Political discussions...

So the latest Labour proposal could see 4 year olds sent home from school for showing racist behaviour, I mean 4 years old ???

Do you think that would be wrong then?
Would you object to other kids being protected from insults etc?

Exclusion of kids is always a regrettable move, and should only ever be a last resort, but should it a tool that is removed from schools?
Sometimes it is the only way to wake parents up.

Or do you think that it is all to do with party politics somehow?

Of course it’s ■■■■■■ wrong man…they are 4 years old ffs.
My little 4year old grandson told somebody to F.off st school the other week, his teacher told my daughter.
None of us swear in front of him he picked it up at school.
His Mam told him off and explained the wrongs, I also had a word, and we moved on…should he too be expelled?..have you actually got any experience with children?
Your mad assed views and opinions never cease to amaze me mate.:roll_eyes:

Has anyone, anywhere, talked about exclusion for a one off offence?
Has that ever happened?

Of course not!

But are all parents responsible? Do they all look after their kids properly?
Do some need more than a nod’n’a’wink from the teacher?

Ok so how is a 12 yr old relavant to what we are discussing specifically?
A 12 year old is a juvenile, an adolescent on his way to adulthood, and trust me 12 year olds are more advanced and streetwise than the time where the likes of me and you were 12…
And how is a 12 year old anywhere near the same as a 4 year old anyway exactly ?
I was right, you do know nothing about children do you.

I was using that case to illustrate that not all parents are responsible.

Yeah you were using a case totally irrelevant to the discussion…
ie How to deal with 4 yr old kids who misbehave.
In this case the misbehaviour was saying inappropriate things, as pointed out by the o/p, and also in the case of my own little boy.
The o/p also pointed out twice that he was refering to 4 year olds.
The question was asking is exclusion appropriate for that age group…no it aint, but you seem to think it is.

Anybody who knows anything about bringing up kids properly, fully understands that you treat 4 year olds a whole different way to 12year olds.

I can see the merits of expelling an out of control 12 (going on 20) yr old, but definitely not a 4 yr old little kid.
That was the whole point of the thread.

Jeez mate you are allowed to admit you are wrong you know, no need to keep blagging it.:roll_eyes:

So the point I was making, as robroy and I’m sure other sound minded individuals would have picked up on, was how a child as young as 4 can be sent home from school because of racist behaviour, I mean come on, 4 years old.

So are you both saying that every single 4 year old is suitable to be in a class with other kids?

Or is it not true that some kids, even very young ones are best educated somewhere apart from a “normal” classroom?
Why should 19 other kids suffer because one kid is extremely disruptive?

Was it? Or was it more than a few words? What cases are we discussing?

And the post said

Quite clearly mentioning Labour. Why?

Oh ffs man…you really can not bring yourself to say you were mistaken an/or wrong, can you,…Even in a simple non confrontational discussion, but instead you try and maintain yet another argument in some childish way to save face…as if it matters.

I keep asking you how much experience have you with 4 year old children.
I have 4 kids and 9 grand kids, and I can say without any fear of valid contradiction, based on that experience, that you are talking through your arse.

Yeah lets banish and alienate a little 4 year old, and make him even worse, instead of using techniques to bring him round and help him around other children.
Excellent upbringing skills…not.

Keep digging.

Oh my!
How enigmatic!

Do you have an inside line on some new proposal from Labour?
An exclusive revelation to make?

Did you bother reading my previous posts?
Exclusion should only be used as a last resort. And in very few cases that is necessary, but it is necessary for the sake of other kids in the class.

If you think that no 4 year old can disrupt a class then you are mistaken.
Some kids arrive in school not even toilet trained. Some arrive with a very physically aggressive manner.
They can be helped, and should be helped, but they may need to be excluded from regular schools.

Speaking of…
What about your exclusive revelation about how to discipline children of all ages, and teach them the correct way.

Just last week me and my wife took our little 4 yr old boy with us for a pub meal.
He made some comment (top of his voice) about the guy sat on next table…
‘Granda Rob that man has a fat tummy’ after I crawled back from under the ground in embarrasment, I said to the guy ‘Sorry mate’ he just laughed…saying ‘It’s fine mate’.

I said to my boy…
‘Say sorry to that man’ he went all coy and shy and said nothing.
I told him he had done wrong, pointed out why, and told him he was not getting his sweet I promised him…Ice cream…job done, even though there was a slight tantrum…4 yrs old see?

Maybe in your book I should have called on my doorman skills, put his arm up his back, marched him to door, and hoyed him on to the pavement outside eh?..
Cos after all that is what I would do to a gobby 18 year old which is exactly the same innit?
Get my drift??

So where are you basing your knowledge on this subject…I would have expected a link, or an official document at least.:roll_eyes:

Why not just let it go instead of keeping digging…it aint so important.

Unfortunately not all kids are well brought up.
The 12 year caught rioting was probably not well behaved with his grand parents, he probably would not have been sitting with them in the first place. He may not know anything except a rubbish negligent mother.
You seem to be the one with a rosy view of the young.

I am not saying that kids like that should be abandoned, but that they should not always be left to disrupt the education of others. Do not ignore them, but don’t wreck the education of the majority because of a few who have bad parents.
It is a failure of the system that they are not picked up earlier, but they do exist.

The education secretary (who happens to be Labour!) this morning defending the right to send home from school children as young as 4 years old for racism. Proposal incorrect, defending correct.

My point was how a 4 year old could be punished for racist behaviour.

Yeah he is TWELVE…got it.

Jeez how many more times?
The o/p was referring to some proposed policy of expelling FOUR year olds.
My point was/is you deal with 4 year olds in different and better ways.

It’s like pulling teeth.

Furthermore I have a rosy view of absolutely nothing, especially dealing eith kids of various ages.
I keep telling you I am a confirmed realist.

So, in the past 4 year olds have been sent home for racism.
And no Tory Minister has ever stopped this nor condemned it.

But you choose to start making a song and dance when Labour does exactly the ■■■■■■■ same!

See above post. It is not a new proposal, it has been going on for years under the Tories.