Political discussions...

Forty Two.

Pleeeease tell me you have put that Mike Graham clip up for the humour aspect, and not to attempt to discredit him from having any credibility …as well.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, otherwise I would be thinking you have even more serious NPD issues of needing to be seen to be right, than I think you display already.

Yep dont be ‘blindingly believing’ anything mate whatever you do.
I think our mate thinks irony is something to do with pressing his kecks.:joy:

Couldn’t be more appropriate for the majority of your posted excrement, franglais old boy.

We need this guy as PM, or at least someone with the same values…(putting his own country people and their safety and welfare first and foremost.)
Instead of the sorry excuse of a PM and government we have now.
It can be done,.and it does work…here’s proof.

None of yer hand wringing lefty terms of euphamism with this guy, he says it as it is.

more labour shenanigans…

“Mr Athwal has now also admitted his flats do not have the correct property licences required under a scheme he introduced as Redbridge Council leader.”

once again one rule for everyone else one rule or rather no rules for them but its ok because he appolagised and didnt know.

He has admitted he is in the wrong. That seems a start. (and a change!)
I expect he will be legally dealt with as anyone else would be dealt with.
Maybe there will be some additional punishment from the party?

Is there evidence of double standards?
Is there evidence of Labour interfering anywhere?

Mr Athwal has now also admitted his flats do not have the correct property licences required under a scheme he introduced as Redbridge Council leader.

In 2018, Mr Athwal - who led Redbridge Council from 2014 until he became an MP last month - shared an article about a local landlord being fined by the council, writing, external: “Rogue landlords, we are coming for you.”

no there wont be it will be the usual they dont need to show me the paperwork cobblers from starmer… in other words dont worry about it ill get my mates to sort it

if it was the tories they would be susspended

I always find it both amusing and strange in a ‘wtf do you expect they are MPs’ type of way, when MPs are caught not being as whiter than white as they try and make out. ( unfortunate turn of phrase with me being racist btw :grin:)
The majority of them have very little genuine integrity, all with their snouts in the same trough.
‘Honourable’ ?..as in honourable gentleman/lady?
Dont make me laugh…how is the likes of Truss ‘honourable’ accepting a fabulous pension for managing to f up the country after only a week…and still she has the gall to gob off rather than just remain quiet in a corner.
And the Labour guy with his flats being found out after making a song and dance about other’s acomodation…if he was ‘honourable’ he would have the grace to resign.
They are all ‘honourable’ until they get caught or get found out,.some ate better liars, and better at hiding stuff than others…fact.

How many people are actually gullible enough to take them at face value, and think they are all for everybody except themselves…
Case in point, just look at the expenses scandal when 99% of them accross all parties were shown up as corrupt…(cue Franglais refuting and correcting me with a ‘correct’ official figure of something like 79.883% instead :roll_eyes:)

So recently first the bloke filling his boots with the 17 year old girl, now Mr Hypocricy with his dodgy flats.
They aint the first and they won’t be the last…some are just better or worse than others.

In fact there are very few people outside my family and circle of friends that I actually trust, and it has worked ok for me so far, but haulage bosses, local councillors, religious fanatics, solicitors and especially MPs are at the bottom of the list for me.

with labour its next level through those morons are thick enough to create the rules then when they get caught breaking them claim they didnt know

I thought HRH Randy Andy got himself into a whole world of aggro for managing the impossible of supposedly pulling at his age v hers.
She said it didn’t even happen which is more believable.

It’s not a government it’s an unelected Socialist regime.That arbitrarily interns opposition.The rest of what you said is as credible.

Prince Andrew…:roll_eyes:
Why do the most grossly annoying and pompous people suffer from an acute lack of self awareness, and forever fail to ‘read the room’ in terms of public opinion of them…(dont you dare btw :joy:)
The guy is shameless, and wants to just carry on as if nothing happened.
He is an embarrasment to the country and more so his disfunctional family, and he will now presumably feel more isolation now his mother is dead.
Sarah Ferguson his ex needs some credit for standing by him I reckon, good and loyal women are few.

This guy still thinks he lives in the early 20th century where all that sort of stuff in establisment and Royal circles was covered up and not made public.
He needs a severe reality check

So you think guys who are starting to ‘get on a bit’ are incapable of attracting a younger woman eh CF?
Speak for yourself mate…speak for yourself. :joy::joy:

Blimey Rob either you’re saying it’s ok or it’s not.
Andy and the MP ? only supposedly did what you said anyone else would do given the chance ?.
Ironically my suspicions are that there was possibly more than we know and been told about Charlie’s relationship with Di.I don’t believe the narrative that he was at Althrop manor because he fancied her sister for example.
If the age thing applies then Andy should have been expected to have been fixed up with Di, instead of his old Brother.
As for me I’ve changed my view to age does matter.They didn’t want me when I was the right age so stuff it I certainly don’t want one now whether 17 or 65.
My own company is just fine thanks.
Looking at it from that viewpoint they are all a bunch of hypocrites making up rules that they can’t and don’t abide by themselves.A plague on all their houses.

It IS ok if the girl is a legal age of consent, as in the case of the MP.
Thing with Andrew is it all took place (allegedlly) in the US where their laws are different…was she 17 and the legal age is 21? not sure of the gory details.

Even attitudes in this country have changed in last 30+ years…remember Bill Wyman in the 80s, who was about 45 and Mandy what’s her face , she was 13 when they met…everybody thought it was funny can you imagine that today?

Didn’t Jerry Lee Lewis have a 13 year old wife?
Dont know about ‘Great balls of fire’ he should have had them torched if that is true.

Easy done by mistake as well, I remember me when I was about 19 or 20 being resident DJ at a holiday camp centre getting ‘advances’ from young ladies, and with some of them, my mates telling me ‘Watch yer self there Rob she’s only 14’’ :flushed:
You honestly could not tell, …jaill bait, when dressed up with make up…Then you would see the ‘real’ them up the town the next week, no make up with a school uniform…lucky escapes I reck.

Jerry Lee Lewis married 13 year old Myra gayle Brown who was also his first cousin once removed.

Apparently the Prophet liked ‘em young also.

On a separate not……

Good one mate.:joy:

Meanwhile in Starmers ‘Tough on criminals’ country…

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It’s all a can of worms.
Bearing in mind that it’s possible to get done under US Federal law, for relations out of State, that would otherwise be legal within State, under State law, including married couples.
While surely the honourable thing for Charlie and the politician would have been to turn down Di and the the person in question respectively and tell them to find someone of their own age.You know someone like Andy at the time.

Looks like he has found a scapegoat, or maybe a fall guy who has got a generous bung for his trouble…some might allege, definitely not me though :joy:…Jeez you have to watch your step now.:roll_eyes:

So face saved, he still remains an ‘honourable gentleman’ and a ‘respected MP’ :roll_eyes:
Jobs a good un…
Chicken Dinner ! :sunglasses:

You really can not knock these ■■■■ s back.:roll_eyes: