Political discussions...

Oh ffs, have a kin day off wiil ya.:roll_eyes:
So I make a comment and an observation about an entire culture’s attitude, which is fairly well known…and you come back with 3 white Western inividuals as a counter argument.

Yes ok Franglais, you have once again shot me down in flames …if that makes you feel better.
Un be ■■■■■■ lievable. :joy:

Victims treated better today?

Something that has always made me a little queasy is shopkeepers who don’t partake in alchohol consumption for religious reasons, but are still willing to ram their shops from floor to ceiling with cheap alcohol to sell, effectively to make the most money possible. Quite often the shops will be in the most deprived areas, which isn’t something that was by accident.

So, what I am saying is, the indigenous people don’t matter to these shopkeepers. If this is the way the shopkeepers’ sons are brought up, it isn’t really surprising what the result is.

I don’t believe this is racist, it is careful observation of patterns of behaviour, not based on colour of skin etc.

Makes a change from complaining that I don’t reply to posts.

So the next time I show figures about the whole of the country, you won’t counter that with what you have seen at the end of your street?

There is a whole can of worms there.

Should shop-keepers be responsible for making moral choices about their customers use of alcohol?
Especially shop-keepers of a different religion? I can see a lot of very red faced, shouty people getting upset if so.

Quite apart from the basic idea that customers will go to shops that stock what they want to buy. And even if no local shops had cheap booze, wouldn’t many just go elsewhere?
And if a shop sells booze then the customer would also get their choccie biscuits and crisps there too. (or healthy fresh fruit)

Deprived areas? Should poorer people have harder access to booze?
A shop keeper will not have a big range of booze if there is no demand.

@franglais All points I would raise in a debate if I was debating that side. What do you actually think though?

Home grown reptiles. It still leaves the question as to why we are complimenting our degenerates by importing yet more?

There’s no mystery.They fought a war for the division of India along religious lines.
Then they defeated the object by moving here.
Draw your own conclusions.There’s no need or point in trying to second guess their motives.
At the end of the day they move in we move away except for those who choose to defy the human instinct of each to their own.
I don’t get Rob’s issues in that regard.Living amongst that culture is a lifestyle choice it’s not obligatory.
So far the idea of indigenous flight isn’t a race hate crime.So far.

Oh but I will tell you what I see at ‘the end of my street.’ mate yes.

Because me cotradicting you over what I have witnessed compared, with your account, …ie what you are told to think, and what you Google from official sources, (which is what you base all your opinions on evidently.
Compared to me giving you a negative aspect of an entire culture,.and you highlighting 3 random individuals with similar faults, as if it is a justifiable counter argument, is not the same.
…It’s like comparing apples to oranges.:roll_eyes:

It’s like a tennis match, i just can’t keep up with the score or what team they are playing for.
Is it Google, youtube, Facebook, twitter,
Politics, you think you know something and so does the other when really its what you don’t know that’s doing the most damage

What do I think?
That would take almost a whole sheet of A4 to write down!

What is the question? There are so many.

Should people be stopped from taking harmful drugs?
We ban cannabis but allow alcohol.

If we continue to allow alcohol, should there be a minimum price for it? And would raising that price be beneficial? Or would some skimp on food for kids to feed a habit for drugs? Legal or illegal.
Should only the better off be allowed booze? Are we OK with expensive wines for the toffs, but nowt for the feckless underclass?

There are questions about the choices made by many people, and I do not think it is up to shop-keepers to be making them.
I don’t want to be refused a legal item or service because of the religious views of anyone else.
Are Moslem shop keepers conflicted by alcohol sales? Maybe I don’t know.
Are Catholic pharmacists and medical professionals conflicted about contraception? Maybe, I don’t know.
Jehovah Witnesses and their refusal to take blood for themselves, is one thing, but to seek to deny it to their children, is another issue, and I do have the opinion that is wrong.

There are no JW babies, nor other Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc babies.
Religion is a belief and only those with adult capacity have the knowledge and comprehension to choose their religion. Kids cannot have it imposed upon them.

What is the question?

Why are some immigrants degenerates?
Why do we have any immigrants at all?

First Q is because we try to keep the worst ones out, but people are pretty much the same all over. Different circumstance will lead people of different backgrounds, to behave badly at different times.

Second Q is more complicated, but, the UK economy, in common with many other capitalist (more or less) countries is a big Ponzi scheme. We need an ever increasing population for it to function.
Maybe it is unsustainable, and should be changed, but that is how it currently is.
Without immigrants we would have a much worse NHS. We would have fewer workers in the care sector. We want cheaper care for oldies, so pay low wages, which the locals don’t want. Same with cutting cabbages in the winter fields. And we have under resourced Drs and Nurses training for years.

Immigrants have tended to work longer hours in worse paid jobs in the UK.

The newer rules means that immigrants now only get the better paid jobs, that cost more to train someone for. So do companies spend lots of cash retraining someone already here? Or just pay a few quid more to import someone already trained, and give the locals a worse paid job?
Low wages? Just get the Gov (UK tax payers) to subsidise them with in work benefits.

What is it that we don’t know.From the WEF to a Socialist coup taking advantage of an unfit for purpose electoral system and even the flawed idea of ‘democracy’ itself.
Among other players up to the head of state level, who may or may not have been compromised by that agenda.
What is certain is that we would/should at least have expected the emergency imposition of a PR type re allocation of parliamentary seats for this election.On the orders of the Head of State.Instead of which here we are people being interned for speaking out against the unelected, neo Communist, Starmer regime.

quote: franglais…‘Religion is a belief, those with adult capacity have the comprehension to choose their religion’’

Why choose ANY religion ?
I would say that the very ‘adult’ type capacity is negated by those who as you say…‘Choose’ to believe in the likes of goblins fairies and a different array of super human types who live in the sky.

The whole world would be a much better place without any of this bilge.

If you/they all just sat down thought deeply, logically and rationally about it all, shook your head rapidly, and then you may come to the conclusion…
‘What the hell was I thinking here’.

A woman of no previous criminal record has been,or is soon to be, sent down for criticising a certain specific religion.
I can off the top of my head think of about 6 different varieties, not counting denominations of such,.some more dangerous than others …
I think they are ALL pure dog sh, fantasy all based on primitive superstition and the fear of death…

So have I broke the law 6 times in Starmer’s new quasi Police state?

quote: Franglais…(immigration)
‘‘What is the question’’.

My questions concerning immigrants of the illegall variety.

Why do we continue to import criminals.?

Why do we think they are hoying their passports in the channel?

Why when they are caught breaking our laws thus abusing our hospitality, when they should not be here are they not instantly packed off back?

I dont know about you but if I entered another country I would be behaving myself and keeping a very low profile.
I would be expecting a swift kick up the arse back to the UK if I did not.

5000 btw since Starmer came to power😂
Word on the street is no.5000 was greeted with a bottle of champagne, in a 5000th supermarket customer stylee, with an envelope upgrading his hotel from 4 to 5 Star.:joy:

Yep…Labour deffo a better proposition than the Tories.:roll_eyes:


You are of course breaking one of the rules of show-biz.
By being such a drama-queen you are hogging the limelight.

What is new police state of Starmer?
Is there some law been passed whilst Parliament is off on it’s summer break?
Or are the Police and Judiciary enforcing the same old laws we have had for years?

Any foreigner getting 12months is automatically on track for deportation.
(UK Borders Act 2007)

Taking Drama queen lessons from you maybe mate…the unquestionable expert
Starmer has turned the judicial system into a political scenario by fast tracking the rioters…I’m ok with that, but not the reason for it.
It would be great…more power to him if he was consistent.
What about the sudden surge in knife crime…(oh yeah their latest act of brilliance is to give the scrotes who carry zombie knives a 10 quid amnesty.
I’m gonna do an Arthur Daley,… import a job lot for 2 quid a shot from Taiwan, and knock em out for a tenner at all the nicks in my area.:joy:) …why are these offenders not getting tracked equally as fast.

What about the 2 mad assed thugs at Manchester airport …nuff said about those 2, not so called far right (white) working class thugs’.
2 tier Kier eh? :joy:

@franglais, ok thanks.

My main point was that the shopkeepers despite apparently having beliefs that the consumption of alcohol is wrong, somehow find it okay to sell it in copious quantities to non-believers.

The significance of the deprived areas is of course the vulnerability of the people and the possible inability to make good decisions when something it put right in front of them, such as alcohol. I think we do have some in-built social responsibility in this country where certain actions are not acceptable, such as giving a drunk a drink.

To me buying a shop in a deprived area with the intention of selling alcohol to vulnerable people is not right.

I recognise the issues you are mentioning, I think, but of course there are no easy fixes.

So long as alcohol is legal, then everyone (of age) should have equal access to it. Is it for those of us who “responsibly enjoy a glass of dry sherry” of an evening the right people to dictate to those who can only afford Buckie how to be going on?
I really don’t think the personal beliefs, religious or moral, of the vendor need be an issue. Would it be so different if a red nosed boozer ran the shop?

If you refer to the apparent hypocrisy of a teetotaler running a shop/off-licence?
That might well be so. But hey ho! I am not the one to be casting many stones in such matters.

@franglais I said it made me a little queasy. Believing it is wrong to drink alcohol, but selling it to people. Feel free to disagree.

quote: franglais. 'really? '.
Yep really.

Ok the ‘criticism’ (if it can be called that) is a bit severe granted…I would call it an idle and groundless threat more like.

But c’mon did she REALLY mean it?
Would she really do it, or genuinely advocate doing it in real terms?

She does not look much like a ruthless urban warrior to me…all talk without thinking first more like.

In fact YOU of all people know yourself Franglais about keyboard bravado, and all wind and pi55, and about gobbing off at people, and casually throwing around gross insults, that in real world non keyboard situationd you would not say… or do.
For instance not DARE tap somebody on the back in a pub, after hearing them talking,.and say…
‘Excuse me my man I think you are a racist religious bigot’…
Unless you are very brave, very stupid…or both.

I’m thinking she shares the same social ineptitude, she got carried away with anger, and felt safe in the knowledge that she could say wtf she likes in the comfort of her own home…wrong, not any more you can’t apparentlly.

My point I am trying to make is if the FB post went something like…
‘Right all you far right racist religious bigots, meet me outside (whatever) mosque at (whatever) time, but bring yer own dynamite’…
that would be different, that is planning with intent…but 15 months ffs, ? :flushed: AND fast tracked when 1000s of serious and real crimes just go through the system…slowly?

Surely community service and a swift metaphorical kick up the arse would suffice, …or if they wanted to mention jail, what about a suspended sentence?

I may have said something along similar lines myself, maybe summet like…
‘‘kin MPs, hate em, they all want blown up’’…
But I have absolutely zero intention of becoming the new Guy Fawkes of 2024.

I have a mate who for years keeps nudging us in our backs when we go to sip a pint…bloody annoying, I’m sure I have said…
‘‘Do that again and I’ll kill you’’
but I dont expect to be sat doing a life sentence anytime soon for actual murder.
Turns of phrase, unwise ones, but nevertheless that is all they are.

Europe is full of white gravestones of heroes who fought those with no free speech in their country, in order to maintain free speech in ours…Starmer should consider that fact.

To get back to ott sentences,.I really can not wait as I have said to see the severe sentence the airport nutters get…aye right.:roll_eyes:
Also the knife amnesty…as somebody on the radio said today…Carry a brick you could face up to 10 years.
Carry a knife you could face up to 10 quid.
Vote Labour.:joy: