Political discussions...

To quote one of your favourite expressions “rubbish”. The land area of our country is in a fixed state, the bathtub size can be increased.

You missed part of my point CF.
I was pointing out to Franglais just that.

He bases his naive blinkered views, (which are conveniently lefty views to boot,) on the types of areas you point out.
The type where he presumably lives…an all white (an aspect I HATE to point out for obvious reasons :roll_eyes:) 50s style idyllic little village with a country pub and an overweight village bobby riding a bike past the duck pond.:grin:

Ironically I too live in a similar environment 10 miles out of the city.

But the difference in in this case between me and him is, I walk around that city in most of my time off with my eyes fully open, especially at nights.
But more relevantly I do not have an agenda or a narrative that I feel compelled to believe in and defend despite it being contrary to reality.:roll_eyes:

(Just to add our village pub is now an Indian restaurant and takeaway, ran by a good bunch of Indian lads, who I often have a talk and a laugh with…despite my supposed ‘rabid racism’ and ‘religious bigotry’ issues.:roll_eyes::joy:)

We have had a series of bad Gov decisions from all parties.

Totally agree.
In your analogy you did not say the bath is expandable, although you now say it is. You only suggest stopping the water entering.
I agree that we can expand the size of the bath. (build more homes)
We do have a fixed land area and this is how it is used Land use statistics: England 2021 - statistical release - GOV.UK’%20(4.9%25).
Less than 5% of land is residential.

All bathtubs are expandable, in engineering terms it won’t be an elegant solution but sandbags can be piled around the sides. Far easier is to stop unwanted water entering the tub in the first place. Far easier still if one had the will would be to pull the plug and get rid of the unwanted water.

I think the bathtub has morphed into a dead horse.

More walking around with closed eyes…:roll_eyes:
In my area alone there are new estates popping up in every available space, green field sites especially.
I have never seen so many houses go up, including all the areas that I travel iny work.
City boundaries are expanding out constantly
The inconvenient fact is we live in a small island inhabited by just too many people.
So combine that with over a million or so a year legitimate legal immigrants, AND their families, and of course the unlimited uncontrolled influx of scumbags, it aint rocket science is it to calculate the problem.

I prefer a shower these days anyhoo.:joy:

:joy::joy: it hasn’t, it’s no more dead than the parrot in the sketch. What we have learned though is that you and I both know that simply turning the tap off will fix the problem but you simply can’t bring yourself to say that.

Stopping immigration will not fix the existing housing shortage, nor will it fix the underfunding of social care etc.

About 19% of NHS employees are not British. They are immigrants, and I do not mean second or third generation migrants.
The UK (we can argue about why for ever) depends on an immigrant workforce.

The whole house of cards is built on a Ponzi scheme, whereby we need an expanding population.

No. It seems to be you that thinks we can still live in such a world. (If we ever did)
The Queen is dead.
And so are a brace each of Edwards and Georges and one Elizabeth. The

Absolutely 100% agreed. No argument from me whatsoever. What that is though is controlled migration. Controlled migration has for a millennia brought nothing but enrichment to our shores and our lives.

We aren’t discussing controlled migration though are we? Despite your best attempts at deflection and muddying the waters, the huge grey elephant shaped thing in the room that you refuse to even acknowledge let alone discuss is the unfettered invasion by peoples who’s whole lifestyle and belief system is as alien to right thinking people that is entirely incompatible with any civilised society.

here is the rub we dont need to import any worker be it legaly or illegaly while we have unemployed british workers. if you need skilled workers for a specific role/job then train up those in the role below them that have proven their work ethic and then replace them with someone from the unemployed pool. why import someone from the other side of the world that has no common morale grounds and is an unknown.

of course the glaringly obvious answer is to keep the peasants down as you can pay the immigrant peanuts too.

More’s the pity

Well some are, and some aren’t.

Although RR seems to have a less than accurate idea about the figures involved. ie there were about a million migrants into the UK in 2023 including dependents and family, not a million workers plus others.

If discussing a smaller group, not all immigrants, exactly who do you mean?
Exactly what are you saying?

If you were in charge of it all, what would you do?
Move the unemployed from Wales to pick fruit in Lincolnshire? Make unemployed lorry drivers become carers for geriatrics?
If any are uncooperative starve them or lock them up? Or maybe just increase the pay until you get enough volunteers? How much would you need to take on the job of changing an old man’s nappies? How much would you put taxes up to pay for that?

Well that is exactly what has been going on for years. So, why do you want to end it now? How much more tax are you wanting to pay?

That is the point though the way you come across on here, by continuously ignoring reality, arguing and trying to justify the unjustifiable, and what you appear to tell yourself, …(and more so try and convince us who know better) …that we actually do.:roll_eyes:

And whatever the figures that you were bound to argue about, it does not alter the fact that there are too many for the infrastructure to cope with…no doubt you will also argue that point.

We (sort of) agree here!
Amazin’ innit!

There is a failure of the infrastructure, of society, to provide for the current UK population.

You seem to think it is caused by immigrants in general? And Maoster seems to think it is caused by “illegal” immigrants?
Correct me if I have that all wrong.

I say that the current UK population was well predicted years and decades ago. It is not a surprise that we have 69 million.
I say that for years we have chased lower taxes, and ignored the future.
We have failed to invest in more and better housing. W"e have not trained Drs and Engineers,
We have had carpet baggers taking money out of the UK into off shore tax havens.

The NHS would collapse without the high percentage of immigrants who come here to work for us, and do that for less than they deserve.

It is not that there are too many people! We allowed immigrants in because we needed them. And that was happening back in the 50’s and 60’s too. It is not a new thing as Maoster pointed out.
It is a lack of planning and spending a bit more up front to make for a better future.

For what it is worth, Holland and Belgium have a higher density of population than the UK. They are hardly “full”. They invest more in housing, health, and schooling. We give our rich energy companies tax breaks!

‘Police said… .
‘The arrest came after an operation to access a building housing asylum seekers in Solingen’’

Surely not.:thinking:
An ‘asylum seeker’’ who turned out to be really a criminal and terrorist, murdering indigenous people in the country that welcomed them?:flushed:
Who would have thought that eh?

Coming to a place near you anytime soon.:roll_eyes:

To be fair the Titanic wasn’t the result of a four way battle between different groups of passengers and Bolshevik crew and captain like Yugoslavia.

I know you are far from stupid, but I believe that you are being deliberately obtuse. I’ve never once said that I think it’s caused by illegal immigrants. Although they certainly aren’t helping. Let’s go back to the Titanic shall we? It’s sinking because of a large hole, do you think that drilling hundreds of thousands more holes into the hull would have helped?