Political discussions...

Welcome to Labours New Britain where the courts send you to prison for none aggressive social media posts and send you home for assault :frowning_face:

Jailed for 8 weeks for three (debatably) offensive social media posts.

Suspended 6 week sentence for attacking Nigel Farage.

Suspended sentence for assaulting 3 women.

As I remember it in the case of Ukraine Russia laid down two conditions no NATO membership and recognition of its interests in Eastern Ukraine that was it.Not too much to ask.
NATO could have reciprocated with agreement to that and demilitarising the old buffers.
Also how can it be in NATOs interests to defend a front stretching from the Black Sea to the Baltic.At best shortening Russia’s supply lines and lengthening ours.
Let alone the dilution of our forces across the distance of that front.
All that with economic and military appeasement which has turned Chyna into a superpower.

Some would call it internment for opposing the Starmer Socialist regime.

The first case was a “guilty” plea, so the offender accepted that the posts were offensive. He didn’t argue they were fair comment.
It is a stiff sentence, and I think is imposed because as the judge said, “This offence, I’m afraid, has to be viewed in the context of the current civil unrest up and down this country. And I’ve no doubt at all that your post is connected to that wider picture."

The third case it seems to me is far too lenient a sentence. But then again, affray does not always attract an immediate jail term.
If you were to argue that all physical assaults etc should result in jail? I might well agree in principle, but in practise, today? Not really possible.

Not very surprisingly, what you remember might be at variance with the actual truth.
Look up the Budapest Memorandum.
It was an agreement that no-one, including Russia, would coerce Ukraine etc using military nor economic means.
Russia plainly has broken that agreement.

In what world could Russia have any sort of open ended power over another sovereign country in perpetuity?
You get your knickers in a twist over independence in some cases, but are willing to see Ukrainians attacked by their neighbours!

A politicised legal system and a politicised Police force…led by a very unpopular PM.
As you say welcome to Labour’s new Britain.
Still only another 4 years and 10 months, and in that time we could even get Sadiq Khan PM, at least he will make Starmer look good…and popular. :joy:

I must admit, that maybe the latest laws on letting the Police decide on which demonstrations should/shouldn’t be allowed are rather too strong.

The old saying “Every choice, is a political choice” seems very accurate.
Every choice the Police make is going to have political repercussions somewhere, although the coppers making that choice are trying their best to be non party political.
In the real world there is no perfectly neutral way to police things, I’m sad to say.

The latest thing is a smoking ban outside pubs and clubs, and even in beer gardens.
I am a non smoker, I am totally against anybody smoking in my house,.car or truck…but.
On the other hand I have knocked around with mates who smoke all my life, I accept they will smoke around me,.and why not?..no.great problem to me.
I mean c’mon they have to smoke somewhere…what is wrong with outside of a pub, ok it aint too pleasant to walk through the fog as you walk by them, but it’s only a couple of seconds ffs.
And beer gardens? It is outside,.what’s the problem here exactly?

Starmer has dealt with main major concerns of the normal working class by totally ignoring them…not even mentioning them ffs as if they dont exist.
The eternal cynic in me says this is his way of deflecting things to get people to shut up for a while, and for them to concentrate on and complain about something else, by raising and applying a problem that will apply to a large part of the working class.
Obvious question is why does he at best treat them/us with cynicism, and at worst appear to hate them/us, when we are supposed and designed to be his target ‘audience’.

not the article that came up on my phone but here you go…

Same case. No mention of bail anywhere.
“District Judge John Zani denied all three defendants bail and remanded them into custody to next appear together for a hearing at the Old Bailey on 25 September.”

it was the labour gov that came up with the smoking ban in the first place,

I hadnt heard that they want to ban it outside pubs and clubs and beer gardens now. To be fair it does cause a litter problem with all the dog ends where people are too thick to use the ash trays on the wall.

and where do you think they were between sunday and yesterday?

Apparently “some” civil disobedience is okay then.

I’ll leave this here with no comment. I’m sure that somebody will be furiously fact checking :joy:

It’s as factual as the winter of Discontent being caused by Callaghan’s imposed wage cuts in real terms on lowest paid front line workers.Also charging us more for our own oil and gas than Europe was paying for it.

Where did the Budapest Memorandum state Russian acceptance of Ukraine NATO membership ?.Was it even on the table within that agreement
Yes I’m a Nationalist which means that, like Michael Collins, I respect the right of self determination of Ulster’s UK loyalist population and likewise Eastern Ukraine’s Russian population.
Also how is spreading our forces that thinly across that length of front beneficial to the defence of Western Europe.Or how is the ongoing appeasement of Russian ally China beneficial to that or consistent with policy regarding Russia.
You seem laughably selective in your retort.

From the time of the stabbing until arrested probably trying to lie low. From the time of arrest (early hours of Tuesday 27th?) until now, in
custody, where they will remain, until they go to the Old Bailey.
Certainly not on bail.

A sovereign country has a right to self determination by default.
Did the USA Declaration of Independence detail their future mining rights on the moon?

But obviously not the rights of the majority of Ukrainians.

Says who?
A reporter describes something as “really peaceful”. So what?
What has common or garden violence and crime to do with “civil disobedience”?
Sadiq Khan to GBN:
“This violence is simply unacceptable and does not reflect the majority of people who celebrated peacefully over the weekend. The Mayor would like to pay tribute to the hard work of the organisers and all our brilliant police officers and emergency service personnel for everything they did to help Londoners this weekend."

Who would that be I wonder?
Does the salary/pension of Rachel Reeves’s husband matter?

Reeves, alike all MPs claims expenses for her office, and that includes staff, so she can do her job. MP’s salaries, expenses are publicly available for all to see, start here> Full breakdown of all MPs' expenses for the last 12 months | IPSA

Would Sadiq Khan’s belated condemnation of the utter gratuitous violence at the Knotting Hill Carnival have the same impact, broadcast on GB news as against the mainstream broadcasters like we had for days on end on BBC, ITV, SKY after the ultra far right terrorist :thinking: riots?

Why belated? Is there a race to condemn crime? Khan has often spoken against crime including knife crime.
Would Khan condemning a particular crime make much difference to repeat crimes of this type?
In the case of rioting, where there are plans being made and spread for further riots then I can see that timely responses are beneficial. In the case here of apparently gangs or other criminals, I doubt it makes much difference.

Well no. GBN have a smaller audience, so clearly a smaller impact.

And why mention riots and violent knife crime together? Different things.
Both crimes, and both deserving of condemnation, but different.

To add, and days on end of rioys being reported?
Yes. After days on end of riots.

So your answer to the simple question I asked is no, thanks for your convoluted reply.