Political discussions...

It wasn’t the answer you wanted me to give?
Terribly sorry, but I choose to answer as I see fit.
How about an answer from you to my previous question, and reminder?

Please see above. It was @maoster I was requesting a response. That is why the question was after me quoting his post.

Try reading the whole post.
Again it was not referring to you.

And also in the 2+2=6 theme, I do not know whether or not @reef or any other mods received complaints about your post, or whether it was noticed in passing by them.
I find your comments more amusing than upsetting, and have not made any complaints about them.
Since the Mods do not comment much, I daresay we won’t know what happened.

I didn’t really care about your answer. All I wanted to see was whether or not you had the spine to support your overly verbose stance. The answer was an emphatic no of course.

As to the question you asked me, you’ll have to remind me please as I tend to glaze over after much of your double talk and obfuscation.

No surprise.

Of course, if I had answered that I was very willing to walk through a rough area, with a bulging wallet and an expensive phone all on open display, then you would obviously have believed me, wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t be here making mention of jellyfish spines?

My question, was what were your thoughts on immigration, both regular and irregular?

And a new query:

What do you mean here?

My thoughts on immigration? Controlled, a good thing. Uncontrolled, an extremely bad thing. We’re seeing Europe wide the results of unfettered and unchecked immigration.

In your efforts to talk down and pontificate to us, (as per normal) who you see as inferior in intelligence mortals, …you really should post less ambiguous posts in your quotes.

Way I see it is ‘@robroy’ means just that…at ME. :roll_eyes:…Try and be a bit less cryptic next time to avoid confusion.

Irrespective I still stand by my analysis and opinion previously stated.

Seriously? I don’t believe for one minute that you are so completely naive to be so blind as to not see the threat that Islam represents to the West.

Perhaps you’re hoping that they are as passive as you and that they’ll integrate seamlessly. I’ve got a rude awakening for you…….

I never mentioned bulging wallet or expensive phone. YOU brought that to the party to cover the fact that despite all of your bovine excrement you haven’t got the ‘nads to put your money where your big mouth is.

Yep the German Chancellor made a speech earlier on that atrocity carried out by another so called asylum seeker.:roll_eyes:
He says they are going to take a much harder line on illegal immigration, starting with deporting immediately those amongst them who break their laws.
Pity Starmer did not have a similar quality of backbone.

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I also never mentioned a “rough” area. I mentioned a predominately Muslim area, a predominantly Sikh area and a predominantly Buddhist area. Now unless you are suggesting that a proliferation of Islamic peoples actually makes an area rough you’re merely firing for effect?

Sounds like he’s being a bit racist to me tbh mate…or even religiously bigoted.:smile:

If you look at the whole post, not just the screen shot you copied, you will notice that the first part is a reply to @Ledwidge .
There is a line drawn, before I start a new section with @robroy.
It might not show on a phone? I guess that would explain any ambiguity? But is there on the desktop version which I wrote on.
The line might not be clear, and it might have been better if I could have written several posts to each of those I was responding to, but the site prefers a single reply to multiple posts. But, there it is.

From t’other thread.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: classic dodge. Stop twisting everything and just for once be honest.



Sounds like he’s being a bit racist to me tbh mate…or even religiously bigoted.:smile:

Curiosly the most liberal tend to be the most bigoted and closed minded people. Who’d have thunked it? :joy::joy:

Just want to add, it was NOT @franglais who reported the post in question, obviously I cannot say who did as that breaches confidentiality of the reporting system.

This thread though heated hasn’t gone off the rails so I’m happy for it to remain open, I cannot speak for the other mods though.

The only thing I’ve edited out with no other action or warnings to anyone was a direct name calling, other than that, have at it.

Now, I’m off to approve CFs posts just to raise blood pressures a little more… mwoah ha ha ha…

Edit: fixed typo.

Two enemies the alliance of Islam and Socialism.Useful idiots indeed.
Obviously the historic anti semitic, pro Arab, actions of UK have made us an attraction.
Karma and Submission indeed.

Rob let’s just say that you’d probably get a different reaction standing outside a mosque in Birmingham proclaiming the benefits of atheism than outside a church in what’s left of Surrey.
Obviously exceptions can apply in the alliance of atheistic Socialism and Islam.For one obviously common ground reason.
So Lenin and Stalin were on your team.Good luck with that.

Got to say Reef mate, way I see it, whether it was Franglais or not, is this …Anybody apart from a mod, who actually feels the need, let alone takes the 5 minutes needed, to report any thing on here, seriously needs to have a word with himself over whether or not he should be sharing a forum with grown men.
My advice would be to him …get a ■■■■ life.:roll_eyes:

There ya gan…I’ve said me piece.:joy:

I’m more worried about Starlin reading and approving, or not, my posts than the mods.
Although look on the bright side I could do with a new porch and front door.

@Carryfast.Just seen your advice on how to deal with somebody carrying a knife.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:
(I’m wondering if you are speaking from experience here btw.:thinking:)

Been involved in one or two altercations or ejections in my time, and I aint usually backward at coming forward.
Tackling somebody with a knife is in the same category as tackling some scrote or scrotes nicking my diesel or load through the night, let the Old Bill sort it, I aint paid enough…they are.

And as for me rocking up outside a mosque and gobbing off about atheism?
How stupid do you think I am exactly?
But cheers anyway.

I am being honest.
I see some areas as safer or dodgier because of many reasons, and the religion of the locals is not a major factor.
I have walked at about 3 or 4 in the morning through Tangier, from the the town to the docks. I was a wee bit nervous, to be honest. I would have been more nervous in Marseille or Liverpool though.

Some UK cities have areas with gangs or groups of noisy young men. I have seen this in other countries, but have not seen it in others.
I fully accept that these are quite intimidating groups of young men.
I also accept that some of them might well be of the same ethnic group.
I do not accept that they are ethnically or religiously grouped because of an underlying religious idea. Just as gangs in Belfast were religiously aligned, Their religion was not the prime cause of their behaviour.
Correlation is not causation.

All other things being equal I would be equally happy, or worried, irrespective of the religion of the locals.

I see Putin as a much more relevant threat to us.
And I have seen that the Russian Orthodox Church (some of it at least) has been supportive of him. Whether that is more a religious stance, or pragmatism in a dictatorship, I do not know. It certainly does not make me paint all Christians with the same brush.