Political discussions...

Are you just trying to win this argument by wearing me down and sickening me?
We all know you simply HAVE to win an argument, even if your points are plain ridiculous.

Open your effin eyes for a change man!..stop saying what you are told to think!
Different methods of dealing with different types of people, ethnicity, class, religion all in that mix.

Abdul and Mohammed still free after a disgraceful and frenzied attack on British Police doing their job…(incidentally those 2 morons should be thanking those police for saving their miserable lives.)
The white working class guys ‘Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect £200’’ …job done.
Karen and Tracey on FB?..see above.

How much proof and evidence do you need exactly on this stuff ffs?

latest comment re the winter fuel payment by someone i know that is an oap themselves got cancer etc etc well he has to make cuts somewhere to provide for the poorer people in the country. then went onto class herself as a poorer person. This is the mentality of the starmer supporters.

I think I see a good way to economise on the UK Judicial system.
Close the courts. Sack all the Judges and Lawyers.

Just get RobRoy to watch a YouTube video and we will know all the ins’n’outs of any case.
Judge Dread without the sympathetic, humanist, approach.

Well one thing is for sure if people like you with your blinkered left wing views with no sense of reality and who are totally out of touch with what people think were in charge, we would all be totally ■■■■ ed.
Oh hang on a minute.:thinking:

And speaking of you tube videos…
I’m feeling the need to re.post this…

Just had a lightbulb moment.:thinking:

Similar age group.

Raving socialist

Labour supporter,…(ex advisor in fact.)

Totally deluded.

Full of left wing bull crap.

Out of touch with reality.

Sees nothing wrong with things that most right minded do see as wrong.

Mad cap ideas.


Talks like some kind of brainwashed robot about present Labour policies.


@Franglais …is this actually YOU? :flushed:


Doesn’t quite work that way though does it? Achmed living in a tent on the border isn’t gonna give up his dream of working in a hand car wash with his brother in Lewisham just because his tent now has a porch is he? He’s coming because people who think like you are going to accommodate him. He’ll then try his damdest to recreate his camp in leafy Surrey.

Let’s give you some stats to furiously fact check shall we?

China currently holds 15% of the UK debt which equates to £267 billion. In 2019 we gave China £48 million in foreign aid. Although to our eternal credit we reduced that to a measly £8.2 million in 2023.

Between 2016 and 2020 we gave £1.9 billion in aid to India.

I argue that any country with a space programme does not need a helping hand from us.

Comrade Starmers winter fuel allowance cut will save the treasury a massive £1.4, however our foreign aid budget this year will be £6.9 billion, which will rise to £8.3 billion next year.

Gives ya a warm fuzzy feeling doesn’t it?

Good point. I’d make the same point.
But not all aid is cash>
Re aid for China: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9762/
Again a strange situation.
Aid is not cash given to another country’s Government.
Sometimes it is help given in kind, or as expertise to others in a foreign country.
It could be the UK Gov, paying UK companies to advise farmers in China. Some might call it a way of subsidising UK companies, under the radar.
It can also be almost out of date stuff that we no longer need, but “charge ourselves” full price for.

Lots of Overseas Aid stays in the UK, £4.3bn was used to support refugees in 2023.
Lots of hotel owners are doubtless made up with having a steady income stream from some of their older buildings.

Admittedly the Telegraph is what I would describe as a right of centre newspaper but nevertheless if this is true it is a bit disturbing :frowning:

The Climate scam is all about fossil fuels for China while we freeze or turn the country into a solar panel covered irradiated wasteland at 30p + per kWh for the privilege.No doubt much of that debt figure was paid down with UK gas and oil exports.
Effectively our government has turned China into a superpower and installed a neo Communist puppet regime at home all as part of possible Cold War surrender terms.

Raving Socialist Rob.Nuf said.As for age anyone with any sense grew out of listening to and believing in its deluded toxic excrement before the age of 20.
I consider myself as left and ideologically anti Socialist pro Nationalist.
Socialism has no right to any monopoly of the left, if any right to the title at all.

Disturbing? …definitely.
Surprising?..not one bit.
Fact is this government can not be trusted…more so than the last Tory govt imo

There is some sort of hidden agenda going on here, for letting every Tom ■■■■ and Ahmed into this country, some sort of ‘population replacement’ if you will, for whatever reason…sounds drastic, and it is.

Just listen to that stereotype lefty, an absolute deluded baloon (no, not Franglais😂) on my last vid, …’
The white working class is the problem’ according to him,.WE should integrate apparentlly :joy:, yeah !,
And this is the quality of the types running (or ruining) our country.

They have done absolutely nothing since getting in, zilch, to improve the situation, to prevent more of these people coming over ILLEGALLY.
Not even to at least reduce the clear incentive for them doing so,… and if anybody dares to show dissaproval, or dissatisfaction towards it, the usual pathetic badly thought out lefty label of ‘racist’ is chucked at you to stifle the argument…or Starmers go to old chestnut of ‘Far right’.
They think it gives them some sort of licence to ignore the people, just by casually ‘writing them off’.

All this is going to seriously bite them/us on the arse, either by a strong increase in crime which is happening now in fact, speaking from a local pov, or worse some (singular or plural) big terrorist atrocity…
There have been many potential ones stopped already by the work of our security forces, but you would think it is only a matter of time until one is missed by them, some single religious nut case wanting to make a name for himself.
I for one sincerely hope not, as the last trend seemed to be towards kids.

WHEN it does you can imagine the fallout in the country by those that have been ignoted…as has been demonstrated just recently.

I’m gonna make a prediction that I hope and pray never comes true; one of the most effective Jihadi outrages (leaving aside 9/11) of recent years was the Beslan school massacre. Watch this space for that to be visited on our shores.

Unfortunately, The Telegraph is behind a pay-wall.

About the Telegraph as it is today compared to how it was, you might be interested in this piece from someone who resigned from there. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemhttps://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-telegraph/ocracyuk/why-i-have-resigned-from-telegraph/
And here it is in Media Bias Daily Telegraph (UK) - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check

However, (without reading the article)
Information should be freely available. Tell us everything, except maybe when security is compromised.
Costs and benefits of immigration are widely discussed and figures and analyses are available from many sources, some biased, some not.

Sometimes “information” is opinion and conjecture rather than hard data.
Sometimes it is not given because it is not looked for.

In the past govs have asked for cost/benefit analysis of proposed actions.
That did not happen with the biggest financial change of the past decades: Brexit. No gov costings for the deal we got.
Look at how Russia played a part too. You can although the gov didn’t. Did Russia Influence Brexit? | Brexit Bits, Bobs, and Blogs | CSIS

If Labour are hiding anything, I would be very disappointed. I do wonder what they have found out and hidden, in the past few weeks that wasn’t available to the Sunak gov? If that is the allegation?

With migration the costs (and benefits) are very complicated but there are many ways to try to understand what is going on.

One left wing nutter is not representative of the Labour party, and not of the left wing in general.
Extreme idiots are not

Cherry picking far out cases from the left, is equal to pointing to far right nutters, and saying every Tory is a fascist. Nonsense.

You can guess what is coming up, can’t you?
Carlisle violent crime statistics in maps and graphs. September 2024.

The name’s pro…truckpro.

So franglais, you state the following figures “seem like fair figures”…
UK Muslim population equates to 6%, (supposedly) of the UK’s total population.
UK Muslim prison population equates to 18%, (supposedly) of the UK’s total prison population.

Even taking white Muslims off the above figures they still equate to just shy of 14.5% non white Muslims incarcerated out of the total UK prison population.

Define fair?

As accurate as can be expected.

And we have already looked at why there is such a proportionately high figure of Muslims in prison, although it is not such a high number being convicted. It is due to conversion whilst in prison.


So just a quick comparison.

UK white population nearly 82%, (supposedly).
UK white percentage of prison population just under 72%, (supposedly).

As of July 2024 approx UK prison population 97000, (supposedly). Those identifying as Christians around 40000, (supposedly).

You really ARE naive and gullible aren’t you.
Do you think the headlines in the Press are going to be…
Lock up your daughters and young children, ra pe attempted ra pe and attempted abductions havr increased x% since the influx of illegal young men in our cities.
Oh no Franglais says that is nonsence because he has dug up some official survey.
I’ll tell my 14yr old grand daughter and her friend who have been harrased a number of times that she is talking ‘nonsence’ , and that everything is good according to Franglais.
Are you sure you aint the clown in the vid?
Grow up man.:roll_eyes:

Well obviously GBN, and Talk Radio, are government mouthpieces aren’t they?
The Telegraph, Mail, Express are migrant apologists.
Farage, Tice, and Anderson are well known for being stooges for Starmer and Sunak.

I have said no such thing.

I have said no such thing.