Political discussions...

You are beyond reasoning mate.
It is down to people like you with your blinkered views and attitudes that the country is f.d.
I’d maybe on reflection even keep the illegal freeloaders and deport people like you.
The country would be a far better place.

Sir Kid Starver and his Labour party might as well fly the Tory banner for all the difference it makes. They are pro-establishment, anti-worker Zionist ■■■■■■■■■

To the moderators: combining “arse” and “hole” into one word is perfectly acceptable speech in the English language. There is no need for censorship.

Another poll.

Then another ‘far righ racist’ makes the point.

From 1st vid links
"Sir Keir remains the most popular politician asked about, with 38 per cent of people thinking of him favourably compared to 38 per cent unfavourably.

This is however a drop compared to his ratings just after the election. His net favourability rating has now gone from plus 7 to 0."

Does that justify the “Starmer is doomed” headline?

A PM’s rating drops when in power compared to before taking power?
No kidding. Reality vs dreams.
Apart from 6 months in 2020 Johnson was always in the minuses. He went down to minus 40 approval rating.
Zero seems quite good in comparison. https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/uk-opinion-polls

2nd vid
Kezia Noble, a “dating coach” (obviously a political expert then, no boring “official sources” for RR) says
the government want to silence the
people in this country who have had
enough of mass uncontrolled
So how are the Gov trying to silence people? Is she silenced? Are you?
She also says that Europe, the West, Canada, Australia want mass migration.
Do they? Don’t they all have rules against that? Immigration rules and tests?
Why, yes they do! More nonsense.
" they got scared they
got worried and now they’re doing
everything to silence us now they just
immediately arrest people and sentence
them at some point point because they
don’t like what’s happening"
Really? Do you actually believe that is happening? Just like that?
Do you actually believe we are now in some sort of Police State?
Those sentenced for rioting or for inciting violence, or for violent acts themselves, are those who have pleaded “guilty” in a court of law.
They were fast tracked into those courts, but those who want to plead “not guilty” are still to be tried.
So more nonsense from Noble. Mind you, she ain’t dumb.
“On her website, Noble describes herself as both a ‘female pick-up coach’ and ‘celebrity dating coach’. A day’s bootcamp with her - like the one I’m in west London to witness firsthand - costs £397. A ‘7-Day Mastery Course’, that will help attendees become ‘The Ultimate Man’, costs £4,000 .”

Obviously she does have a “persuasive manner”, and GBN is hardly a hostile environment for snake oil vendors.

@robroy Attack the post not the poster please.

The censorship in this forum is not based around what you consider perfectly acceptable.

Ok but can you point out how that passage you quoted constitutes an attack.?
It is an observation of how he comes across which points out how he forms his narrow minded views on the forum, so quite relavant I would say.
But I will take your point whatever.

Surely even he aint THAT fragile that he considers it an attack.

Now if I’d called him a racist, or a religious bigot, I reckon that would be nearer an attack, not to mention a gross insult that even I would be reluctant to say in real life.

Edit: …Just noticed you are referring to me calling him a pompous prick, not the other bit…(it threw me as you have removed it.)

Problem is I have an aversion to having my intelligence questioned, especially by someone of the nature of what I called him.

As I said though, I will take your point …, play nice, and try and control my reactions when he next presses my buttons.:joy:


Thank you Alastair Campbell.:roll_eyes:


I notice your tactic (in your quest to try and convince us that everything is in fact rosy ) is to concentrate on writing off the presenter or narrator by berating and discrediting him/her in some way or another, rather than concentrate on the content.
So see what you can do with this…

It is Croydon, but it could be anywhere in the UK today…
Maybe far flung from your home vicinity of domestic bliss, but it is what actually goes on in cities where the rest of us live, where I see a lot of it at night myself.

Warning though… it is REAL world stuff, so it will be no doubt written off as lies… and it does go against the ‘official narrative’.

So I await the interpretation of it being alarmist ‘far right’ propaganda, maybe racist? and that…

The menacing groups of (possiblly) illegals are all in fact Doctors and scientists planning their next move in a meeting to enhance our society.

The homeless Brits sat outside the immigrant hotels are in fact tourists.

The gangs are all friendly people.

And that Kier Starmer is still more popular than Female Naked Beach Volleyball. :joy:

Over to you Alastair for your positive spin.

Where have I said “everything is rosy” or anything even slightly resembling that?
In my last post I commented on the detail of the remarks made by the commentator you posted up.
I quoted exactly the video and addressed her comments point by point.
After doing that, I did comment on her background.

Do you read posts?
All of the post? Or just look at one line of a post and fire off a reply?

Honestly I can’t be arsed to watch another video, but will make a couple of comments.
Maybe the people shown are illegal immigrants, maybe they are trainee Police officers, or Doctors or future politicians, maybe they are lizards posing as humans? Just like the cowardly tactic of saying “I’m only asking questions” employed by some, it means nothing. Absolutely zilch. It does though provide a gap for the prejudiced to insert a ready made answer.

Homelessness in the UK is a serious issue.
And so are mental health issues that seem to be overly common among those who end up on the streets. That is of course better described as “rough sleeping”.
Are you equating asylum seeker accommodation to rough sleepers? There are under 5,000 rough sleepers in the UK. There are currently 85,000 asylum seekers awaiting processing.

There is also a massive shortfall of housing in the UK, and that has been an ongoing problem for decades. The tens of thousands of asylum seekers are not the cause of the millions of homes we are missing. Simple arithmetic tells us that.
But those who sell simple cures to difficult problems will still sell you that scapegoat.

only 5000 homeless sounds like it isnt a housing problem then. The question is is why are they homeless is it through mental health, choice, unable to maintain a tenancy, drug addiction or as i assume you maintain not enough houses.

If it is the latter why are you happy to import people to the country when 5000 of your fellow brits dont have shelter? is mr mahat macoat more important to you with all his kids because he is escaping some form of self inflicted/ imagined persecution than a fellow englishman.

of course the real reason that most of the 5000 homeless are male is because priority is given to families and women with children so a single 25 or above male doesnt stand a chance

as i said to you before and showed you any working person can afford to buy a house if they wish its just a matter of priorities.

No. “Rough sleepers” and “Homeless” are two different things.
“Homeless” includes individuals and families living in hostels etc. They may have a roof over their head, but are still “homeless”. There are (Shelter Dec 2023) 309,000 homeless.

No I aint equating the amount of rough sleepers to bogus asylum seekers.
But why concentrate primarily on that small part of the vid ?..that you cba to watch🙄…
(bit rich btw after all the crap you post in form of vid links)

Although if you want to go down that particular strasse…
To make a comparison, those guys aint put up in 4 star hotels, and across the road from them, some of them rough sleepers are ex soldiers, yep as you say with (genuine) mental health issues…who were a good chance actuallly fighting some of those individuals a couple of years ago ! :flushed: …justification of that one?

My main point (as you already knew) was pointing out what I have been trying to tell you for God knows how long…
Our cities have been turned into social cess pits, prowled by foreign criminals at night.
Not a pearl clutching drama either, a fact, but your liberal socialist head seems impenetrable to all this.
I see it regularly, I aint gonna go round filming it to prove it to you, so this was second best to show you…
But hey! …Franglais ‘‘Cant be arsed to watch it’’ :joy:.
Who would have thought it eh?, you not wanting to face up and view actual reality. :joy:

So best you go and check what the Labour Party line is instead and come back to me on it…
Or second thoughts, tell ya what, it’s fine.

On this subject you constantly try and justify the unjustifiable, and rabbit on about ‘processing’ , ‘the back log’, and the effin Tories.:roll_eyes:
Who tf cares?
Fact is the majority are not bonafide asylum seekers at all, in the true sense, they should not even be here…
And where are their wives/girlfriends?
Presumably left to be r aped and/or murdered in their supposed ‘war torn countries’
Or hmmmm! lightbulb moment alert…
Maybe their countries are perfectly safe for them to be left,:flushed: and poverty and lifestyle is the real issue here eh?
Not a lot of Ukranian young men among them I notice, from a genuine war torn state… as I keep saying.

So no you aint exactly said ‘everything is rosy’ but you have put a complete opposite and positive spin on it all and everything else from start to finish…
So you are either a raving optimist, or a blinkered lefty liberal…my money is on the latter.
So I hope you take that as an answer to your question of ‘Where did I say…’’ this time rather than some tenuous ‘personal attack’.:roll_eyes:

But your piece de resistance, your killer blow if you like, the latest Franglais chestnut…
Wait for it…

Starmer is NOT unpopular. :joy::joy:

Justify what? That our ex servicemen, abused youngsters, and others, some with mental health issues, are under provided for? I condemn that. Absolutely.

Blaming asylum seekers for years of under funding and ignoring housing as a problem is plain wrong. With zero asylum seekers there would still be the same issues.

As real as your previous commentator telling us that there is “unrestricted mass migration into the west”? You put videos up, but you don’t defend them.
Brandolini’s Law.

if the asylum seekers were not here then they could go into the hotels oh wait they wont do that why because there is no real issue just labour spouting the usual drivel.

I bet you a weeks pay if i went around the country i could find more than 5000 empty homes and 100 times more houses/flats with non english/british people in

I’m defending this one
But we will never know if this time you accept it as stark reality, because…you ‘‘cant be arsed to watch it’’.

I aint blaming I am plainly and clearly to everybody else except you, saying they should not be here in the first place !.
They have entered our country ILLEGALLY…
Which part of that do you not understand or (refuse to ) see with your own eyes?
Especially when much of it is the fault of the Tories?..a golden opportunity for a Franglais pearl clutch.

So a dilemna for you to jeep in character…
Which do you prioritise on when forming an opinion…your lentil eating liberal views or your hatred of the Tories?
Clearly the former in this case.

You are of course correct in your assertion.

Let me give you a quick analogy though; you’re filling your bathtub at home, the water is about to overflow and flood your house, do you moan that the manufacturer should have made a deeper bath, do you simply turn the water off, or do perhaps take the plug out and get rid of some of the water?

The analogy falls over in that your bathtub is na fixed size. The housing stock is not. Remember the 2015 promise for 200,000 new homes?

Following on certainly from Labour failures too. And succeeded by a dropping of targets, by Truss.

I’ll give you an analogy:
The Titanic is sinking because of a massive hole. Will running around closing a few portholes help?

The really scary thing is how Croydon has been turned from the small provincial Surrey town of my parents generation into the festering London inner city rat hole that it is now.Now Leatherhead and Dorking and Guildford are to follow.
It isn’t happening all over the country at all.Places like Chipping Norton and Church Stretton are still so far relatively fine.

The Titanic received a massive hole because of arrogant and reckless captaincy.