Political discussions...

Just wrote a long winded clever reply, but ya know what?
Just deleted it…really CBA tbh.:worried:

So instead we’ll go with standard answer which is…
‘Aye if ya like,…whatever’.

But thanks for the input.

Your welcome always willing to give an honest opinion

Glad to hear it.
I notice all your comments on the thread are about my ongoing conversation with Franglais, but feel free to put something in thats constructive towards the subject.

That’s because its only about you and F
There is nothing constructive about anything both of you say , ie what’s called constructive opinion, my opinion is better than yours or name calling or racist from Google and youtube
As was said its a bit late to the party where were you when it mattered

Well again mate, it’s ‘constructive’ enough for you wanting to keep reading it…by your own admission.
You cant complain about the content, then in the next breath tell us …‘‘wont be scrolling through, it’s a laugh’’, you cant have it both ways.

I aint really sure why we are having this conversation tbh, either keep reading or ignore it, I personally aint fussed one way or the other.

Where was I when WHAT mattered btw?
This has gone on long before the build up to the election, so what’s your point?

Anyhoo maybe you should refresh it by showing us the way, and enlightening us by giving us the benefit of YOUR opinion on the TOPIC… instead of your opinion on what me and him say to each other.

Just a thought.

Anyway yet another 400 illegal economic migrants arrive today.:flushed:
Still no comment from Starmer.

Is this it now?
Just let anybody in willy nilly, ignore it, pretend it aint happening?
So what happens when we are ‘full’ ?
He’ll maybe banish all his ‘far right’ crew to another country, to make room…job done.:joy:

He’s a bit inconsistent with his forthright ‘fast track’ actions aint he?:roll_eyes:

Exactly where do you stand in this SNAFU fast turning into a FUBAR situation which ends in the new Yugoslavia.
Farage’s rescue mission impossible, or Starlin’s inevitable end game ?.

Actually the good news is that rejoining the EUSSR will allow us the free movement to retire on the continent somewhere nice like the Vercors or Italian Alps.Rather than Comrade Starlin’s vision for what remains of Surrey.
The bad news is he’ll seize all our assets and savings and pension before we can clear check in at Dover.

Let’s get this right Frito or Fronicker of all people, take your pick, calls me a Communist and you’re blaming me for it.
Planet Zog indeed.

Blimey how do you conflate my, according to Comrade Starlin, far right musings, with Communism.

I can do politics of envy when a zb train driver thinks they deserve more money than a coal miner and gets/got it in the everyone is equal comrade utopia.

No need to get involved with kindergarten opinions from people who only have an opinion after one of his own gets eyeballs from a ■■■■, then all of a sudden wakes up to what’s going on
It’s a pecker discussion nothing more, anyone can see that, have a look back at some of your attacks on F
You have a opinion not opinion or opinion or opinion or opinion or opinion make up your mind

Jesus its been happening for years, where have you been

:flushed: Sorry mate you’ll need to give me a bit of time to decipher that.:flushed:
I’ll get back to you.
Dont whatever you do hold yer breath though whilst waiting for me.:joy:

As long as YOU know what you’re on about that’s all that matters.:thinking:

Yep it sure has.
Jesus that’s why I’ve been commenting on it for years eh?
Where have you been ?.:grin:

It’s called a opinion, ie not googled or youtube
I could go on and on and on as if it was just like the kindergarten two writing garbage and repeatedly saying the same thing
Im happy with my pecker, no need to compare with someone i don’t like and call them names and then get racist, (your words)
I don’t hold my breath, i watch and read what i want, i give an opinion when i want,
By the way he’s way ahead of you, he hasn’t lost it like you, he hasn’t responded attacking you like you, he’s baited you many times and you got taken in big time because you didn’t get the responses you expected
No sides taken here just a observation and a single opinion

So after that what do you want me to say exactly?
I’ll just stick with…
Aye if ya like.

Is that a Newcastle thing

Nah I just dont know what tf we are arguing about tbh…in fact I’m quite confused.
You complain about the content of the thread, …if it was me that would make me want to just ignore it.
Then you tell me you are enjoying reading it all, backed up with convaluted opinions.
Then you appear to want some kind of argument with me by telling me I’ve ‘lost it’ :joy:…(aint happening btw.)
I’m all for arguing and debating relavent subjects in the spirit of a forum, but I reckon this is pointless and going nowhere.
So I basically cant be arsed…sorry.

Have a go with Franglais…he loves an argument, and as you say…‘he’s way ahead of me’ so much better qualified, and he has far more time for it on his hands than me.
Cheers anyway.

This is quite interesting.
Showing how easy it is to get in this country.
Still no sign of Starmers promised new border patrols.:smile: