Political discussions...

I am sure 2tier Franglais will be along shortly trying to defend this clown.

Every government blames the last government, but nobody ever seems to mitigate the criticism with what the particular issues the last government had to deal with. Labour had to deal with the financial crisis and Conservative had to deal with the pandemic. It is school playground stuff really.

I’m beginning to think he’s admitted defeated, and decided he can no longer defend the indefensible when it comes to Labour with their complete cluster ■■■■ of a performance so far.

How can anybody defend their (lack of) policy and action on illegal immigration.

How can anybody defend robbing pensioners of heat in winter, people who have paid into the system all their lives, especially so while at the same time they have no qualms on the vast expense spent catering for all the needs of vast numbers of people who have no right to be here, and who are a drain rather than them making any contribution.

How can anybody defend the politicising of the Police and legal system, by an obvious inconsistent approach to ethnicity and/or religion, one rule for one and one for another.

How can anybody defend the way they treat with contempt the very class of people who are actually their natural target electorate, the ones who they just casually and conveniently write off as ‘far right’ if they actually dare to criticise or rebel over their poor policies

How can anybody justify them freeing real criminals to make room in jail for people writing stuff on Facebook, and for people who admittedlly went just too far during a protest.
(Granted the attempted arsonists but the others, surely a pay back community service with a very restrictive tag would be better than freeing thieves rapists and the odd murderer to make room. )

Even (the real) Comical Ali would say…
‘Nah whats the point, people aint stupid’ :joy:

He hasn’t even started on pensioners yet.
Do you really think that any pensioner will give up the house and garden they’ve worked for all their working lives for a retirement apartment by choice.
He’ll means test the state pension including property equity.
He’ll withdraw the single person council tax discount.
He’ll apply bedroom and garden tax to council tax and regrade council tax bands.
He’ll weaponise the Inheritance tax regime so that pensioners property can’t be handed down to their children and grandchildren.It’ll all be redistributed to immigrants or the Bolshevik Party faithful.
Train drivers obviously exempt from all the above.

I remember thinking before the election that Labour can’t be any worse than the absolute shambles we had for the previous 14 years. Turns out I can be wrong from time to time. :grin:

In other news, it looks like Germany are wanting to put up land borders to address the issue of Islamic terrorism in their country. Who would have guessed when Merkel said all refugees welcome that it would cause problems with terrorism further down the line.

Believe it or not despite all my views recorded on here, I would have loved them to be succesful in government.
Why would I not I am a patriotic Brit who would love to see my country doing well, whoever tf is in charge.

I do come from a Labour family, my old Granda was strong Union man,.and a fanatical Labour supporter,… but in the days when Labour prioritised on workers and working class issues, unlike today’s shower of sh.

I should be a natural Labour voter, but I was taken in (as a lot were by) Blair in the 96 elections, I stopped short of voting for the clown Brown, and there was no way in hell I would have voted for Corbyn.

This guy Starmer with his legal background is like a cross between a Judge and a stern authoritarian Headmaster…but he is strict with all the wrong people, and it’s Starmer’s way or the highway.

I kinda hoped the vote on robbing the pensioners would be his downfall, but it turns out the ‘Right Honourable’ members aint so right honourable surprise surprise eh?..
Apart from maybe one, who actually spoke up in Parliament criticising it, and another lady MP for somewhere in Kent I think, she stood in front of the camera on tv and said she earned in excess of 90k, she was not going to vote on a move to make poor people on less than 10k even poorer.
Good on them I say, there is far more honour about those 2 ladies than the servile spineless crew who voted for it, or those who abstained rather than vote against it, proving my point that the majority of MPs are in it for themselves, not the people they are paid handsomely to represent…

Shame on them.!

^^We don’t vote for the prime minister we want, we vote for our local MP. :roll_eyes:

So if I’d listed my local candidates names at those times, you would know who/what I was on about then eh?

I didn’t think I’d have to explain I was speaking in general terms, …but hey there ya go eh?
And tbh I personally DO vote for the leader to be PM, in the only way I can…by voting for the local candidate…‘pipe & smoke’.:grin:
Thanks for correcting me anyway.:+1:


I was wrong to go with the Brexit bandwagon.This is now an argument between European Socialism v European Nationalism.Starlin can use Brexit to his advantage by selectively tying us to European Socialism when it suits him and distancing himself if AfD etc get the upper hand.Germany is now facing the meltdown of its automotive engineering and manufacturing sector to the advantage of China.
That will concentrate minds as much as the immigration issue there.
We need to be on the inside of that showdown supporting the AfD not distancing ourselves from it.
I would prefer to be within a Confederal, European, Nationalist backlash, against the EUSSR project, than Starmer’s Socialist Gulag Island that Farage has stupidly handed to him.

Dunno why Sir Keith Stalin didn’t just have the commonsense to plunder foreign aid instead of rattling the pensioners. They sell foreign aid as good diplomacy, when we all know it’s just bribery and corruption by any other name.

because he needs that money to bribe the european countries into undoing brexit and paying for his special border force that will stop the immigrants that we had before and didnt work

My point entirely! ‘…because he needs to bribe…’ We should not be supporting bribery & corruption just because it gets the job done any more than we should be supporting shooting the boats out of the water because it gets the job done. There’s some moral equivalence there methinks.

Mind you… :thinking:

He’s not just planning a wealth redistribution raid against pensioners he’s interning his political opposition on laughably tenuous grounds.

I agree that what is reported is too often silly points scoring and name calling.
The raw figures are difficult to understand for most of us, but some of it is available in an easier to see form on the www although, we know that the sources do need to be looked at.

Look at the www for the performance of the Blair/Brown govs before the global crash and compare/contrast with the Torys before C19.
Check hospital waiting lists, GDP and GDP/capita. Look at housing supply and affordability as related to pay.
Use any metric you like. Obviously no gov performs well all the time in every field, but the record does speak for itself, and is not what most of the media reports.

About half the UK Foreign Aid Budget is spent inside the UK.
Sending aid to other countries to better refuge camps there means less hardship to push them out and over to here. A £ spent in Turkey will get more than a £ spent here, and prevent some from leaving there to come here.

It is the courts that try and sentence people. I doubt that many Judges are raving Commies.
Some of the laws being used were introduced by the Torys to stop the oil protesters. You weren’t shouting so much then!

Yes. He acts like a grown up.

Yes, it isn’t as simple as some may say.

The bank lending going on in the early 2000s wasn’t just a British thing, there was a global financial meltdown due to people not being able to pay mortgages. I wouldn’t be able to say for example that Conservative government would have a) avoided the meltdown and b) coped as well when it happened. Who knows?

While Brown should take some of the blame for letting it happen, he and Darling did come up with swift resolutions to the issues with Northern Rock and Natwest / RBS.

On the flipside, you have Matt Hancock and Boris making a complete arse of themselves during the pandemic along with the PPE contracts being given out to posh mates, with ,no doubt, back-handers being given right left and centre.

Although many criticised Brown for not saving more, after the crash go back at look at what was being said before the crash. Many Torys were after less regulation etc.

You won’t see it in the UK press but Brown is a respected figure on the world stage. Not by everyone, but he is not the clown that the Murdoch etc press says he is.
Look also at the short time after the crash: the UK was doing better at recovery under Brown than it did after the Tories took over.
Brown etc are not saints, but they were far from the incompetents they have been painted as.

Quote Franglais…‘‘Yes he acts like a grown up’’ :joy::joy:.

And that was the only one of my points you felt the need to address then eh?
No justification or defence on the unjustifiable and indefensible other points I made about Starmers ‘grown up’ performance eh?..even from YOU.:flushed:

Ok then, you just continue taking the official Labour line (as always) and keep pointing out how bad the Tories did, and how Labour ‘aint as bad’.

As I said you really should be a politician.

(Note.: Only you would take that as a compliment :roll_eyes:, trust me…It aint.)

You spend half your time telling others to shut up, or stop posting so much, mocking them for spending too much time, and the other half complaining that your points are not addressed.

So about as well thought out and consistent as one expect.

And since I choose not to spend time doing so (at the moment) I won’t list the number of points I have challenged you on, but received no response.