Political discussions...

Nice cop out from a guy who …yep you are right, who spent too much time on here constantly criticising the performance of the Tories, but has little to no criticism of the party he voted for…and
I’M inconsistent?

You do not know who I voted for.
Doesn’t stop you imagining you do, but hey ho, nowt new there.

Thank you.

I seem to remember you asking me repeatedly to make promises or predictions about how sunny things were going to be if Labour won. I didn’t.
I did say that I believed things would be better under Labour than under the Tories. And so far, I see no reason to say otherwise.
Certainly not perfect, and I think taking the winter fuel allowance from so many pensioners is a mistake, but in the grand scheme of things, and since in the real world things are gonna get worse before they get better, not a disaster.

Thing is though if it had been the Tories doing all the things I listed, you would have been chomping at the bit to show your disapproval, on it like a stray mongrel on a French Poodle,.and getting endless milage out of it for weeks…boring the arses off everyone,.as you do about Brexit.

It does not take a clairvoyant to tell who you voted for, you are like some kind of unofficial spokesman, apologist, and spin doctor for them,.when they are clearly about as popular as haemmeroids, as I have said before.

I voted Tory the last time, but at least I had the grace and courage of my convictions and criticised much of what they did (and didn’t) do.

As for your last paragraph same old official line narrative but put in a different way, what we all constantly expect from you… so nothing new there.:roll_eyes:

I think it might have been Stalin who called his own Bolshevik followers useful idiots.

Franglais is clearly a Socialist.An ideology which created the Soviet Union and ■■■■ Germany.Which then subjugated East Germany and Eastern Europe after WW2 and which we fought a Cold War against.
An ideology which created the despotic Yugoslav failed state.
While we, including King and forces, allowed it to flourish within.
Franglais is clearly onside with any Socialist driven wealth redistribution ( theft ) agenda and the idea of the gulag for political opponents, as part of that.

Go on…
Say it…go on
Tell us again…go on

Hitler was really a communist.

Hitler was a Socialist just like Stalin and all the other tin pot Socialist despots from Mao to Honiker to Tito and Starmer.

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The press will be all over this robbing the pensioners thing like a rash all through the winter.
If they get the slightest sniff that an old person has been admitted to hospital, or worse died, because they could not afford to heat their home, it could be the rock that Starmer perishes on…and rightly so.
And they sure as hell will be informed by the old person’s families.

Meanwhile the perpetrators of this outrage towards our old people are still claiming off the taxpayer for energy bills on their first and SECOND homes, and at the same time the bogus asylum seekers will be all snug in their hotel rooms over the winter.
Vote Labour eh :joy:

I discussed this with my 86 year old Auntie.
Her and my late Uncle worked all their lives without a day lost, they have both been Labour voters all their lives, and my Auntie continued voting Labour the last election in good faith.
I asked her how she felt about getting money she needs taken off her by her Labour govt that she voted for…
Her answer?..

One word…

Says it all don’t it.


Here’s Herbert again off you tube.

He’s posted an incident (from a disreputable far right racist fake news source no doubt) whereby a woman is spat on by a migrant, …presumably one of the illegal variety who wander our streets.

So she describes him as a migrant, ok a fair assumption, but she precedes it with the adjective ‘filthy’.

So he has spat on her, so I would say the word ‘filthy’ is a fair description,.and a bit more polite than I would describe him if he spat on me or mine.
So by the same token randomly if a passing say… plumber had spat on her for some bizzare reason she would be entitled to call him a ‘filthy plumber’…with me so far?
Did the police pursue this quote : ‘‘filthy migrant’’, no…they concentrated on the woman’s terminology.
Maybe the woman had an agenda, or even instigated it, but we will never know.
All part of the ‘walking on eggshells’ policy in 2 tier policing when the accused’s ethnicity and/or religion is brought up…

Incidentally in a similar vein what is the update on the Manchester Airport thugs?
Fast tracked to jail yet by Starmer’s hard line no nonsence justice:?
Nah thought not.

(Just noticed the pic on the clip…wtf is that all about? :joy:)

The cover picture is obviously clickbait.

Is the cover picture nothing to do with the content then? So is the maker one of the sources that you look at sceptically?

Why haven’t they gone in front of a judge yet? Good question.
Why does justice habitually take so long?
Some of it is due to complexity in some cases, and some of it is due to poor resources.
But hey! Jenrick has a simple solution!

Wow thanks for pointing out the meaning of the picture…I really had not sussed that fact out.
You just keep on keeping me right mate …cheers.


As for your second post…ok you’ve give us the official line as usual, thank you.
I’ll view your vid when I have time.
I can not for the life of me guess the nature and theme of the content.

Just had a listen…:roll_eyes:

Oh sweet Jesus just more Tory bashing.

Do you lot not realise…we all get it!
The Tories were crap, but it is YOUR lot in power NOW to sort out the mess the country is in, irrespective of who did or did not cause it…
Play another record ffs, and concentrate on the job in hand, because so far there is zero improvement in performance in comparison to the Tories.
As for your interpretation of the 2 airport thugs.
No it aint, it’s because they belong to a certain demographic and racial/religious profile, which would upset the apple cart if they jailed them
In my view it’s a pity those coppers did not do their job and shoot them dead as they went for the coppers gun, as an act of potential terrorism…that is their job!.

If it had been done in a US main airport, they would have been in body bags within minutes.

Also if it had been Wayne and Gary they
would have been put in jail faster than you can say ‘White working class far right’.

Also intense assault on the Police and breaking a WPC’s nose is far less serious than Karen and Tracey gobbing off on FB apparentlly.:roll_eyes:
Then you say we are not in a 2 tier system?
Don’t make me kin laugh.

Btw…You do realise Franglais don’t you?
All this official line official narrative dog sh, is just put out there for gullible idiots to help them with, (or even save them), a job, and for it to be repeated and regurgitated in the hope that we, the rest of us, will also swallow it.
It aint working, but hey …
Keep up the good work, you are doing a sterling job !

You really should talk to Truckerpro: he says there are proportionately more minority groups in prisons, while you are telling us there are fewer.

The airport incident seems to be taking as long as most to come to trial. Far too early to suggest it is being delayed in any way.
The riot related cases were certainly fast-tracked, and no one is saying otherwise. The sentences were handed down by judges, according to laws and guide lines set up by the Tory gov. Labour have so far changed no laws I think.
But hey! Don’t let any actual facts get in the way of a good rant.

And anticipating summat, here is a YouGov survey on the sentences that were given. Do you think those caught taking part in the recent riots should receive harsher or more lenient sentences than would normally be issued for those kinds of crimes, or should they receive a punishment that is about the same as would normally be issued? | Daily Question

By the way the vid I put is no way that I can see “official”.
And YouGov is an independent survey company.

What’s the point I ask myself.:roll_eyes:

What is wrong with you man…where tf did I say there were fewer ??
I was making a comparison (clearly to most) between actions taken against two different groups of people since 2 tier Kier took over.

But if you feel the need to refute that, backed up with the obligatory mention of the Tories, with more kin links and surveys,… fill yer boots… it is just what I expect from you.

In the meantime I and many more will just carry on saying what we actually SEE.

True. You didn’t say that.

OK, so that’s your statement: you prove it, or at least show evidence for it.