers when the simple solution is proper pay and robust management of the bad drivers.

robust management of the bad drivers.

And the reason?
Driver shortage
I know of drivers who had roll aways,and still kept their jobs.


robust management of the bad drivers.

And the reason?
Driver shortage
I know of drivers who had roll aways,and still kept their jobs.

No shortage of licence holders, you pay peanuts and you know the rest, why sack a clown when the one who takes his seat could be even worse.

Your only called a Professional Driver when you have an accident and upset the Boss,or up in front of a Judge / TC for traffic offences,rest of the time your “only a driver”

Hardly surprising when you can earn the same picking cabbages in the fens.



robust management of the bad drivers.

And the reason?
Driver shortage
I know of drivers who had roll aways,and still kept their jobs.

No shortage of licence holders, you pay peanuts and you know the rest, why sack a clown when the one who takes his seat could be even worse.

But,you,yourself…regularly mention idiots at your place.
Do Tesco pay peanuts?
Even juddian works with them,and he has the best job in the world. :wink:

^^^ ouch

I know of drivers who had roll aways,and still kept their jobs.

The thing…

About a roll away driver is, you’re pretty much gauranteed they’ll never do it again.




robust management of the bad drivers.

And the reason?
Driver shortage
I know of drivers who had roll aways,and still kept their jobs.

No shortage of licence holders, you pay peanuts and you know the rest, why sack a clown when the one who takes his seat could be even worse.

But,you,yourself…regularly mention idiots at your place.
Do Tesco pay peanuts?
Even juddian works with them,and he has the best job in the world. :wink:

See my previous post RE: the new contract, when you pay someone £1 an less than everyone else then take £25 off them for going over their breaks or a tachograph infringement or poor fleetboard scores then its not hard to see why good drivers stay away.

The current rate of pay for new starters is below what you could expect to earn for similar work, we have 17 vacancies at the moment which cannot be filled for that reason alone you could say they pay peanuts.

^^^ I’m picturing some fast track graduate being parachuted in to “sort out” the depot. We all know the type; long on qualifications and woefully short on real world experience. Probably bragging to his mates down the wine bar how he’s going to sweep clean the place starting with the thicko drivers and eventually working his way up to boardroom kingpin.

Unfortunately once he’s royally screwed the job with his nonsensical tinkering he’ll be swiftly moved sideways to repeat the process somewhere else. Welcome to modern day logistics where qualifications are King.

the maoster:
^^^ I’m picturing some fast track graduate being parachuted in to “sort out” the depot. We all know the type; long on qualifications and woefully short on real world experience. Probably bragging to his mates down the wine bar how he’s going to sweep clean the place starting with the thicko drivers and eventually working his way up to boardroom kingpin.

Unfortunately once he’s royally screwed the job with his nonsensical tinkering he’ll be swiftly moved sideways to repeat the process somewhere else. Welcome to modern day logistics where qualifications are King.

There’s no argument against that.

the maoster:
^^^ I’m picturing some fast track graduate being parachuted in to “sort out” the depot. We all know the type; long on qualifications and woefully short on real world experience. Probably bragging to his mates down the wine bar how he’s going to sweep clean the place starting with the thicko drivers and eventually working his way up to boardroom kingpin.

Unfortunately once he’s royally screwed the job with his nonsensical tinkering he’ll be swiftly moved sideways to repeat the process somewhere else. Welcome to modern day logistics where qualifications are King.

:laughing: That was my job in catering, I worked for the biggest contractor, sorting out all the problem units, dealt with the lot, psychos, blatant homosexuals, thickos, the lot…I then went on to work at the prestigious units, hob nobbing with the famous and the influential…Media, politicians, academics etc.
I then settled down to help those who were not in the public eye, far easier to work with and not at all high maintenance…Did that for 9 years, total peace and serenity, just the odd famous person who was a ball ache, because they were insecure(as most of them are)…I then went on to earn serious money in food manufacturing/development/operations…Boring, but was good for all this H&S ■■■■■■■■, I implemented it, trained it, devised, structured it…I was there, right on the development of it, I was guilty in implementing it…

In all of this rubbish, I formed a company that supplies H&S bull to other companies, throughout the world…I have distributors throughout Europe and the UK, only because I dont want to employ people, because people are the biggest pain in the arse, that much I learned from my climb up to senior management.....People, they are the weakest and the strongest link, you have to know them for them to be a strong link, but these days, you are not able to spend time with them, so they are a weak link, to minimise this, you then have to enslave them.....That is, demoralise them through Victorian work ethics that means they are frightened into losing their jobs.....This has been the model for some 20 years now and is why most people dont give a monkeys about what they do, they just do the bare minimum in return for some money…Lowest common denominator, the race to the bottom…It is here.

I do not like the way in which people are treated in this country by their employers, it is wrong and is not sustainable, doubtless, it will all fail soon, as people will only put up with so much crap…If you have a job and feel you are treated well, then hang on to it, for it is rare indeed.

In conclusion…Most people feel they are subjugated in one way or another, they are put upon, under pressure and have to perform in every environment, this in turn creates tension, frustration and anger…This is what we are seeing every day on our roads, people who are so pressurised that they are just about ready to pop, it is unhealthy (record amount of anti-depressants prescribed right now) And it is dangerous, as more and more people are under pressure to perform because they really do feel that their job is on the line, this is called being demoralised, they do this to control us, it is dangerous, it is wrong and it needs to be stopped…But since they do this to our senior physicians, it is not going to end any time soon.

We are better than this in my opinion.

:laughing: That was my job in catering, I worked for the biggest contractor, sorting out all the problem units, dealt with the lot, psychos, blatant homosexuals, thickos, the lot…I then went on to work at the prestigious units, hob nobbing with the famous and the influential…Media, politicians, academics etc.
I then settled down to help those who were not in the public eye, far easier to work with and not at all high maintenance…Did that for 9 years, total peace and serenity, just the odd famous person who was a ball ache, because they were insecure(as most of them are)…I then went on to earn serious money in food manufacturing/development/operations…Boring, but was good for all this H&S ■■■■■■■■, I implemented it, trained it, devised, structured it…I was there, right on the development of it, I was guilty in implementing it…

In all of this rubbish, I formed a company that supplies H&S bull to other companies, throughout the world…I have distributors throughout Europe and the UK, only because I dont want to employ people, because people are the biggest pain in the arse, that much I learned from my climb up to senior management.....People, they are the weakest and the strongest link, you have to know them for them to be a strong link, but these days, you are not able to spend time with them, so they are a weak link, to minimise this, you then have to enslave them.....That is, demoralise them through Victorian work ethics that means they are frightened into losing their jobs.....This has been the model for some 20 years now and is why most people dont give a monkeys about what they do, they just do the bare minimum in return for some money…Lowest common denominator, the race to the bottom…It is here.

I do not like the way in which people are treated in this country by their employers, it is wrong and is not sustainable, doubtless, it will all fail soon, as people will only put up with so much crap…If you have a job and feel you are treated well, then hang on to it, for it is rare indeed.

In conclusion…Most people feel they are subjugated in one way or another, they are put upon, under pressure and have to perform in every environment, this in turn creates tension, frustration and anger…This is what we are seeing every day on our roads, people who are so pressurised that they are just about ready to pop, it is unhealthy (record amount of anti-depressants prescribed right now) And it is dangerous, as more and more people are under pressure to perform because they really do feel that their job is on the line, this is called being demoralised, they do this to control us, it is dangerous, it is wrong and it needs to be stopped…But since they do this to our senior physicians, it is not going to end any time soon.

We are better than this in my opinion.


Round of applause smiley.

I do not like the way in which people are treated in this country by their employers, it is wrong and is not sustainable, doubtless, it will all fail soon, as people will only put up with so much crap…If you have a job and feel you are treated well, then hang on to it, for it is rare indeed.

In conclusion…Most people feel they are subjugated in one way or another, they are put upon, under pressure and have to perform in every environment, this in turn creates tension, frustration and anger…This is what we are seeing every day on our roads, people who are so pressurised that they are just about ready to pop, it is unhealthy (record amount of anti-depressants prescribed right now) And it is dangerous, as more and more people are under pressure to perform because they really do feel that their job is on the line, this is called being demoralised, they do this to control us, it is dangerous, it is wrong and it needs to be stopped…But since they do this to our senior physicians, it is not going to end any time soon.

We are better than this in my opinion.

But the only way this system of control (bordering on abuse) will work is if workers, or in our case drivers co.operate and comply. :bulb:

If a driver does his job correctly legally and safely there is ■■■■ all that ‘‘they’’ can do.
If a schedule is set for a driver where he has to go like a ■■■■ idiot to complete it, drive like a ■■■■, work through his breaks, sit on the limiter all day, break the speed limits, and he does?
Well bigger fool him,… he will always be used and abused that way, and imo deserves it.

If you get through only part of that schedule, and can back up with your tacho why you could not complete it,…again, nothing they can do, you have the law on your side.

I aint saying take the ■■■■ and drag your feet to make a point either, I am saying do what you can do safely and legally and…■■■■ em.

In this world of over zealous H&S why are these firms not clamped down on, it is compromising road and public safety, on the other hand if drivers are stupid enough to cover for these firms by bending the rules on their tacho to make it look like they are doing it legally, by having to drive in an unsafe manner, and at the same time making these arse wipes appear to be competent at their planning, what chance is there of ever sorting the problem out.
Same old same old…drivers are their own worst enemies. :bulb:

PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS…Sadly theres not many of us left now…when we go you aint gonna get another, and the industry will be well and truly buggered :smiley: :smiley: …keep to the speed limits…dont worry what others are doing…let them get irate…keep to the n/s unless overtaking or turning…and dont worry about deliveries…what dont get done today…gets done tomorrow, or taken back…and for the majority who are hourly paid…whats the hurry anyway, its beautiful sunshine outside, so sit back and enjoy the ride, and always remember…Your only a number and will be forgotten very quickly, unless you F up…then you`ll be remembered for that.

PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS…Sadly theres not many of us left now…when we go you aint gonna get another, and the industry will be well and truly buggered :smiley: :smiley: …keep to the speed limits…dont worry what others are doing…let them get irate…keep to the n/s unless overtaking or turning…and dont worry about deliveries…what dont get done today…gets done tomorrow, or taken back…and for the majority who are hourly paid…whats the hurry anyway, its beautiful sunshine outside, so sit back and enjoy the ride, and always remember…Your only a number and will be forgotten very quickly, unless you F up…then you`ll be remembered for that.

Not to mention being a candidate for a stroke or heart attack.
A firm my mate works for has a guy nicknamed ‘Heartattack’
:unamused: he tells me.
He goes like ■■■■ to be first in a queue, starts before everybody else at stupid times, drives to 8.59 to the first available lay by, even if it is 5 minutes past a proper park with facilities, maxes out every week, and generally makes a complete ■■■■ of himself.
My mate gets paid exactly the same as he does. :bulb: :neutral_face:


I do not like the way in which people are treated in this country by their employers, it is wrong and is not sustainable, doubtless, it will all fail soon, as people will only put up with so much crap…If you have a job and feel you are treated well, then hang on to it, for it is rare indeed.

In conclusion…Most people feel they are subjugated in one way or another, they are put upon, under pressure and have to perform in every environment, this in turn creates tension, frustration and anger…This is what we are seeing every day on our roads, people who are so pressurised that they are just about ready to pop, it is unhealthy (record amount of anti-depressants prescribed right now) And it is dangerous, as more and more people are under pressure to perform because they really do feel that their job is on the line, this is called being demoralised, they do this to control us, it is dangerous, it is wrong and it needs to be stopped…But since they do this to our senior physicians, it is not going to end any time soon.

We are better than this in my opinion.

But the only way this system of control (bordering on abuse) will work is if workers, or in our case drivers co.operate and comply. :bulb:

If a driver does his job correctly legally and safely there is [zb] all that ‘‘they’’ can do.
If a schedule is set for a driver where he has to go like a [zb] idiot to complete it, drive like a [zb], work through his breaks, sit on the limiter all day, break the speed limits, and he does?
Well bigger fool him,… he will always be used and abused that way, and imo deserves it.

If you get through only part of that schedule, and can back up with your tacho why you could not complete it,…again, nothing they can do, you have the law on your side.

I aint saying take the ■■■■ and drag your feet to make a point either, I am saying do what you can do safely and legally and…[zb] em.

In this world of over zealous H&S why are these firms not clamped down on, it is compromising road and public safety, on the other hand if drivers are stupid enough to cover for these firms by bending the rules on their tacho to make it look like they are doing it legally, by having to drive in an unsafe manner, and at the same time making these arse wipes appear to be competent at their planning, what chance is there of ever sorting the problem out.
Same old same old…drivers are their own worst enemies. :bulb:

Bang on Mr Roy.

That was my job in catering, I worked for the biggest contractor, sorting out all the problem units, dealt with the lot, psychos, blatant homosexuals, thickos, the lot…

I have to ask, how exactly do you deal with “blatant homosexuals” and in what way are they considered a problem along with the “psychos and thickos”?

I’m guessing it must be a different process as to how you deal with blatant bisexuals or blatant heterosexuals?

I myself find the blatant bisexuals a real problem sector of society. I mean, you just don’t know where you stand with them do you! Blowing hot and cold, never being clear as to whether they fancy you or not, thinking they can have their cake and eat it too. Should be outlawed. Just who the hell do they think they are? Wanting the best of both worlds but putting on a public face of being normal and hiding their true intentions until they pounce.
And don’t get me started on those ■■■■ blatant heterosexuals, shoving their heterosexuality down you throats at every available opportunity (metaphorically speaking of course!!), you known I’ve even seen them walking down the street holding hands, and even being so blatant as kissing in public. Like gross man. How dare they, what about the children for gods sake…
I applaud your sorting out the problem “blatant homosexuals” and look forward with much anticipation of hearing your tales of how you deal with the problem blatant bi and hetro sectors of society.