Pre mod

How long does pre mod last?
How often is it reviewed?

How long does pre mod last?
How often is it reviewed?


As you might know, pre-mod is a sanction applied by the Mod/Admin team.
As such, and according to forum rules, pre-mod doesn’t get discussed publicly since it’s a private matter between the Mod/Admin team and the particular person concerned.

Speaking very generally… pre-mod is handled on a case-by-case basis and the various outcomes usually depend on a poster’s posting behaviour/style.

As such, and according to forum rules, pre-mod doesn’t get discussed publicly since it’s a private matter between the Mod/Admin team and the particular person concerned.

Ah, the first rule of pre-mod club


How long does pre mod last?
How often is it reviewed?


As you might know, pre-mod is a sanction applied by the Mod/Admin team.
As such, and according to forum rules, pre-mod doesn’t get discussed publicly since it’s a private matter between the Mod/Admin team and the particular person concerned.

Speaking very generally… pre-mod is handled on a case-by-case basis and the various outcomes usually depend on a poster’s posting behaviour/style.

That dosn’t exactly explain if i’m off the hook yet? :laughing:

What does pre-mod do ? Stop certain uses of the site ?

I think every post has to be checked and approved by a moderator before it can be added to a thread. I think they still have full use of the site, just the inability to post crap.

What does pre-mod do ? Stop certain uses of the site ?

Hi Smoggie89,

Pre-mod normally just means that a poster’s posts need to be seen by a Moderator before they can be seen publicly, but other forum ‘permissions’ can be altered if need be.

Such posts are held in a queue until a Moderator decides whether they get approved/edited/disapproved.
Once approved, the post will then appear in the correct place in the correct topic.
If disapproved, the post disappears into cyberspace and is never seen again.

I think every post has to be checked and approved by a moderator before it can be added to a thread. I think they still have full use of the site, just the inability to post crap.

Exactly this^^

Ah right, I think I’ve had it before lol not sure why



How long does pre mod last?
How often is it reviewed?


As you might know, pre-mod is a sanction applied by the Mod/Admin team.
As such, and according to forum rules, pre-mod doesn’t get discussed publicly since it’s a private matter between the Mod/Admin team and the particular person concerned.

Speaking very generally… pre-mod is handled on a case-by-case basis and the various outcomes usually depend on a poster’s posting behaviour/style.

That dosn’t exactly explain if i’m off the hook yet? :laughing:

That’s right Phil, it wasn’t intended to because it doesn’t get discussed publicly.

if you make a post on pre-mod, does it show up immediately on your screen, but not on the main forum for others to view?


Limeyphil is on pre-mod, he makes a post, can he see the post immediately in the place and time where it was posted

or, does it work in such a way as he can’t see the pst until it has been approved?

just asking :smiley:

No…As you submit the post. A message comes up saying the post needs to be viewed by a moderator 1st. HTH

The awkward thing is the PM system when on premod because it allows the member to receive PMs but not send them so it could appear rude to those sending PMs to a member on premod - unless that has been changed in the last 12 months ?

so we can slag phil off for a bit and he cant back chat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: just tuggin ur chain Phil always normally find ur comments and banter amusing :wink:

if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

so we can slag phil off for a bit and he cant back chat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That about the size of it Nick. :wink: :laughing:


if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

was just curious, after a conversation with one of the mods/admin on fb last night :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

was just curious, after a conversation with one of the mods/admin on fb last night :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No Rob, you’re not on premod …yet :grimacing:

Denis F:



if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

was just curious, after a conversation with one of the mods/admin on fb last night :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No Rob, you’re not on premod …yet :grimacing:

Christ he’d snap his elastic if he was :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Denis F:



if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

was just curious, after a conversation with one of the mods/admin on fb last night :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No Rob, you’re not on premod …yet :grimacing:

don’t know what you mean Denis :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

see Ade, 1 ‘n’ :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: