Political discussions...

So once again my post was about 4 year olds being sent home from school for racism. I had never heard of this before. The LABOUR education secretary was defending it today. Strangely enough, that’s why I posted in the political discussion topic.

Take a look in the mirror to see who’s making a song and dance.

I really do not care mate…seriously.

I was just commenting on the original post in the spirit of discussion.

It was not me coming at it from a party political context or view.
I aint bothered who , or what Party was the instigator.
I only know it is not the right way to treat 4 year old little kids.
So no need to maintain your self appointed unofficial TN Labour Party Apologist gig towards ME…
Save it for the original poster who DID make it party political.

I agree that for the vast majority of 4 year olds, exclusion is wrong.
BUT for a tiny number, it must be there as a tool of last resort.

I accept that you did not come at it from a party political point of view. You didn’t appreciate that it was summat that has been going on for years.
Sad beyond words that it has been done, but not all kids have loving parents and grand parents.

I hate to admit that I am wrong.


Maybe @carryfast was right…

It seems that the newest resident of Number Ten Downing St is indeed as he has described.

Squeezing the position of a long time and capable resident.
And with a seemingly ethnically communist background.

It is not clear whether or not it is to arrive at No 10 in a car, van, or inflatable boat.

I also put this vid clip followed by this text up on the Brexit thread as we were discussing it on there.

But this is the correct thread for it.
Just have a watch at this and take it in.
This govt is even worse than we think.
It’s ALMOST (but not quite) a case of ‘Come back Tories all is forgiven’ :roll_eyes:

And so it goes on.

There is no end of material illustrating the faliure and ineptitude of this bloody govt in such a short time in office.

Jeez I’m even starting to bore myself with all this stuff, let alone you lot.:grin:

I need a good football tournament and a good session on the beer to take my attention off it all.:joy:

I’m just getting too damn political orientated in my (nearly/almost) old age.
I was actually ‘cool’ once over believe it or not. :sunglasses:

There is no end of material from right wing biased sources criticising left wing politicians. Don’t confuse that for news though.

Both GBN and Talk TV (Talk Radio) are owned by right wing sympathisers and are both purveyors of proven lies.
GBN is a loss maker, but is subsidised by it’s owners Why? Could it be that it is a trumpet to push out a message? What else could it be?

If there are any new allegations or new facts in there, then please tell us about them. If it is just the normal “shouty man” (or woman) stuff, then fill yer boots (ears?) sitting inside your echo chamber, I won’t be joining you.

A big hand for…‘Comical Ali’ ladies and gentlemen.

Got to admit though, not many NEW facts, …but definitely a lot of old facts that everybody, maybe apart from you, know to be accurate, and just that…‘facts’.

Here’s footage of Franglais in his old job about 20 years ago in Iraq.

This was his qualification for his present role as TN’s (unnoficial) spokesmen, apologist,.and spin doctor for the Labour Government.
He uses the self same tactics and techniques today as he did then.
Word has it that Putin is trying to poach Franglais to work in Ukraine as we speak, as things aint going according to plan there either.:smiley:

Here are some facts about the bias and accuracy of those sources.

Again you seem to think that you have the pulse of the nation?
Because your friends tend to think the same as you does, not mean the whole country does.

Actually more think Labour are better on immigration than any other party. Only 26% but that is still higher than the rest.
Most people do think that the current Gov is handling immigration badly. They always have thought it is handles badly. No one is happy about it, but most seem to realise that the simple solutions offered by snake oil salesmen are just that. Simple and unrealistic.
Just words from those who are not in power, and can say anything as they will not be in position to deliver impossible promises.


Classic Franglais …priceless.

He brightens up my day with his blissful self oblivion. :joy:
Keep it up…and don’t ever change.:joy:

I wonder how that post was arrived at?

Possible thought processes:
Yes, I have a valid point to make, and so I will post some facts and opinions.
It might take a few minutes but it will show I have a rational thought process, and a reasonable basis for my beliefs. It will advance what I hold to be a valid point of view.
No, I have no answer to make, so I will post a line of emojies. I can get back to my colouring book quicker.

You looked up Dunning Kruger the other day, why not try Brandolini’s Law today?

Wow! he’s a self proclaimed psy cho analyst as well as his other talents. (Insert line of emojis :grin:)

Tell ya what I’ll do mate, just for you I will only post links from the BBC, we all know, in fact everybody knows, that organisation is entirely impartial and non bias.
Then I’ll watch them over and over, and like you convince myself that all this stuff aint going on around us after all…in a Franglais/Comical Ali stylee.
However I’ll stop short at trying to convince everyone else though, as I would not dream of insulting their intelligence, and making myself look entirely brainwashed and gullible.
(line of emojis) (another line of emojis)

Now where’s me colouring book.:grin:

(Btw Brandolini…Pah! no fooling me mate everyone knows that’s the bloke who is a Captain and plays the mandolin, they made a film about him… try a bit harder you aint making me look stupid )
(line of emojis) (another line of emojis)

Oooh the entertainment.:sunglasses:

Looking forward to the intricate detailed breakdown analysis of THAT post btw.

I started watching a couple of those videos and I just wonder how anyone can actually sit through it till the end.

So you missed the bit at the Very end where she takes all of her kit off then?:flushed: :joy:

Yeah they can be a bit hard going mate tbf, it all depends how interested you are in it all I suppose.
My interest comes from the pov of what the govt says things are like, and what they are going to do…and what they have done…, and how it is in a stark blatant contrast with actual reality.
Oh yeah and mainly how Franglais attempts to ‘pacify’ us and ‘explain’ things.:joy:

Here’s some more stuff that aint really happening.
I’m on a roll now btw. :sunglasses:

(quote Franglais:.''l think you’ll find that Rudyard Kipling was in fact a right wing political activist, and a well known liar who had regular inappropriate liasons with goats. :joy:)

link from the bbc “The offical source of all information!”

this one is crying because he has decided to take his kids 35 miles to school because the nasty council didnt house them where they want to be. why have they been given asylum/? because the father was a political terrorist in sudan and now has a price on his head.

Starmer made honorary member of ASLEF and RMT.According to Rudyard Kipling at least.
Franglais will obviously fact check it.

Franglais is the tnet information approval commissar.