Political discussions...

Never said that , but you think I did, what does that say about you
God he must be a pain to you
Haven’t to mention him mr F
Listen princess im not going to get into a spitting match with you because you’ve made a show of yourself already on this subject by not having a clue what your talking about
Just because someone looked at your family the wrong way does not give you the reason to attack people you don’t even know
Also the boat people, they are coming in for years so you think your news is news its
Years behind
As said before but in a different way people living in areas that think they will never invade this is a prime example
Yours for one

Princess?? :flushed:
Seriously. :joy:

Ok, if you think that’s constructive and not at all childish, crack on.
And you say that it’s ME who has made a show of myself?:thinking:
Ok so be it, if that makes you feel better.

Look mate how can I put this tactically and diplomatically…
The more angry you seem to get (for whatever reason) the worse your post is to understand grammatically.
So as for me ‘not knowing what I am talking about’ …it’s more of a case of me having difficulty understanding much of what YOU are talking about tbh.

So we’ve got 3 choices here, I just ignore you, or I retaliate by also going down the childish route of name calling, (nah I’m past all that years ago) or we have a constructive conversation about the politics thread.
(…rather than discuss retrospectively any arguments I have had with Franglais in the past, that you keep wanting to bring up, and who you seem intent to try and stick up for, for reasons I aint really interested in tbh, …
But yeah I do agree with you on at least one thing, about him being a ‘pain’ so that’s a positive for starters anyway😄)

Tell ya what…
Lets go for option 3 to start with eh?.
A constructive and grown up conversation on the thread subject…Politics.

So to address some of your points…
Firstly I do not know what it says about me mate, other than trying to work out where you are coming from on all this and your agenda…but I’m sure you will feel the need to tell me.

You say I attack? …
I dont know about ‘attack’ , more vent anger.
I have every right to both be angry, AND to comment on whatever aspect I do not agree with…
It’s called ‘Free Speech’ a lot of which this thread is about as it happens.

So until we are all put in jail for disagreeing with Starmer, (as some basically in a way already have) I’ll just carry on giving my opinions…seeing as that is the main idea of a forum.
A forum with no opinions is a blank screen.

So if my family have been adversely affected by some of these people by casual harassment which could have escalated (they have a couple of occasions ) I aint supposed to be angry ?
Really? :thinking:
So how does that work exactly?

And of course these people have been coming in for years, I’ve even had them in the back of my trailer before in the past, at both Calais and Dunkerque , and that was at least 15 years ago…

It was you suggested and used the words ‘something new’ mate, I certainly didn’t.
So again …I do not understand what you are on about here.

Your last paragraph?
Nah, sorry…not a scooby.
You will need to explain it if you really want to carry on with a constructive conversation that is, and give me a constructive adult converation back, or we can just end the conversation there if ya like…

Or… you can just come back and attempt (unsuccessfully) again to try and wind me :joy:… and maybe even call me ‘Princess’ again for good measure…
Your Call, I aint really bothered.
Cheers anyway.

you jest but i wouldnt be surprised if that is his end game throw all those that have the courage to say something in jail on trumped up fast track charges then give their jobs and houses to the immigrants then when they come out of jail sorry old bean there is no house for you and no job either go live on the street or move away to another country

Yep…I’m with you mate.

I’ve started listening to a lot of documentary/news type radio shows these last few weeks, (well until I get bored with it anyway :smiley:)
So quite a bit of politics in my head at the moment …not sute if thats a good thing btw.:joy:
Hey just occured to me… maybe I’m on my way to being (and acting like) a grown up at last.:joy:

I’ve knocked the likes of RadioX, Rock slot, Talksport, Heart 70s and 8Os…even a bit of Heart Dance vibe I’ve listened to lately into touch for a time, in favour of Talk radio or ‘Talk’ as it goes by now.

Especially Mike Graham in the morning, and Ian Collins, in the afternoon, a guy who is impartial, articulate and talks a lot of sense and truth…
(I first became a fan of his no holds barred old ‘Creatures of the night’ shows years ago ,that kept me awake when I dabbled shortly in doing nights)
So ‘Talk’…any station whose tag line is ‘The home of common sense’ floats my boat.

Also Nick Ferrari (who sounds like an up market car thief :smiley: ) on LBC is quite good, and GB news is another.

As for the BBC ?..
The only guy I find who does not pander to their blatant left wing agenda (much) is Nicky Campbell on 5live.

Anyway what I was getting to a bloke on the radio (phone in) said he could solve a lot of Starmer’s problems which I thought was clever…and amusing.

Police shortage and what to do with the illegals?..
Greet them on the beach by giving them all a truncheon and a tall hat and recruit them.
They will automatically be biased towards Starmers preferred racial demographic, and would quite naturally get rid of all the…‘Far right white working class’ to make room…
So the housing shortage also sorted.

Replace them with more illegal immigrants,.(who could be then made legal…
Illegal immigrant situation also sorted .

Who could then all move into the vacant houses left by the…‘Far right’ people (ie ANYBODY who goes against Starmers views)
The clever bit…thus ensuring maintaining more votes forthe Labour Party at the next election…Brilliant :sunglasses::joy:
As Bez always says in his Manc accent…‘Sorted, jobs a good un’.:joy:
Ok not serious just a bit of fun.

(At the risk of upsetting Mr Whatshisname,) I wonder what Franglais thinks of that one.

some say that is how blare got a second bite of the cherry fill the country with sympathetic voters that dont actually care and you have a majority to carry on your campain

No one is disputing the fact that they’ve been just walking into the country for a while.This is all about chucking em all out by forcible, if need be, repatriation.What’s your problem with that ?.

The only thing I would say is that there is a lot of time being invested for not many views. I suppose it is always entertaining to see the jousting, but come on. That is said out of concern more than anything btw.

Right firstly I could not care less if anybody is sick of me on here banging on about this stuff.
As a family man and a member of the working class I am just pi55ed with it all going on under my beak.

It is a thread for political comment…So if you are offended or just sick of hearing it all… tough sh… Dont read anymore from here…

But…Do the Labour Party thing of ignoring this at your peril.
It is much easier and convenient to play a race card, and call everybody ‘far right’ rather than address the obvious and glaring problem but so be it…so until what is left of on line free speech is banned …here goes.

Any Farage haters just take personality out of the picture for 5 minutes and listen to the dialogue without predjudice.

What is he saying that is innacurate exactly?
What is he proposing that would not solve the problem?
The Tories came up with the Rwanda deterrent thing, ok it turned out to be a joke and a damp squib…but what has Labour done other than alienating it’s main target voter class, and sweet FA.
Like I say ignore this and pretend it aint happening if it makes you feel better…

Farage is worried about jihad?
Does he know what jihad is? Do you?

The same old lie about streets in Oldham where no one speaks English.

Speaking as a family man, and a member of the working class, I do not want to join Russia and Belorussia outside the ECHR.

Quote at 2-50
perspective suggests that when political
allegiances are dictated by religious
identity it challenges the principle of
democracy by encouraging voting patterns
that are less about policy and more
about cultural or religious solidarity
this he believes threatens the fabric of
British Society
That’s it: PMSL !
The “culture wars” generalissimo Farage is against “culture wars”? Hilarious.
Pure “double speak”.
Who voted for RefUK Ltd based on their fiscal policy?!

Sorry RR but 3 minutes is too much already.

I’ve just quickly looked at the other “Border Crossing” videos on YT.
I am amazed that Starmer still survives. It seems that he has been humiliated, exposed, and destroyed more than once by Farage!
Strange that he is our PM if all of that is true?
Ah, maybe it is YT online drama classes? Melodrama for the masses?

Who would have thought that the TN Labour party servile puppet would be the first to come on and totally rubbish the whole thing.:joy:
(Answer…Everyone on here.)

That last photo I put up with the bird catching the fish is you and your blinkered left wing type personified.
Wel done for reading it in the context I suggested btw…Farage hater.:smile:

You are on about voting…
Who can say as a Labour voter that they are doing great so far in such a short time…you?
As I said, they have even managed to alienate their main target voters (well their Original ones anyway ) by writing them off, ignoring them and labelling them.
And YOU said they were not as bad as the Tories…:joy::joy:

Who would have though it?
So easy to point out the obvious lies and flaws. :grinning:
Yes I do “rubbish” the video. Because I can. Easily.

It is rubbish.
If it isn’t show me it is truthful and accurate. Don’t just go to ad hominem attacks.

I certainly dislike Farage.
I think it is perfectly reasonable to dislike liars and grifters. I make no apology for such.

Do you know what jihad is?

Do you think there are streets in Oldham where no one speaks English?

Do you think we should give up the rights given us by the EHCR? The right to life? Free thought? Free expression? Freedom from slavery? No torture nor discrimination?

Edit to add
“Border Crossing 35” the maker of the vid RR put up also has these stunning titles:
شورو LG

عبد المؤمن :heart_eyes: أواني منزلية العيد :star_struck: سلعة و سومة :100:REDA JOKAR

“3 MINUTES AGO!” Catholics and UK Protestants STAND UP Against Illegal Muslim

Nice to see that RR is taking his own advice and carrying out research into his sources.

Dont patronise me [Moderator Edit], a jihad is a fight against anybody who is not an Islamist, an enemy in their eyes.
I have a big oroblem with illegal criminals coming here by boat, I have no problem with anybody foreign living in my country who behaves themselves and integrates.
The vid points out that most of their young generation does not want to, it is illustrated quite a lot where I live.
In your little sheltered 50s style village, the biggest job for you as President of the neighbourhood watch is informing the Police of people walking on the grass on the village green I suspect.
For people in the real world it is much different.
So basically a waste of time talking to you.

what failed about it??? when it was first launched it slowed the boats then the woke do gooders got involved so it was postponed the boats started back up. then they got it through the courts and it was so effective lots of them that were already here buggered off to ireland and i suspects other places and the boats slowed again. then when ever they tried to implement it the do gooders got involved and tried to stop them. rioting etc now the migrants red flagged friend has scrapped it wasted another 400+ million with deals with France and they are worse than ever. of course it isnt reported in the same way rather than daily figgures we now have monthly figgers so it doesnt seem as bad

@franglais when we were discussing boris you asked me how many of his parliamentary promises did he keep. in the 18 or so months he was pm… my question to you is how many has starmer broken since he has been pm?

Well thank you for keeping personal hate out of the debate, and for addressing the issues.

Jihad has many meanings, although it does include war in a just cause.
What meaning did the respondents to the survey have in mind?
War? An inner struggle against evil?

If a survey asked you if a struggle is justified against an aggressor would you say yes? Would that make you a war-monger?

Does the “crusade against drugs” mean a religious war?

Clearly you do not know everything that jihad can mean.
You do know one of the many meanings.

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You just can not help yourself can you?
If I want to know the definition of something, a dictionary or Google is well in front of the queue, before a 'kin know it all to ask, but thanks for the effort.:roll_eyes:

I know it in the context it is intended by those who perpetrate it in THIS case.
Where as you in your bed wetting liberal ways always look for a positive spin to justify anything you find hard to agree with that stares you in the face. ie …the bird catching the fish !

As for personal hate?
You aint credited with the required amount of importance or relavance for me to ‘hate’, so I’ll take it back and replace it with pompous ANNOYING prat.
Take it as an observation rather than a personal ‘attack’.

As for adressing the issues…
Why do you keep side swiping the question on Labour’s performance?
I recall you being more than vocal on the performance of the Tories.

We both know what conclusion the video maker wants you to jump to, and you certainly have.
In the survey (I have looked at the JL Partners site and can’t find it) what was the question? What was the survey really about? What was in the minds of respondents, not in the mind of the viewers of dog-whistle videos?

But hey! “Jihad” Here Fido!

Have all the country’s woes been cured in the past 50 days? No they haven’t.
Really terribly disappointing news for anyone who thought they would be.

Oh dear sage, do tell me more.

Firstly, define “anti-semitic”. As a bonus question, define “far left”.

Please do NOT tar me with the same brush as yourself…someone who believes any goddam thing that pertains to the narrative that he is told to believe.

I am sick of telling you I base my opinions on things that I see, and despite what I am told officially to the contrary, and by any experiences of such I have had myself.
So there is only one ‘Fido’ here, as has been proven before on here…ref the ‘C’ word…no not that one.

They have not been solved in the 50 days, no you are right, all Starmer has achieved in that time is uniting most of the country, but sadly for him not in the way he wanted.:joy:

The country is united?
IPSOS have an interesting poll out.
Oh, do you currently believe in polls or not? Since you linked to a video with Farage talking about polls and you defending that poll (although you have no links to the original alleged results) I guess you do.

Looks like most people are worried about the economy more than anything else.
Next (almost equal) extreme religious and right wing beliefs.

More have praise for the Police and Starmer than for Farage. Farage is almost uniting the country in their dislike of him, more than Starmer is!

Is that what you see with your own eyes?
No? Shock! Horror! Most of the people you talk politics with are probably the same as you!
Most of us do not talk openly with strangers. We tend to talk amongst our selves…people alike to us. That is not the real (whole) world, it is but a part of it.

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