Preventing gossip posts

trouble id gossip can put frightners on people on in turn can put good honest decent firms into trouble out of no were
as for the stobart thread i posted a thread on the job cuts and as i work for em i know there is truth in the thread as i have heard it first hand

cliffton 27:
trouble id gossip can put frightners on people on in turn can put good honest decent firms into trouble out of no were
as for the stobart thread i posted a thread on the job cuts and as i work for em i know there is truth in the thread as i have heard it first hand

I know it is true too as I have a couple of good mates at Goole, one got his marching orders after 4 years, the other is staying on as he only does days

I think admins decision to stop drivers discussing rumours that they have heard is very short sighted. There is nothing illegal in discussing alleged rumours and it could also be in the interests of the employees becasue it might give them the opportunity to get out whilst the going is good.


It might give people the chance to get out while the going is good, but let’s look at an imaginary scenario… employees got out, lost their statutory protection from unfair dismissal etc, became a newbie at another firm which might not be as good as their previous employer, lost seniority, lost money during their change of employer… the list of disadvantages to the employees goes on.

Now what would you say to those who did exactly as you suggest and for the reason you gave, but later found out that the whole thing was a rumour based on nothing at all?

Next, please consider the possible knock-on effects of allowing rumours once a few people read them…
Let’s suppose that somebody reads a baseless rumour on here and tells a colleague at work.
I’d be willing to bet that the person telling the story probably wouldn’t preface his tale by saying this might be a rumour, but…
Oh no, it would probably be something like XYZ haulage are in trouble (maybe he’d add “cos I read it on TN,” but maybe not.)
The next thing could then be that a customer AND/OR a supplier gets wind of it and cancels their contract with XYZ haulage and the whole thing quickly becomes a reality when XYZ haulage experience genuine difficulties. What would you then say to the employees?

IMHO, your post has some validity, but can you see that it doesn’t seem to consider the bigger picture?

The recent Stobart rumours have proven to be correct as per the posts on this very forum confirming the many job losses.

Whilst this has turned out to be mostly true, how could anybody know in advance whether something is true unless there is a forum rule requiring a link to something that’s credible?

This kind of censorship is an abuse of power, this is supposed to be a forum where drivers can discuss the industry but if it is going to be censored in this way then please cancel my account.

Have I read your post correctly in that you seem to be saying that it’s an abuse of power to use “this kind of censorship” since you’ve read the forum rules and electronically agreed to them, then chose to make such a sweeping statement in the first sentence of your post afterwards?

This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

I know the animals were TremBLING

And an anagram of Truckbling comes out as CuK Blurting

Wheel Nut:

This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

I know the animals were TremBLING

And an anagram of Truckbling comes out as CuK Blurting

Or Clukr Buting, which I feel goes some way to confirming the rumours regarding chickens?

This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Obviously another member trying to fit in.

For your records, I never started any rumours on this forum, I merely stated that I thought it was wrong to censor such posts. If the post says that it is a rumour then it is not making factual statements is it.
If a member were to post that Vosa will be changing the driver hours rules I bet that thread would not be locked would it.

As for my username…think about it.


This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Obviously another member trying to fit in.

For your records, I never started any rumours on this forum, I merely stated that I thought it was wrong to censor such posts. If the post says that it is a rumour then it is not making factual statements is it.
If a member were to post that Vosa will be changing the driver hours rules I bet that thread would not be locked would it.

As for my username…think about it.

That sort of rumour about VOSA would not be commercially damaging, a rumour about a company going bust could be,

big difference.


This morning, while waiting to tip in an RDC, I heard a rumour that a bloke on TruckNet who goes by the name of Truckbling, among others, likes to fornicate with farmyard animals and doesn’t care if it’s feathers, wool, or hair involved. Anyone else heard anything about this?

Obviously another member trying to fit in.

For your records, I never started any rumours on this forum, I merely stated that I thought it was wrong to censor such posts. If the post says that it is a rumour then it is not making factual statements is it.
If a member were to post that Vosa will be changing the driver hours rules I bet that thread would not be locked would it.

As for my username…think about it.

And one other thing, VOSA do not make up drivers hours rules. They are laws and legislation that has to be agreed between the affected parties, in the case of eU rules, between 27 countries.

VOSA only uphold the law, they do not make it!

Wheel Nut:
And one other thing, VOSA do not make up drivers hours rules. They are laws and legislation that has to be agreed between the affected parties, in the case of eU rules, between 27 countries.

VOSA only uphold the law, they do not make it!



Wheel Nut:
And one other thing, VOSA do not make up drivers hours rules. They are laws and legislation that has to be agreed between the affected parties, in the case of eU rules, between 27 countries.

VOSA only uphold the law, they do not make it!


Hardly pedantic, you tried to make a point and it failed. You do not get infringements from VOSA for things that not written in law, but do a search on here for infringements and wonder how any trucks are still left on the road


There’s much worse things a child could see on this big thing we call the internet than a few truckers swearing at each other.

I once saw a lady being penetrated by a horse.

It might have been my own fault though as I did specifically search for “lady being penetrated by horse”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I suspect that some will frown upon your posts, but I look to see who’s posted last on a thread, if your name appears, it’s the first place I look, this site is about entertainment as much as anything else and you certainly provide that :wink:

Same here. Most entertaining poster in a long time



There’s much worse things a child could see on this big thing we call the internet than a few truckers swearing at each other.

I once saw a lady being penetrated by a horse.

It might have been my own fault though as I did specifically search for “lady being penetrated by horse”.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I suspect that some will frown upon your posts, but I look to see who’s posted last on a thread, if your name appears, it’s the first place I look, this site is about entertainment as much as anything else and you certainly provide that :wink:

Same here. Most entertaining poster in a long time


Does anyone have any details about ABC haulage, or Smiths, with regard to wages etc :laughing: :laughing:

Does anyone have any details about ABC haulage, or Smiths, with regard to wages etc :laughing: :laughing:

or any info on Smith’s wife :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

or any info on Smith’s wife :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But only if she’s fit :laughing: :laughing:

Sir +:

or any info on Smith’s wife :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But only if she’s fit :laughing: :laughing:

Does it matter, you are not looking at her face :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: