Political discussions...

It aint caused by immigrants as such,but there are only so many lollipops in the shop for so many kids.
So the immigtants do not only exacerbate the problem, they make it a lot worse…
Then to add to it we have the beloved illegal parasites added to the mix, and to make it worse in my own city…them jumping the queue and taking precedence over locals…proven fact btw, before you start, not made up.

So all exhausting the housing situation, the education system, and more so the already overstretched NHS.

no need to move anyone from wales use the local unemployed but you get the idea with unemployed lorry drivers. if they cant get a job driving lorries then give them a different job lke they used to. used to be if you were on the dole the dole office would say here is a job here is the interview be there or no benefit. then of course labour came along and screwed it all up.

the lorry drivers in linconshire apparently are on just over min wage according to people on here so no wage increase.

nothing to do with taxes as all care is provided by private companies

its been going on since blair before that people got promoted or head hunted doesnt happen now. so why do i want to change now i dont i wanted to change it then as i have said repeatedly. Again no need to put taxes up in fact if there are less unemployed we can put them down.

To an outsider reading this thread it probably appears to be everyone versus Franglais. I think however that this is probably an accurate representation of where we are politically right now; one person thinking unwaveringly that they are correct and right, and the masses disagreeing! It’s somewhat akin to the man driving the wrong way down a motorway shaking his fist at “the lunatics” all heading the wrong way towards him.

Could not have put it better myself mate.:grin:
Thing is though in real life/real world the ‘Franglais set’, (who imo are the minority) rule the roost, despite the opinions of the majority.

In the paralell world as you point out, Franglais represents the PM and the Govt.
The rest of us represent the ‘‘Far Right’’ …as we as working class, are now known, but only because we totally disagree with most of what they/he says, and can see right through his/their official narrative.

So back to real world again…,
This present shower of sh , led by (the now apparentlly POPULAR) Starmer :joy: would not even be in power if it depended on number of votes as opposed to number of seats.
Not only that but they only got in through that system, not through public faith and confidence, but through shear dissatisfaction with the Tories.
So as I said, minority rule in many ways.

And there we have it…as Freddie Mercury once said.:joy:

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The latest on the German terrorist attack…have a read (for anybody who can ‘be arsed’) it’s a tad shocking.

So apparentlly not the first, but the latest one of a series of attacks in the country, and all perpetrated by Arabic Islamist immigrants…(those of the ‘peaceful religion’ btw.)
Just a pity nobody was around who was brave enough to take the knife off him, and cut the ■■■■ 's throat out.
3 more totally innocent people just going about their business, killed by another piece of sh who can see nothing wrong with mindless murder…it boils my 'kin urine, just looking at his face makes me want to disembowel him.

An abuse of the naive hospitality of Angela Merkel a few years ago, when she allowed in as many as possible without checks (sounds familiar and a bit close to home? )

So now after common sense has finally prevailed, they are trying to stop any more of them wanting to come in from Syria and Afghan…And even a representative from their radical left has finally seen the light, and agrees with that official proposal ! :flushed:…(not so familiar,.and definitely not close to home this time.)

Still never mind, plenty of room in Starmers Britain for those turned away from The Fatherland. :roll_eyes:

On a previous all out argument on here on a different thread which revolved around race / religion / violent crime and prison population, l thought I’d throw this in… Overall Muslim population of UK, (supposedly 6 %), overall Muslim prison population of UK (supposedly 18%). Just saying.

Isn’t “just saying” a passive aggressive phrase used to deflect any responsibility from the speaker? It seeks to simultaneously distance the person from consequences, yet still make a point.

I’m only asking a question.

Those seem like fair figures to me.

I daresay that @robroy and @maoster won’t believe them though, because they come from “official sources”. I guess they will not be taking part in any discussion with dodgy figures.

Quote: According to the UK prison officers’ union in 2013, some Muslim prisoners in the UK had allegedly forcibly converted fellow inmates to Islam in prisons.[14] There have been multiple cases of non-muslim prisoners threatened with violence[15] with “convert or get hurt” being a commonly used phrase by Muslim gangs according to an independent report published by the government.[16] In category A and B prisons, former inmates have publicly spoken out on the rise of Islamism with the “balance of power” in reputational violence now shifted towards Muslim gangs.[17] Other reasons why inmates may convert include wanting protection in wings where Muslim gangs are prevalent, the ability to go to chapel, and access to different foods. Around 1 in 5 Muslim prisoners in the UK are now white.[18]

The figures do not show Muslims are more likely to commit crimes, but many convicts do convert to Islam whilst in prison, for differing reasons.

Fair point, perhaps Muslims do not in fact lean towards criminality any more than any other creed.

How are we standing on that late night walk btw?

Just saying means just saying. The figures are official and they are there for all to see, and yes I dared to mention them!

Spin the figures as much as you like. 6% Muslim population 18% Muslim prison population. You tell us all of the well known prison conversions by Muslims on non Muslim inmates, doesn’t that tell you something?

It tells me that the prisons are full of nasty people! That they coerce others, and that the prison authorities are not in full control of them.

Spin the figures? Where? I accept them.
The figures for religion upon conviction, are not the figures for religion after incarceration. It would be “spin” to try to say they are.

Already replied to.

What about you replying please?

The Muslim prison population figures speak for themselves. The spin refers to the conversions you mention, 18 % Muslim prison population means 18 % Muslim prison population.

Quote: Franglais.‘‘What about you replying please’’.

I have already replied to this, what more do you want me to say about it?
I have made it crystal many times I am grossly offended (or I was at first at least) by your (repeated) insult.
But STILL despite that, you tread where angels fear, you being you, you continue to go back to it, obviously ‘bating’ me.
Presumably thinking you have hit my achilles heel, scored a ‘little victory’ , because it solves your childish inner frustration, wanting to be right all the time,.and when you can not win an argument.

So latest newsflash!..
Hey I can take it.:smile:
It just goes right over my swede now, …safe in the knowledge that I have you completely sussed out.:joy:

Way I see it is you suffer from ‘Little man syndrome’, you would not even dare to say it to my face (or anyone elses) in real life ONCE, let alone how ever many times you already have on here (lost count) so you over compensate on line.
Hope that helps.
Btw I have deliberately ignored your latest …referring to me as a narc…presumably narcissistic?:joy:
Just read back the last bit, it covers the self same ground.

No doubt you will take this as another ‘personal attack’,:roll_eyes: maybe go squealing to the mods…like at school
‘‘Please sir that nasty Rob is being horrible to me again’’ :joy:

@Reef…My apologies to Reef if you think I have over stepped the mark (again) but he asked specifically for a response to an accusation, and this is my honest answer to it.
Remove it if you think fit, not fussed, but please do not remove or censor what I would call his ‘personal attack’ towards me, I would not be so childish to want that, mainly because it illustrates my synopsis of his character, showing him up to what he really is.

And apologies to everyone else for the playground stuff on my part, I am only ‘fighting fire with fire’.
Will attempt to be more ‘grown up’ from now.

Anyway back to ‘Grown up world’.

Apparently the knife amnesty starts today…10 quid per knife.:flushed: brilliant bit of crime fighting eh?..
Is it Old Bill, the Govt or both?
Either way the level of gullibility and naivety is off the scale, but thankfully most of us can see through it.

The problem is the REAL target, the gang criminals, the ruthless habitual ones, will have absolute ZERO intention of participating.
So have a ratch through yer drawers (ooer Mrs ) and get cashed in.

As I said last time, I have a job lot ordered from Taiwan, 2 quid each sale or return, knocking em out at a tenner apiece at all the nicks within a 20 mile radius…:sunglasses:
‘Ya know it makes sense Rodders, this time next year we’ll be millionaires my son’'.:sunglasses: :joy:

Seriously though…When is the REAL problem solving stuff gonna start from this govt?.. instead of PR stunts with no substance.:roll_eyes:

‘Just saying’ …Franglais.

If you’ve got him in the position of being able to take the knife off him leg muscles combined with foot and a boot can crush a human skull in the struggle which makes it moot.
My guess is these attacks aren’t in the lumber cutting areas of Bavaria.I’d bet on an axe and a chainsaw against a knife.

So to break down 18 % of the prison population identifying as Muslim, one fifth identity as white Muslims.

Given some white inmates will have had previous stays in prison with the threats / physical attacks by the conversion gangs and some prisoners will be naturally white Muslims, the figures still are just shy of 14.5 % of non white Muslims in prison compared to a total UK Muslim population of 6 %.

Why are you even indulging him in another argument for arguments sake ffs ? :roll_eyes:
I have made clear that I hate ALL religions, they are the source of virtually all the trouble in the world.
So I can not be accused of religious bigotry (oh hang on a minute😂) I have no love for ANY of them.

I do not give a flying one about ‘percentages’ …in the reports of the prison system, I do not hear of ANY Christian, Hindu, Jewish or kin fundamendalist Jedi gangs trying to convert, forcibly or otherwise, anybody.
The predominant problem in there in this sceanario is Islamists instilling their primitive beliefs on others .
The predominant source of most terrorism in the world comes from Islam…(please btw no official figures of refutement from the usual clown, I simply cba anymore)
Now if it was any other of the religions I have mentioned previous I would be equally critical.
Not a pc thing to say in Starmers UK, for him and his fan boys, any critique towards Islam, but nevertheless blindingly true.

Nowt wrong with a good argument, join in, don’t join in👍

:joy:Aye ok, you are right
But ‘some’ on here could make an argument in an empty room.
I even think that ‘some’ will argue with you even if they secretly agree with you…just for the sake of it, just for the hell of it.

Of course you did, albeit with as usual more twists and turns than an episode of Poirot.

History is littered with instances of useful idiots quite prepared to do the enemy’s work for them (and let’s be serious here we are facing an implacable enemy who’s only aim is our total annihilation). They all have two things in common these useful idiots; history proves them wrong despite their overwhelming sense of having the moral high ground, and also when it actually comes to them putting their money where their mouths are they suddenly develop the spine of a jellyfish.