Political discussions...

Make your own mind up: Yes he was a Labour MP, but was deselected for the 2017 election because of his involvement with a 17 year old girl. Nothing illegal but he was deemed unsuitable as an MP. He stood for RefUK Ltd in 2024 and was last in the polls.
Introducing him as an ex-Labour MP is true, but isn’t the whole story.

I doubt that there will be any ban on smoking in beer gardens. I think there is a kite being flown here.
Pubs are closing down and have been doing so for years now. Some of it might be due to smoking, some due to off sales being cheaper and easier than before, and other factors.
If there were expected to be major health benefits, it could happen, but I wonder if there really are data showing that?

London (with a Moslem Mayor) is losing pubs. Yes it is.
Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, are also losing pubs. The whole country is losing pubs.
What on earth has the religion of the Mayor have to do with it? Have any rules been introduced by him different to elsewhere?
Something here certainly does stick out like a sore thumb.

Weighing at work by the health Stazi?
Drama Queens! Nonsense! :grinning:
A van arrives at a factory or building site, the workers can then visit the van if they want, and a nurse will give them a 20 minute examination.
Yes, including inviting them to actually stand on set of scales! OHH! The Horror!

A chance of a free quick check up without going to a Dr surgery? The chance to get advice or catch any minor issues before they get too bad? No compulsion involved.

Make my mind up about what exactly?

So a middle aged guy gets his head turned by a (presumably attractive) young girl…not suitable for an MP?
Is that the official analysis or just you being judgmental?
Not suitable :roll_eyes: dont make me effin laugh :joy:…Like everything else, not the ‘crime’ but because he got caught with his kecks down…maybe literally.:joy:
Good luck to him I say.
Sounds like realworld/real life stuff to me.
There but for the grace of god etc etc, or are you that much of a purist you would turn her down…Aye right.

If you have a mind to do a bit of research…again, I think you will find that the hospitality night life scene in London is aboit rubber ducked, more than any other UK city…summet for you to refute btw.
Is Islam pro drinking, pro alcohol?
Is Genghis kin Khan a Moslem?
Have another search for that one.

I aint as daft as you look mate, I fully understand I aint going to be lifted on the scales forcibly, and held on by 2 heavies, it’s the principle.
The govt telling us how to live our lives…a nanny state…and the woke among the industries not only subscribe to it, but actively endorse it, whilst their servile equally woke workers stand in a queue. Land Rover for one amongst presunably many others …
And those nurses you mention,.surely time would be better spent looking after sick people
As for heavy smokers being a tax burden…I thought the concencus was that most of them died early by the very fact they smoked heavy, so how does that one work exactly.

Anyhoo I am quite capable of seeking my own health check, so should I desire, I’m certain Starmer and his crew have a lot more to worry about than my waist line…what about what was it again I forget? ‘Inconvenient’ immigration ? :joy: Or especially the present virtual epidemic in stabbings in the UK…but hey let them concentrate on beer bellies .:joy:
(Incidentally I heard the clown who has devised this claims over 40k exs for his sterling work.)

Thing is mate unlike you I aint just a natural go to conformist, I consider stuff carefully first, and if I think something is a waste of my time I aint interested, especially in complying and partaking with what are esentially kin govt PR excercises.:roll_eyes:

Few years ago before I retired we were given voluntary workplace health checks (We were a central government regional office)
At the time I was probably about three stone overweight, non smoker but average alcohol intake and was given a clean bill of health.

Another lad a few years younger than me, non smoker or drinker, seen more fat on the butchers pencil, was given a list of improvements to his life style.
Two weeks before he had been third fastest over 40 in the London Marathon. :rofl:
His regular twice weekly exercise was running from Durham to either Penshaw Monument or Consett but he didn’t mention it to the nurse doing the check to see what happened.

Whether or not he is “discredited” and is or isn’t “rubbish”.

Danczuk apologised for his behaviour, which he described as “inappropriate and stupid”.
The Labour Party decided that he was unfit to be an MP.

There are about the same number of pubs in London now as in 2018 when Johnson left. More pubs were lost in Johnson’s time as Mayor than in Khan’s time.

Yep I was wrong to assume you knew what you were talking about earlier.


Nanny state? eBay item number: 386184312573
I think you really should take up the option of a blood pressure check, mate. Your’s must be sky high!
The state offers the option of a health check, that you can accept or not.
If one nurse can offer advice to prevent an issue, then that stops a need for a team of Drs and nurses later on. Plus saves pain and even money too.

The Gov is not telling you how to run your life! It is not banning crappy food, fags, 'n’booze.
It is providing information so that you can make your own choices. The information does not have to be read nor acted upon.
You are quite free to ignore it all.

Ignorance is not a crime.

You are beyond help mate…seriously.:joy::joy:

And I dont know what all that cack is you want me to read…(maybe I can guess the theme and the jist of it though,) but I can not download it…maybe thankfully.:smile:

Only the bottom two lines open the link to a Goverment report on pubs in the capital

While we are talking about health checks, the NHS etc.

Labour minister Jess Phillips 'claims she was given quicker treatment in A&E because she… - LBC

Sorry for broken link. This was the primary link:
Clicking on the underlined analysis on that site leads to a GAE report.

The quick story is that there are fewer pubs in London than previously, but they are bigger, and that about 17% more are employed in the trade than in 2001.
Some pub owners might well be crying and asking for tax breaks, but the figures don’t seem to make them all as poor as they claim.

If that is as it seems, it is awful.
No Dr should treat any patient differently because of their politics.

I think Phillips has not commented herself as yet?

Dont know if this is at odds with your links or not, dont really care.
I was just saying London is the UK city with the largest decline in nightlife.
If you want to keep on arguing crack on…cba.

Only if my name were Carl Sagan, and wasn’t dead.

From the BBC link the night time industry were asking for perks from the Mayor candidates. Quelle surprise!

Quote from screen shot:
“March 2020 to Dec 2023 3,011 night economy closures”.
Might well be true. How many openings were there in the same period? Is there a net increase or decrease?
In London there were 3,535 pubs 2023. Surely there were not 6,500 in 2020?
Well no, there were’t.

From previous links
“Comparison with the UK
Pubs in London fared marginally better than UK average
The number of pubs in the UK overall decreased between 2020 and 2022 from 38,870 to 38,220 (-1.7%). The count was even lower in 2021 at 37,840.
The decline in the overall UK industry from 2020 to 2022 in terms of employee numbers (-1.9%) was similar to the rate of decline in London (-2.1%).”

Recounting the episode during an appearance at a London theatre entitled ‘An Evening with Jess Phillips,’ the MP said she had "genuinely seen better facilities, health facilities, in war zones, in developing countries around the world.

She said that she eventually reached her turn for treatment, but told the audience: "I got through because of who I am.

"Also, the doctor who saw me was Palestinian, as it turns out. Almost all the doctors in Birmingham seemed to be.”

She said: “He was sort of like, ‘I like you. You voted for a ceasefire’. [Because of that] I got through quicker.”

Not quite sure what you expect her to comment on. The claim was made by herself in front of a live audience.

Thing is there is someone in charge of London’s nightlife who doesn’t appear to be worth her salary:-

On 4 November 2016, Lamé was announced by London Mayor Sadiq Khan to be the first London night czar.[21] She was initially awarded a salary of £116,925 per year for the role after being given a 40% pay rise in 2023 – she is also allowed to be paid via her Amy Lamé Ltd company to reduce her tax bill.[22][23][24] Shortly after her appointment, she was praised by Khan for her role in negotiating the reopening of the Fabric nightclub.[25] During her tenure London’s night time economy has declined significantly with data showing that between March 2020 and December 2023, 3,011 night economy businesses in and around the capital closed – the steepest fall for any English region.[26]

In 2024, Amy Lamé was awarded her fourth pay rise a few days after the 2024 London Mayor Election, in which her pay for her 3 days a week role was increased to £132,846.[27]

Her role and the ability for the London Assembly to hold her to account has been a source of confusion, given that she is classed as a GLA member of staff[28] and therefore cannot be scrutinised by the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives or the Greens in the London Assembly.[29]

The Daily Mail alleges, that Phillips said that.
The Mail might well be correct, but it would not be the first time they were wrong either. Other media are quoting the Mail, but none have (that I can see) stood the story up themselves.

If true then others will be, quite rightly, all over it pretty soon.

Ok everything is fine, it makes me want to go out and buy a pub.
I’m sure the smoking ban outside that pub is sure as hell gonna have an adverse effect on it though when I do…,.whatever you argue in your inimitable way.
Still.at least no Moslem hierarchy to contend with, double whammy with me being a racist.:grin:

This is ‘‘Herbert of YT’’ no 2’s views anyway.

Ah so the Mail runs a story and franglais questions it’s validity, (when it suits). Howabout the validity of all the excrement you link & post eh franglais?

You can blindly believe The Mail if you want. Totally up to you.

You can question the validity of any links I put up. Totally up to you.

Did I comment that everything is OK? No, I didn’t.
I did show figures that London is doing better than the rest of the UK re-pubs, and is not doing as badly as some claim.

If there is a further smoking ban, I expect it will affect pubs adversely. I never said otherwise.
Until I see the proposal written down and being passed as law, I have doubts that it will happen. I could very well be wrong, but I doubt it is gonna happen soon.

Here is the more famous clip of Mike Graham.

Not about me believing it or not, is it?