Preventing gossip posts

I think admins decision to stop drivers discussing rumours that they have heard is very short sighted. There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours and it could also be in the interests of the employees becasue it might give them the opportunity to get out whilst the going is good.

The recent Stobart rumours have proven to be correct as per the posts on this very forum confirming the many job losses.

This kind of censorship is an abuse of power, this is supposed to be a forum where drivers can discuss the industry but if it is going to be censored in this way then please cancel my account.

You can cancel your own account, or even just stop visiting the site if you don’t like it :bulb:

Or, when you pick your dummy back up, you could word a post so that it doesn’t get closed by the moderators. In the case of rumours that you may have heard from other drivers, you could phrase your statement as a question. For example…

I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?


I read the financial reports on ABC Transport and actually have some facts to back up my accusations, that way nobody can do SFA about the post :bulb:

Let me know when you have got over yourself.

I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour ■■■■■■■? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

I think admins decision to stop drivers discussing rumours that they have heard is very short sighted. There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours and it could also be in the interests of the employees becasue it might give them the opportunity to get out whilst the going is good.

The recent Stobart rumours have proven to be correct as per the posts on this very forum confirming the many job losses.

This kind of censorship is an abuse of power, this is supposed to be a forum where drivers can discuss the industry but if it is going to be censored in this way then please cancel my account.

There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours

Of course there is… defamation, libel etc?
If you cause financial damage to a company by telling lies… you will be sued (or rather the owners of the forum will be)

The rumours could also cause a driver to spew a job which is perfectly safe. Keep the rumours in the drivers room at the RDC’s


I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour [zb]? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

Your reply to a valid suggestion is rude, personal and pathetic!


I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour [zb]? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

Would get my vote to be the next moderator,might have some influence re getting me off permanent pre-mod atlast,hah bloody hah.
No I don’t have a life at the moment,minus god knows outside,loads of snow ,but the bloody sled won’t start :imp:


I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour [zb]? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

Well seeing as though I mentioned the bit in red, I reckon you could be onto something there :unamused: yes of course it’s a rumour, but it’s the context in which it’s mentioned that would stop it being deleted by the mods :open_mouth: :bulb:

Don’t make me laugh, me a moderator :question: This site would be empty within a week :laughing: :laughing:

You mention rudeness, yet you call me a ■■■■■ is that the one that rhymes with hunt by any chance :question: That’s not very nice is it? even though there may be an element of truth to it, you are very likely to get put on the naughty step for it, the rules are, attack the post, not the poster :unamused:

Against my better judgement I did actually give you some constructive advice, but you act like a petulant child about it, in hindsight I should’ve told you to act like a man and grow a pair :unamused:

My username is my choice, if you don’t like it use the ignore feature and then you won’t have to see it ever again :bulb:

These forums are in place to allow drivers (mainly) to air their opinions. Unfortunately to many of you take something you dont agree with personally and start insulting each other.
I personally dont agree with" [zb]," I like to call a spade a spade and most “SWEAR WORDS” are now in the english dictionary,
One argument is that children may be reading these forums, Children these days probably “swear” worse than any driver. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It’s not so much the children that read the forums that are the problem, it’s more the grown ups that act like children :laughing: :laughing:

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of slagging off either, within reason of course, it’s like real life, some people you can have a discussion with, some you can’t and it has to be an argument.

Anybody who gets offended by a few words on a screen needs to get themselves one of these ‘life’ things I keep hearing about :laughing: :laughing:

There’s much worse things a child could see on this big thing we call the internet than a few truckers swearing at each other.

I once saw a lady being penetrated by a horse.

It might have been my own fault though as I did specifically search for “lady being penetrated by horse”.


I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour [zb]? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

Anyone who buys Truck-bling needs a life too…

There’s much worse things a child could see on this big thing we call the internet than a few truckers swearing at each other.

I once saw a lady being penetrated by a horse.

It might have been my own fault though as I did specifically search for “lady being penetrated by horse”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I suspect that some will frown upon your posts, but I look to see who’s posted last on a thread, if your name appears, it’s the first place I look, this site is about entertainment as much as anything else and you certainly provide that :wink:

I think admins decision to stop drivers discussing rumours that they have heard is very short sighted. There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours and it could also be in the interests of the employees becasue it might give them the opportunity to get out whilst the going is good.

The recent Stobart rumours have proven to be correct as per the posts on this very forum confirming the many job losses.

This kind of censorship is an abuse of power, this is supposed to be a forum where drivers can discuss the industry but if it is going to be censored in this way then please cancel my account.

I agree 100%…BUT if you were to put something like…AB SMITH Of Anywhere town is going bust they wouldn’t give a hoot,the reason is cos they are scared of ES and the alikes ! :laughing:
So ES has gone bust ?..Thank god !!


I heard today that ABC Transport are having financial problems/laying off drivers/lost a contract/selling out to XYZ Transport/blah blah blah, is there any truth to the rumour?

Would this still not be a rumour [zb]? Stop trying to make yourself important and further up the line to be the next moderator because you are not capable and rude to add.
Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

and what about members who name themselves after things they bolt onto the aforementioned trucks? :unamused:

Besides, anybody who names themself after a truck really needs to get a life, especially as far as Mercs are concerned.

Hawl ya fanny :laughing:

and what about members who name themselves after things they bolt onto the aforementioned trucks? :unamused:

I think that ‘member’ just about sums it up :laughing: :wink:


I think admins decision to stop drivers discussing rumours that they have heard is very short sighted. There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours and it could also be in the interests of the employees becasue it might give them the opportunity to get out whilst the going is good.

The recent Stobart rumours have proven to be correct as per the posts on this very forum confirming the many job losses.

This kind of censorship is an abuse of power, this is supposed to be a forum where drivers can discuss the industry but if it is going to be censored in this way then please cancel my account.

I agree 100%…BUT if you were to put something like…AB SMITH Of Anywhere town is going bust they wouldn’t give a hoot,the reason is cos they are scared of ES and the alikes ! :laughing:
So ES has gone bust ?..Thank god !!

If you say AB Smith has gone bust with some proof, the post will stay, but if you heard in Tossco that AB Smith had gone bust, then you need to be careful about mentioning it.

I did hear that AB Smiths missus goes dogging though and likes ■■■■


and what about members who name themselves after things they bolt onto the aforementioned trucks? :unamused:

I think that ‘member’ just about sums it up :laughing: :wink:

You wouldnt be going anywhere without me!!!

Wheel Nut:


and what about members who name themselves after things they bolt onto the aforementioned trucks? :unamused:

I think that ‘member’ just about sums it up :laughing: :wink:

You wouldnt be going anywhere without me!!!

Where’s the like button??