Political discussions...

I would not do that either.
Nor would I shout about Athiesm outside a Synagogue in Israel, or a Church in Alabama, Rome, or Moscow.

Neither would I, neither would anybody with an ounce of self preservation and common sense…so what’s your point here exactly?
Ahhh, I’m a bit slow here, you are no doubt referring to my ‘religious bigotry’ again over Islam.

I keep telling you I treat ALL religion with the same contempt and disdain, I just find Islam the most dangerous for what would be obvious reasons to anyone else apart from you.

Putin is NOT a threat to the West. You can take that to the bookies. What you are doing is trusting the narrative and formulating your opinions from that. Understandable though as propaganda seems to be the main religion nowadays.

Apropos of nothing i attended a seminar on Red Army tactics at SHAPE in the 80’s, the American 5 star giving the lecture started with “this will not make me popular with The Pentagon, but I honestly believe that our main threat comes not from The Red Army but almost entirely from Islam”. Obviously at the time that mostly went over our heads, but given todays climate I think that the man was a visionary.

Agreed . That’s like comparing apples and oranges to be fair. There’s a world of difference between sectarian violence seen in NI and the mindless violence witnessed recently that sees children hacked to death.

I’d happily walk through any Sikh or Buddhist area regardless of time of day safe in the knowledge that they wished me no harm. A Muslim area? Not a chance, and I’m far from being a shrinking violet.

“NOT”…written in capitals!..it must be true then!

You commented about “apples and oranges”, Putin is not the USSR, he has much more in common with Mr A Hilter of Minehead than he does with Brezhnev.
Looking at later in the decade the `79 Iranian revolution would point to more threat from there, than from Gorbachev.

I do not dispute that there is a threat from some Islamic states, but in the present moment the greater threat is from Putin.

So, exactly what are you saying or hinting at here?
That the Southport killings were religiously motivated?
That the IRA and/or Loyalist extremists harmed no kids?

Of course they harmed kids. Kids and non combatant adults too. They harmed them through sheer incompetence and amateurishness, what they didn’t do though was target children. Can you say the same for Islamist terrorists? On second thoughts please don’t try to make excuses for them . Perhaps we should leave this here.

Hang on, before we leave this. Are you seriously suggesting that the Southport murders (not killings) were anything but religiously motivated?

Even a serial collaborator couldn’t attempt to argue that FFS!

He more than likely true to form believes the usual go to excuse (by those with a cover up agenda) of…‘‘Mental Health’’ issues being the cause of this atrocity towards those poor little girls.

If that piece of crap was a radicalised convert to Islam, which I strongly suspect,
(Disclaimer alert…no other grounds for that statement than a non corraborated personal but educated hunch btw…I don’t want Starmers social media thought Police rocking up at my front door😁) it will sure as hell be covered up.
Just think of the backlash.

Speaking of cover ups and political correctness,.and backlashes…have those 2 out of control thugs at Manchester Airport been sent down via Starmers fast track yet, as the equally out of order rioters were ?
Nah didnt think so.

Hasn’t Starlin interned numerous people precisely for making speculation and insinuation over the motivation of the Southport perp ?.

Bearing in mind that the Iranian Islamic Revolution had kicked America’s a erss badly it wasn’t rocket science.But nor ever was the glaringly obvious alliance, between anti Semitic Socialism and it’s Red Army and Islam.Thats what I would have told him.

I don’t think the potential ‘opposition’ in question is in the same league as shop lifting or nicking a few gallons of diesel Rob.Or the option of running away is available.
Was specifically replying to the choice between your hypothetical scenario of trying to take a weapon away from and then turning it on an attacker ?.Or the choice of something maybe quicker and easier if available.No personal experience of any such scenarios for me luckily.
But knew of people who were into the 70’s football scene.Luckily for them Doc Martens seemed to be the bovver boots of choice in the day not industrial grade external toe caps.

Franglais are you with/for Starmer and his band of Bolsheviks or against him.Simple enough question.
Also can you identify exactly instances when the provisional IRA ( ironically a left leaning continuity faction, of the obsolete redundant forces demobilised by Michael Collins ) after Irish independence, ever deliberately TARGETTED, the type of victims TARGETTED in the case referred to ?.

The IRA and Loyalist terrorists did not, so far as I know, target kids. They did often operate with little or no regard for whether or not kids and others were hurt. About 257 under 18’s died in the years of “the troubles”.
I wasn’t about to make excuses for them, so you can stop getting worked up about that particular imaginary scenario.

Since the Police have said that the killings were not terrorist related, but have offered no other motive, nor explanation as yet, I do not pretend to know more than them.

“educated hunch”? No proof at all then.
HUNCH | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary.
Just a “feeling”. Just like religious people “feel” there is a God.

If anyone were to be foolish enough to try to cover up such a thing do you really think they would succeed? The truth would come out and “the backlash” would be even worse.
Foolish idea.

4 civilians in the Manchester airport video are on bail, and 2 Police are under investigation, I believe.
No, they are not being fast tracked. Unfortunately justice is not normally swift in this country. That sems to be one of the 11,000 Police workforce, England and Wales: 31 March 2023 (second edition) - GOV.UK with injury on the Police annually.
Although on video it is sadly not that unusual.
Some rioters have been fast tracked by the Police and Court system. Starmer is not making any decisions about who is and charged. He has however made extra funds available to enable those cases decided on by the Judiciary to be fast tracked.
Any who have been sentenced so far have all been “guilty” pleas I think, so far none have been tried by jury.
Nice as it would be to see all cases in court quickly, it ain’t about to happen any time soon.

I would love to live in your little self proclaimed utopian world Franglais.:grin:

Foolish idea eh?..nonsence?..rubbish?
Ok got it.
Btw 10 out of 10 for defining the phrase ‘educated hunch’…yep that is EXACTLY what I meant…but I think everybody else understood that one without feeeling the need to make a pointless comment, but hey thanks for the input.

Do you really believe that we are told everything by governing bodies?..
Do you really believe sensitive stuff is not covered up?
Do you really believe that governments are actually honest?
Do you really believe they have our best interests at heart as opposed to theirs?
Dont answer that, I actually think that tragically you do.:joy:…and I could not be arsed with the usual detailed breakdown.

Why do you feel the need as some self appointed spokesman to put a positve spin on policies that you believe in or what we (who see right through them) are told, to attempt to convince us…Then on the other hand totally condemn anything opposed to your views, and assasinate the character of anybody who speaks them…to the ditect opposite end of the spectrum.
You ever heard of happy medium?

Do you remember Comical Ali (a play on words of the more sinister ‘Chemical.Ali’) in the invasion of Iraq…Saddams spokesman or whatever?
I can still see him face to camera saying ‘The Americans are being held back, we are winning here in Baghdad’'…but behind him out of his window was a convoy of Humvees with US troops marching through the streets.:joy:
YOU are the TN Comical Ali .:joy: :joy:

And btw… you dont have to be an apologist for every bloody thing either…you convince nobody.

But please do not change you give us hours of entertainment, the dark nights just fly in.:joy:

I remember the Comical Ali clip you mentioned, absolute class.

Yep Franglais personified he’s a metaphor for Comical Ali.:joy:
Tells us what is going on in his view or what he is told to think/say, where as everybody else knows he is talking complete cack, as we can all plainly SEE the direct opposite going on in the background.

Ironically our own humanity suggests that we have to regard that type of targetting as as being mentally deranged.Regardless of how the perp tries to justify it.
Let alone when we’ve got a Bolshevik army within trying to use public speculation over the circumstances as bait to entrap its perceived opposition.

Russia is falling down the “league tables” again, in the last few hours.

It was the 2nd military power in the world.
Then the 2nd military power in Ukraine.
Now it is the 2nd military power in Russia.

Putin is complaining about an unprovoked invasion of Russian lands, and he is trying not to get too close to any high windows…

No condemnation??