Pre mod

I’m on pre-mod and it’s not a problem, apart from as ROG says, it can appear rude when people ask me a question (normally about operating a truck) and I can’t answer it. But at the end of the day, it’s not my loss.

It would probably be better if there were more moderators, the few who do have to deal with pre-modded posts (Denis and Mike-C) are no doubt fed up with the burden being placed on them, several moderators have not logged on for months (Repton 5 months, Coffeeholic 7 months, Mrs Mix 15 months), Rikki seems to have lost all interest in running TruckNet, but if he ever does log in and read this then my honest suggestion to him would be to recruit a few more moderators and to take a bit more personal interest in his website.

Repton 5 months, Coffeeholic 7 months, Mrs Mix 15 months

All of which have logged into the site in the last 7 days two of them in the last 24 hours, but you are right I don’t spend enough time on here as I used too, not due to lack of interest, Just my job extends beyond TruckNet- I actualy spend more time on here out of working hours because I want too, than I do as part of my job.


Denis F:



if you make a post on pre-mod, …

Bigvern and ROG have it correct.

was just curious, after a conversation with one of the mods/admin on fb last night :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No Rob, you’re not on premod …yet :grimacing:

don’t know what you mean Denis :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

see Ade, 1 ‘n’ :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shmart arse

Oh and to clarify this, the mods and even myself have some members on here as facebook friends, this confers no special status to those people , nor do they have a “direct line” to the forum hierarchy- other folks have my personal e-mail address and some my phone number- none of which means on this forum they will be treated different than any one else. disregard this forums guidelines then no matter who you think you can call favours off you will be treated like every other member- those I have on Faceache are more than aware that it is my personal page and nothing to do with TruckNet or any other aspect of my job

Oh and to clarify this, the mods and even myself have some members on here as facebook friends, this confers no special status to those people , nor do they have a “direct line” to the forum hierarchy- other folks have my personal e-mail address and some my phone number- none of which means on this forum they will be treated different than any one else. disregard this forums guidelines then no matter who you think you can call favours off you will be treated like every other member- those I have on Faceache are more than aware that it is my personal page and nothing to do with TruckNet or any other aspect of my job

see, now, that’s actually a better rant than your ‘Wednesday Rant’ on faceache :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pre-Mod is for Admins who don’t know how to run a forum. HTH … :smiley: :unamused:

Pre-Mod is for Admins who don’t know how to run a forum. HTH … :smiley: :unamused:

Pre-Mod is for members who don’t abide by whatever rules a forum has and is usually applied on TN after a member has had some pointers/guidance/warning etc as required by said rules.

Harry Monk:
I’m on pre-mod and it’s not a problem

Why are you on pre-mod then Harry? You dont seem to be the typewho spouts ■■■■■■ Or have you been a bad boy :grimacing:

I’ve been threatened with Pre Mod for calling a spade a spade ( well a prick a prick actually). It was enough to make me wind my neck in slightly. Apparently that was enough.

Surely there’s no one on yer more stupid than me so if I can take a hint why can’t the rest

Pre-Mod is for Admins who don’t know how to run a forum. HTH … :smiley: :unamused:

That might be the case with your penturners forum, but it won’t cut the mustard with lard arse big mouth truckers !!! :smiley:
I like the way this seems to be your favourite section of the forum too. Looking for tips ? See what i did there ?!! :laughing:

Pre Mod sounds to Modern/21st Century.

Why don’t you call it ‘The Naughty Step’. :laughing:

We’re all treated like little children at 90% of the companies we visit these days with all their Health & Safety Guidelines & Namby Pamby B/S.

So why be any different on here ? :unamused:


Pre-Mod is for Admins who don’t know how to run a forum. HTH … :smiley: :unamused:

That might be the case with your penturners forum, but it won’t cut the mustard with lard arse big mouth truckers !!! :smiley:
I like the way this seems to be your favourite section of the forum too. Looking for tips ? See what i did there ?!! :laughing:

What is wrong with having a section of a forum that you wish to visit the most? Well i will help you with your answer Mike … With it sat at the bowel end of the forum it is where the best babber is posted or moved to of course, which makes for much better reading … :wink: