Poplar services warning

Retired Old ■■■■:
When Poplars first opened it was reckoned to be one of the best truckstops in the country- decent food, clean facilities, friendly staff, etc. Seems the place has gone downhill with each successive change of ownership.

Hiya Pochin construction was behind the poplar services, Mr pochin wanted to built a truckstop at jucntion18 on the right hand side going towards Middlewich, after he got turned down he did the poplar services, unfortunately not long after pops opened mr Pochin died. it was his big idea to have a great truck stop and run properly, shame he never got his time to see the job done. Pops is now Granada i think… some outfit who,s not bothered anyway.

I’ve heard drivers say how great this place is. How can it be? Stinks of ■■■■, queerdos in the toilets, overpriced tat shop and a hit and miss pay at pump system for Keyfuels.

Us oldies remember the original pops cafe not bad meals and park up on a dodgy come back next day motor intact ,sign of the times I am afraid those that trucked before 1990 had the best of the job not worth a light now thank god I have retired

Pops is now Granada i think… some outfit who,s not bothered anyway.

It’s Moto :wink:

Have a root here for that and other stuff


yorkshire terrier:

If they actually prosecuted (public indecency or something) and fined drivers that urinate/deficate in the public parking areas with humungus fines and put it in the papers and put their pictures up in the said service area then it may stop this disgusting habit!

Sick of being parked up and seeing trucks arrive, driver and todger out, pee, back in and drive off and he’s only 50 ft from the toilet ffs! Stinks in this weather too.

Yes I agree…the other day at Woolley edge saw a geezer get out and just ■■■■ at side of truck…but then waddles off to the services and comes back with a bag of Burger King,so he was going to the main building anyway :confused: .
Act like animals get treated like animals I’m afraid

Perhaps he just couldn’t make it to the building he may have had prostrate trouble.

Us oldies remember the original pops cafe not bad meals and park up on a dodgy come back next day motor intact ,sign of the times I am afraid those that trucked before 1990 had the best of the job not worth a light now thank god I have retired

Oh god am I classed as old .


yorkshire terrier:

If they actually prosecuted (public indecency or something) and fined drivers that urinate/deficate in the public parking areas with humungus fines and put it in the papers and put their pictures up in the said service area then it may stop this disgusting habit!

Sick of being parked up and seeing trucks arrive, driver and todger out, pee, back in and drive off and he’s only 50 ft from the toilet ffs! Stinks in this weather too.

Yes I agree…the other day at Woolley edge saw a geezer get out and just ■■■■ at side of truck…but then waddles off to the services and comes back with a bag of Burger King,so he was going to the main building anyway :confused: .
Act like animals get treated like animals I’m afraid

Perhaps he just couldn’t make it to the building he may have had prostrate trouble.

One of the least original excuses.

I went past last night and I saw 3 cop car’s patrolling the truck park (Or going in to McD’s the long way for a coffee) :smiley: