Poplar services warning

Taken from warrington police twitter this morning:

@WarrSouthNPU: HGV drivers please be vigilant at Poplars 2000 service station, Suspects were disturbed at 0230am this morning trying to break into HGVs

Whenever I’m there at night you always see some strange folk or confused motorists driving around. Pretty sure there’s a security guard though who does regular patrols?

Only thing i like about lym is the truck goodies shop i can spend ages looking at tat for the truck

Always cars prowling about in there during the night only use the place if i really need too food crap as well!

That will be the local manchester mafia then. :laughing:

Couldnt see for the blacked out windows :smiley:

Just park a police car in the parking area.Does not need anyone sat in it.Garage staff or security drive around and move it to different areas.
May deter the scum bags.Why no big dogs on patrol?

We were told a while ago by the office not to park there. Sums up the state of truck parking in this country, pay through the nose and get less than nothing in return. And people wonder why I prefer laybys and industrial estates

It is £16 to park there i hate giving them that even if i do get it back you get no voucher or shower token

I was in there on Tuesday twice. Both times it was full of scumbags in cars, I have never stayed there and never will.

Got worse there since they took the barriers down.
Potential there to be a great place but it’s just a let down…funny goings on in the mens toilets too I’m led to believe :smiley:

Are there giant Woody Woodpeckers in the loos at Lymm.? As the cubicles have round holes in the sides?

We were told a while ago by the office not to park there. Sums up the state of truck parking in this country, pay through the nose and get less than nothing in return. And people wonder why I prefer laybys and industrial estates

I don’t wonder I do the same much safer

I only park there out of desperation I prefer heyward if I am up that way I would not give the food they cook there to my dog had my curtains cut there even with the back doors open the place is a disgrace as said before you have less chance getting your curtains cut on an ind est and even if you do it costs nothing

Only thing i like about lym is the truck goodies shop i can spend ages looking at tat for the truck

The prices they sell some of the crap in there for is criminal in itself. Can’t comment on the glory holes as I’ve never dumped at Lymm, but have noticed “men” hanging around the bog areas. The police had a couple of patrol cars in Lymm last Tuesday morning. Parked in the coach bays too.

yorkshire terrier:
funny goings on in the mens toilets too I’m led to believe :smiley:

What like! Truck drivers actually using them?

Carnforth isn’t much better. These are supposedly secure but there are always weirdos in cars driving around the truck park. Some taking pictures of trucks :confused:

a security guard does not make a site secure since the have no power to even detain someone committing a criminal act so what purpose do they realistically serve?

If they actually prosecuted (public indecency or something) and fined drivers that urinate/deficate in the public parking areas with humungus fines and put it in the papers and put their pictures up in the said service area then it may stop this disgusting habit!

Sick of being parked up and seeing trucks arrive, driver and todger out, pee, back in and drive off and he’s only 50 ft from the toilet ffs! Stinks in this weather too.

If they actually prosecuted (public indecency or something) and fined drivers that urinate/deficate in the public parking areas with humungus fines and put it in the papers and put their pictures up in the said service area then it may stop this disgusting habit!

Sick of being parked up and seeing trucks arrive, driver and todger out, pee, back in and drive off and he’s only 50 ft from the toilet ffs! Stinks in this weather too.

Yes I agree…the other day at Woolley edge saw a geezer get out and just ■■■■ at side of truck…but then waddles off to the services and comes back with a bag of Burger King,so he was going to the main building anyway :confused: .
Act like animals get treated like animals I’m afraid

When Poplars first opened it was reckoned to be one of the best truckstops in the country- decent food, clean facilities, friendly staff, etc. Seems the place has gone downhill with each successive change of ownership.