Political discussions...

@robroy where did you see link for £10 amnesty?

As RR says £10 amnesty, but that does not stop the blade being illegal.

“The maximum penalty for an adult carrying a knife or weapon illegally is either 4 years in prison, an unlimited fine or both. You’ll get a prison sentence if you’re convicted of carrying a knife or weapon illegally more than once.”
Possession of zombie knives is illegal. Then are still on the forbidden list.

She was not jailed for criticising a religion.
She pleaded “guilty” to sending a communication threatening death etc.

She wasn’t speaking in her own home. She was:
speaking to/encouraging/winding up /inciting others.
She was part of an online mob. Those who cheer on and encourage the nutters are not innocent bystanders.

Yep, and can’t we all tell the difference between saying that sort of stuff and laughing with mates, as saying those same words after someone seriously suggests going to Parliament, and someone says “hey, I’ve got a good idea, lets spray paint the Mosque”.
Surely we know how crowds, real or on line, get wound up by each other?

I fully understand all that believe it or not.

Thing is you have to carry the knife to hand it in…
So what do you think Scrote no1 and Scrote no 2 is going to say to Old Bill when they get on a stop and search?
We’re on our way round to you,.can we have our 20 quid please officer?

It’s a publicity pr.stunt, nothing more nothing less, to make it look like something is being done.

One of Starmers famous ‘fast track straight to the nick’ to do a bit of time, would be more apt, not to mention useful,.rather than nicking Karen and her mates,. for saying something deemed offensive to immigrants on her 'kin Facebook.:roll_eyes:

As I said…
'On line gob scheisse …Guilty.
Genuinely planning an outrageous atrocity…Not guilty…mitigation All mouth…nothing else.
Ok Franglais, lets just kick free speech into touch a la 1984…because Franglais can see nothing wrong with Labour official policy.:roll_eyes:…quelle surpris Rodney.
Or at the very least if something is deemed grossly and making trouble offensive a first offence suspended sentence…with comm service, or a fine.
Not Go to Jail do not pass go, do not collect your 200 quid.
Completely disproportional and over the top

In Gloucester alone, 300 blades handed in before the one week long amnesty.
Looks like a good thing to me.
If I was going to hand in a knife outside of a formal amnesty I would imagine a phone call in advance would avoid a “carrying” charge. But not telling the Police first? I would expect them to be a little doubtful of “Honest Guv, I was on my way to you”.

Oh, and that was in March. Nowt to do with Starmer.

Do you believe every bloody thing you read?
How many of those are active young gang member criminals do you reckon?
Right lads forget the lucrative drug money…lets all hand our blades in for a tenner.
Your naivety knows no bounds.

Has anyone followed the links to the actual .GOV document ?

Pretty specific about what qualifies as a Zombie knife

I can really see the young herberts who carry these things going through all the forms etc. and then they may not get there tenner anyway!
For a start they have to prove the original purchase was £30 or more and they have to give their full name, address etc and may also be asked to provide a driving licence or passport to prove their id.
The period to hand in the knives only lasts for 29 days. They will be illegal by late September.

Exactly…no chance of these characters handing in their knives, and especially under those terms…for a tenner. :joy:

Organised drug gangs are not going to stop because of a knife amnesty?
No ■■■■ Sherlock!
What next? Stopping speeding at 40mph outside school gates, isn’t going to stop drunk driving? Let’s just ignore it then?

Yes, true.
The link also shows that all blades are illegal except those excepted. A blade could very well be illegal without being a “zombie knife”.
Owning a blade is not always illegal, although having it on the street might well be. Possession of a “zombie knife” even at home is probably illegal.

As I said thousands of blades handed in.
Not all of them, and obviously the real nasty guys won’t be doing that, but getting more off the street is in no way a bad thing that I can see.

Those blades would have just been put in an amnesty bin without any recourse or id etc.
There was a similar scheme on Teesside a few years ago and a monument was built with all the blades etc put into amnesty bins.
I think this latest scheme is targeted at those who are holding these knives “legally”
Can’t see anybody who wears a mask on the street handing over their id to gain a tenner.
No mention if any of the knives handed in will be checked for DNA etc and can be connected to a crime.

Nice try, a good bit of attempted damage limitation there Franglais to stop yourself looking stupid, (that ship sailed btw) try and turn the tables on me…
6 out of 10.

So the well known organised gangs in the ‘ghettoes and mean streets’ of rural Gloucs have handed their knives in eh?
Problem solved then.:joy::joy:

@robroy, if you posted on the relative merits of different types of tin opener, @franglais would be all over it.

In Gloucs there ae 300 fewer blades. Is that good or bad? I think good.

The blades being taken in has not stopped drug gangs in the big cities.
Does that make the 300 blades in Gloucs being off the streets now change from good to bad?
I say it makes no difference.

Nobody, at anytime, nor anywhere, has said “problem solved” on this have they?
No one has said that a knife amnesty will solve the threat of atomic war either. That still does not make it a waste of time.

I think your image of ‘gangs’ in your sheltered away from reality utopian type world are Fagin Dickensian types, who go around doing a dance with their thumbs in their lapels shouting… ‘Cor blimey guvnor, strike a light’.:joy:

They are ruthless thugs…(very sorry for my usual .‘racist’ views, but predominantly black) who would cut you at the drop of a hat, or if you looked at them in the wrong way…
Full time hard corre criminals.

Guess what their whole way of life revolves around ?..
(clue ‘Not …gotta pick a picket or two guvnor’)
DRUGS …that was my point.
All that type of sh is bound to be the main target for reduction of knives on the street.
London, Bham, Manchester…all the usual suspect type areas predominantly.

Gloucs? Hmmmm .:thinking:
Not so sure.:grin:

Maybe a few wannabe pound shop type ‘weekend gangsters’ who listen to a bit of Snoop Dog, hip hop and gangsta rap, but work at Tesco through the week on the meat counter.:grin:

I can safely say a few kitchen and pen knives handed in from that area would not sctatch the surface…npi.
quote Franglais: ‘I say it makes no difference’
So why bring it up then? :roll_eyes:

Btw mate…Got to say the atomic war analogy is a bit stupid even for you, but there ya go.

Nah my next point to him is going to be…
Hey Franglais,.ya know what?
‘Black is Black’.

Odds on he is gonna come back with.
'No ‘Black is actually White’…then post an official sourced link to try and prove it.:roll_eyes::joy:…and maybe go on to blame the Tories for it for good measure.

(Disclaimer just for Franglais… The ref to ‘black and white’ was not meant in any racial context whatsoever.

79 years ago Churchill wrote what became known as his ‘Gestapo Speech’ after losing an election to the Labour Party.
Much of it rings true with Starmers new govt…so far.
Particularly the bit about …
‘No socialist system can be established without a politicised Police force’ (paraphrased)
And attacks on the rights of ordinary men and women.


From your link:
Incredibly there are are still people who quote this text with approval…
Churchill did not have a monopoly of any of the vices on display here, and the supply of ■■■■■■■■■ is inexhaustible; some facts about the human condition never change.

Predictable if nothing else.:roll_eyes::joy:

Incidentally as for Starmer’s (inconsistent) disciplinarian authoritarian stance in his short time in power, his alienation of those he is primarily meant to support and represent, ie the working class, and his total refusal to speak of (or even acknowledge) what the majority of people are seriously concerned about (illegal immigration)…What do you as a Labour voter/supporter think of how he is doing so far?

In his defence at least he has united most of the country in one respect…in such a short time.
Everybody hates him.:face_with_hand_over_mouth: