Political discussions...

Oh, Tut Tut!
Are all irregular migrants illegal? Maybe you think they are?

I have said before that irregular migrants should be interrogated much more quickly, and the illegal ones deported.

Maybe you think that anyone on the streets during the riots should be locked up without due process? I don’t.
Even very, very, nasty people should have a trial. Everyone deserves to have a say.

Oh, and from 2023 and the Tory Government’s time, here is Hansard
Saying that “irregular migration” is a new Labour idea is yet another false idea.

like it or not rwanda was a deterent yes you had the element that didnt care possibly because they thought they could disapear before they were deported however there were lots that didnt come over and went back to germany etc thinking it was the next best soft touch and there were lots that were already here that went to ireland citing they didnt want o be deported

fact of the matter is these people are ecstatic that starmer has got in hence there has been more immigration since labour got in than the first part of the year. starmmer has made it perfectly clear that if your white english your a second class citizan and he doesnt care about you The notting hill stabbings are a case in point three black brothers stabbed a 32 year old mother infront of her 3 year old daughter one had illegal weapons and the third assaulted police and ambulance crew they get bailed to appear at a magistrates court a white lady makes a comment on face ache and she gets sent straight to jail for however long.

I’m a member of a WhatsApp group of truck drivers consisting of members from all ove the UK and Eire. Obviously it’s predominantly ■■■■ and people on fire that gets shared but all the lads from Eire reckon to a man that when the Rwanda thing was announced it was like turning a fire hose on in The South with regards to the number of illegals (not irregulars) coming in. Obviously that’s only first hand accounts so I have no links to back that up.

Anything that can unite Catholic and Protestant communities needs to be taken seriously I’d say.

It appears that the word p. orn is banned! Doncha just love Americans? I can buy an AR15 and sixteen years old in Walmart but words hurt doncha know?

This is how you do it.

As are some references to established scientific experiments: I recently wrote “Pavlov d. og-style” to refer to conditioned reactions to stimuli. Unfortunately not all the mods possess the necessary general knowledge to distinguish between: The work of a pioneering Russian physiologist, and, a seck-sual position

It’s also a bend over position? Jeez, you Boro boys are all down with the kidz :joy::joy::joy:

Once again I agree with reference to bullies. Let’s zoom out a bit though; when the USSR fell buffer states were established, Ukraine being one of them. It was agreed that they’d be akin to Koreas demilitarised zone. NATO then starts stationing troops and missiles on that soil. What’s he supposed to do ?

“A 20-year-old was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and violent disorder, while two other men, aged 22 and 24, were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder. The three were detained at separate addresses in Hammersmith and Fulham on Tuesday morning and are in custody.”

The woman went to court. She chose to plead guilty, and was sentenced.

Is a “fire hose” more or less than an “invasion” I wonder?

I can’t seem to find any actual figures although I do remember a few articles a little while ago.
One of the articles suggested that the Irish send the migrants back to the last safe country they were in.
The UK press did not comment much on that. :wink:

And in 2014 Ukraine withdrew from that deal, after Putin annexed Crimea.
As you might say “What do you expect them to do?”


Putin’s invasion certainly made Finland and Sweden give up their decades of neutrality too, and align with NATO.

Yeah really. I’d expect nothing less from you tbh. Don’t you sometimes sicken even yourself?

■■■■ . Honestly I’m at a loss with you

I’m seriously considering just ignoring him :joy:
I dont think he was punched enough when he was younger, :joy:…hence why he does not know when to draw the line on the patronising beligerance.

Anyhoo must remember to be pc on the immigrant subject it’s ‘irregular’ now dontcha know. :roll_eyes: :joy:

So ‘irregular freeloading scroungers’ still allowed? :grin:

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The latest Labour and their politicised Police 2 tier system…

A guy with a certain ethnicity has been seen 6 WEEKS ago walking around the streets of London wearing a Man Utd shirt with… HAMAS and no 7 on the back. The name speaks for it’s self,.the no7 depicting the date of the atrocity on Israel…

Offensive? Definitely, especially to anyone of Jewish origin.

As offensive as Karen on FB who was fastracked and jailed ?

Apparently not enough to even bother looking for him.

Police say they ‘can’t find him’ :joy:although there are CCTV cameras the length and breadth of London, which could follow him from his home and back…as they did with the ‘‘Far Right’’ who were arrested within days.

An ex Met detective (retd and old school) on the radio said him and a couple more detectives could track him down in a few hours.
Now I reckon to keep things consistent he should be fast tracked and jailed.
1 to 2 years for the gross offensive nature.?

I year for wearing a Man U shirt in public.
Another 1 year for a guy from London being a Man U fan.:joy:)

Seriously though if we are going to have a crackdown on lawbreakers, …surely it should be right across the board, and not depending on ethnicity and political sensitivity.

Cue… Franglais ‘explaining’ and ‘excusing’ it and that it is in fact meaning Harry Hamas who plays squad no 7 at central midfield for Man Utd .:joy: :joy:


I was expecting you to either show evidence that NATO had indeed stationed troops/missiles in Ukraine, or to say you were mistaken.

Ukraine regained it’s freedom from the USSR in 1991.
Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine

the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic solemnly declares
the Independence of Ukraine and the creation of an independent Ukrainian state – UKRAINE.

The territory of Ukraine is indivisible and inviolable.

From this day forward, only the Constitution and laws of Ukraine are valid on the territory of Ukraine.

This act becomes effective at the moment of its approval.

— Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, August 24, 1991

That was recognised December 1991 by Russia. They recognised Ukraine as sovereign. They recognised it’s borders. 1991.

Putin is trying to regain the countries that were invaded and occupied by the USSR, and later given independence.
Is it right that Putin’s Russia decides who Ukraine trades with and forms alliances with in perpetuity? Don’t you think that Ukraine has a right to self governance?

Putin’s worries about the West? He seems to forget that the USSR sent it’s armies and missiles in countries adjacent to NATO members. When the USSR had Ukraine under it’s cosh, it based many nuclear missiles there, to be nearer the West. Russian troops were based in East Germany, Poland etc.

Best reply to that one later mate, he’ll be asleep for a bit.
He’s obviously been up all night doing all that research with his 10+ links.
You know how he ‘has to be right’.:roll_eyes: :joy:


If Putin does kick off, and specifically at us, we have the US and Nato at least.
Maybe the anti Americans around us (including those on here) need to change their tune a bit.
The unknown quantity is Trump, who was once making noises about disbanding NATO as far as I recall.
I can not see it happening realistically, but if it does we in the UK are right up that infamous well know creek with no paddles.

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Being correct is a feeling that you can only imagine…

So can we expect posts explaining where I am wrong?

Or posts belly aching about “patronising belligerence” etc? Posts about punching people? How others should shut up?

Maybe posts about how you are immune to perceived online insults? How you favour free speech?

I certainly haven’t read Truss’s autobiography, and her explanation of how she is the victim of conspiracies, and the “blob” ruined her perfectly good ideas, but I admit being tempted to part with my cash to buy the new book about her time as PM.

More irony…Franglais on about ‘belly aching’ :flushed: the infamous ‘TN Brexit Bellyacher’ himself no less with his infinite number of belly aching posts on the subject for years after the event…:joy:

Its got to the stage I no longer have to retort to you to prove you wrong,.or at least make you look stupid…you do a sterling job of that yourself.:joy:

As for free speech, I am a wide supporter of it, I enjoy it in fact, I stop short of saying stuff on line I would not dare say to somebodys face in real life, because I have those sort of principles, and I aint afraid to put my money whete my gob is if the occasion arose, unlike some, but with this govt the free speech may be short lived as we move nearer to the Labour nanny state,.where we are told what to do and think and say…you’ll fit right in btw.:joy:

I see he is now reviewing what is laughingly called ‘Islamophobia’ now, making new laws.
So now we face laws on what essentially can be construed as ‘blasphemy’ ffs.
Just remind me…which century do we live in.
Is this the gateway to Shariah Law, he seems to favour the entering through the back door, (leave it :smile:) he is even triyng to get us back in the EU through it.
Love the way he started his speech trying to assure he was not, although nobody yet had accused him of it…initial thought was ‘protesteth too much’.

To be fair I delivered a car to a Man U supporter in ‘Greater Manchester’ he laughed when I told him I sort of supported Man City ever since watching the Dustbin Men TV comedy series.Because up there they call Man U supporters Southerners.Wasn’t a bad call as it turns out v the usually expected local Chelsea following down here.Exceptions proving rules.

Ironically Michael Collins fought and died for the self determination of both Eire and Ulster.I say that of mixed Irish and English Catholic and CofE descent.
Realisation that the Lutherian based CofE sect ain’t all what it’s been cracked up to be is an understatement.So really proud of my Nans heritage and her brother who died for the Collins’ side.
So now we have to unite against the common enemy of European Socialism.Which has infested European history since the murder of the Tsar’s family.
The antithesis of the self determination of the nation state.