Political discussions...

If I wanted to answer “no”, I would have written “no”. Simples! :grinning:

“Simple” questions are often not simple at all
“Why is the sky blue?” is also a “simple” question.

Are you still taking your tablets?

I’ll leave that one with everyone reading this.:joy:

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I recognise Blair stood behind Starmer…but what has ex Man City keeper Joe Hart got to do with it.:joy:

Laughable, you really are. If she’d been a Conservative Minister you’d have been all over that like a tramp on a dropped Greggs pasty!

No, I don’t care what someone else earns, I do care about the sheer hypocrisy involved when that person is directly involved in removing allowances from people who’ve probably contributed most of their lives.

Especially when we know that the upcoming budget will be all about robbing Peter to pay Mohammed

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Then why the quote about Reeves’s husband’s income?

Is it just about her income?
I have already said that no MPs should receive any financial gain from any work outside of Parliament, irrespective of party.
Is it that MPs all earn too much? I disagree.

Hypocrisy that she decides that pensioners get less than she does?
Until all job seekers and pensioners etc get the same as MPs that is just a fact of life!

If Peter is the bloke with a “non dom” status who has been living in the UK on the cheap, and if Mohammed is an ambulance driver? GOOD!

It’s a meme. I know that concept is probably as alien to you as the thought of laughter and fun, but we are where we are.

You must be a hoot at parties l

Ooh Jeez yes :joy: and then some.
If it had been anybody Tory, he’d be ripping his pearls off his neck whilst rushing to the keyboard, let alone clutching at them.:grin:

For a very vocal political commentator and critique of the govt in the past on here, he seems to have gone very quiet about criticising the complete cluster ■■■■ that this clown has made in such a short time…
Not just that, he defends him…AND (wait for it)
maintains that he is popular ! :joy:

At least after I voted Tory last time, I had the integrity and honesty to criticise the balls up they were making at the time…
Still though,.I don’t crave or feel the need to be right all the time,.and freely admit if and when I have been proven wrong.

Hell I even nearly voted for them :flushed:, but after being taken in last time with Blair,…(and then.Brown ffs…nuff said :flushed:.)
I was not about to make the same mistake twice.
So from my pov…conscience clear.

Happy to read any official documentation to support that notion, I understood Ukraine was a sovereign nation

I’m going on what I’m told by actual Ukranians. In future during chats I shall ask for links otherwise I’ll blank them. That’ll learn ‘em.

Oh, I’m also going on our security briefings during the fall of the wall . I’ll let them know too :+1::+1:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs.

If we’re going just from what people say without seeing things written down, then, according to every online driver group (TN included) Keir Starmer somehow defrauded the entire electorate and stole the prize from the rightful PM, Nigel Farage.

Nope. That is a cop-out.
Exactly the same as when someone makes a racial or other remark, and the victim is further disparaged if they don’t join in. "
“No sense of humour” “Just a bit of banter” etc etc.

Without the inclusion her husband it becomes:
“she is paid the same as other Chancellors and makes decisions about pensioners”

Oh, and have you yet mentioned Jeremy Hunt’s income as a landlord whilst he was Chancellor? Sunak’s income from his wife?
Were you complaining about their hypocrisy is setting pensions and jobseeker allowances?

I know what a meme is. I know what a joke is.
I also know how stuff is said through inuendo and snide remarks disguised as humour.

About as honest as “just saying” and “only asking a question”.

Really? Where did that gem come from?
I refuted the “Starmer is Doomed” melodrama you copied in earlier, but readily acknowledged that Starmer’s net rating was about zero, That is not popular in anyone’s books, is it? More popular than Sunak, but not too bad compared to some others.

No comment…none…honestly…

Fair enough. The ones you work with?

In the UK?

Away from their own country?

Was it you or @robroy who passed comment about “young men of fighting age” in the UK, “running away from trouble at home” or similar?

What would you know about running away? You’d have to have the stones to be even there in the first place. Something I’m sure you are visibly lacking.

No they don’t. You’ve just made that up to massage your ego.

So now you are openly and obviously questioning my honesty and integrity eh?
As well.as everything else.:roll_eyes:
Hmmm ok.

Where as I could NEVER question your gall and your (pseudo) bravery that is for sure.

Apologies for not fact checking and verifying the source of this scurrilous photograph. I always thought that Bullies was akin to guys chatting shizzle in a pub, well, until the fun sponges reared their ■■■■■■ ugly heads that is…

I’m sure that your own obvious brand of mental illness will afford you the time and tenacity to trawl back through the entire internet to identify the culprit.

It was me…I AM Spartacus.

Here’s ‘‘Herbert off YT’’ with an ex Labour MP no less…never heard of him myself, but I’m sure Franglais will be along to inform us… and totally discredit and rubbish the guy.

Got to say the point made about closing pubs, and the Moslem electorate, did initially kinda cross my mind tbh when I heard it, but hey …I’m a racist, as well as a confirmed cynic.:grin:

London for example, pubs and clubs have dwindled, apparentlly to the point of the ‘night life’ being on it’s arse…
And who is the overseer, the man in charge?
Oh yeah the illustrious (and future PM) Sadiq Khan, the LABOUR mayor.
And what is his religious persuasion again? hmmm.:thinking:
It kinda sticks out like a sore thumb.

As for them rocking up in our yard with a set of weighing scales ffs :roll_eyes:, if the guy carying them comes anywhere near me, I will be suggesting to him that it may not be a good idea, or he will be eventually getting them surgically removed from his rectal orifice…
I know I am overweight,.I dont need Keir ■■■■■■ Starmer to tell me that in his newly formed Nanny State.