Political discussions...

Where does that “fact” come from?

On 30 June 2022 there were 9,682 prisoners from 164 different countries in the jails of England and Wales.[202] Albania, Poland and Romania formed the highest percentage of foreign nationals in UK prisons.[202] In total, foreigners represented 12% of the prison population,[202] whereas foreign nationals are 13% of the total population in England and Wales.

Is me saying I want to alone too complicated for you?
No, I do not want any asylum seeker living with me.
Nor do I want anyone else from any country including the UK, of any colour, or religion living with me.
(And you’re damn right, no one would want to move in here!)

So franglais, the prison figures would be somewhat different if Police didn’t shy away from investigating Asian grooming gangs for decades due to “nervousness about race”.

Oh sweet Jesus :roll_eyes: MORE official stats and figures to back up his views…AGAIN

Shove them where the sun fails to shine mate, I base my FACTS on what I see, and what I hear from far more reliable sources than you and your official sourced biased bull sht.

In my home area a lot of offences and crime, including attempted child abduction, sexual assault and harrasment towards local women and girls, (including one of my daughters and my 14 yr old granddaughter) are carried out by young foreign immigrant men.

It aint hard to deduce, or work out, by using the laws of numerics, that if those maggots perpetrating these offences were not here, then the existing figures would be lower…hence the FACT of increase.
‘‘Is me saying this too complicated for you?’’.

And why tf have you quoted my paragraph?
Have you deduced that by my wording ‘white working class’, it is me supporting rioters.? :roll_eyes:
Why does that not surprise me as this is ANOTHER official line only believed by idiots who are servile to the cause, … :roll_eyes:

Would they be?
The fact remains that there is not, even today after the Asian gangs have been caught and imprisoned, a noticable difference.

Yep. Real provable facts.
Not, “facts” that are" facts", because they are written in capital letters.

But actual CONVICTIONS of paedophiles / rapists in the Asian grooming gangs are only the tip of the iceberg. Regarding Telford, what sort of a dangerous precedent was set by the Police having a “nervousness of race” when it came to investigating serious sexual crimes against children, why would the perpetrators stop when it had gone on for decades without CONVICTIONS?

Ok…so just you keep swallowing the official blurb, and living your life by it…as ever.
You are Starmer’s wett dream, you actually believe it all.:joy:

Here’s another FACT for you for free.

Most ‘facts’ given out by official bodies have an agenda, so they are therefore tampered with, adjusted, manipulated, or totally lied about to fit that agenda.

Have you learnt absolutely nothing about the REAL world in your 60+ years?

Where as I will continue to take notice of everything that goes on around me, and to me, take note, and react accordingly …as ever, and live my life on those terms…(and write them down in capital letters

There’ll be no comments about ‘that’ if they’ve got any sense.But it doesn’t take much imagination that the new rules could be ‘gerrymandered’ in ‘that’ regard just like Labours seat count, obviously nothing implied or meant by ‘that’.
Hopefully Rob can understand distress code.

“Tip of the iceberg”
What are you saying that there are continuing instances of child abuse because the Police are turning a blind eye, due to race?
If so where is the evidence of this? Have you reported it?
If there are many crimes of any sort going on under the surface, are you saying that everyone in the UK is too afraid to point them out?

Doubtless there will be odd cases of bad policing going on. Coppers are human beings, and can fail. But to say there are more going than have already been seen seems very unlikely to me.

I reckon that there would be many “citizen reporters” making videos if true.

ring ring local police station how may i help…
oh hello there i would like to report dangerous driving and asault. i have pictures and the drivers details.
ok please send a writen statement and pics to this email address and someone will be in touch.

sends in pics and writen statement and hear nothing for three weeks.

three weeks later hello its pc plod here i have reviewed the pictures clearly showing the guys face and number plate of his vehicle and your statement have you claimed on the insurance for the damaged wing mirror… no my son replaced it for me. ok well there is nothing we can do as we cant prove mr abdul was driving the vehicle.

this happend to my mother when she was 83 so dont sit there and tell me the police will act if its reported

I quoted your whole post.
The one with a video in.
After you asked which video I was referring to.

@cooper1203 , the Motor Insurers’ Bureau is the place to go to for incidents with uninsured / untraced drivers.

When getting fobbed off by the police, go to an actual desk and make sure it is properly reported with a reference number. If necessary, refuse to leave the front desk until it is recorded.

Don’t fall for the cack about “you can just claim your insurance”.

Anyway, after jumping through a few hoops and having to appeal because of inept staff at MIB, I finally got a payout. I ending up taking it to a coachworks and they picked up a door from a scrappy and painted it for less than what I was paid out as I remember.

“Tip of the iceberg” was a statement made by the chief prosecutor for grooming gangs in Telford and Rochdale.

My point is really quite simple, had ALL paedophiles and rapists of the Asian grooming gangs been convicted and imprisoned and a record of race AND religion kept then those figures would no doubt give a clearer picture, given the current mess we are in with perceived two tier policing and “nervousness about race” with certain groups while little girls were raped.


Yes, Nazil Afzar said “only the tip of the iceberg” in 2018, about the Telford situation in 2013.

You said.

Present tense.
So I repeat: what do you mean about “tip of the iceberg”?

I agree that the more info we have about criminals, the clearer the picture becomes.
But why do you say “Asian grooming gangs”? I think we should have more info on all grooming gangs.

Maybe because the majority of grooming gangs (those we KNOW about) have been Asian.
It is known that many Asian men culturally have little or no respect for white females, and look upon them somewhere between fair game and trash.

Now this is the point where you trawl the net to find something official that says the direct opposite of those two statements…maybe with another ‘racist’ accusation chucked in for good measure.:roll_eyes:

That is basically what Braverman said in Parliament.
She was corrected by her own department, the Home Office.
It is not true.

And since you are using capital letters again, what can you tell us, about what we don’t know about?

Oops link

Like Trump?
Andrew Tate? Sutcliffe?

Jeez franglais, so here goes, had ALL of the rapists and paedophiles of the widespread Asian grooming gangs been convicted and imprisoned then your figures that you posted re prisoner nationality would be far more accurate if they showed both nationality AND faith. If all participants HAD been convicted and imprisoned for the serious offences of grooming, r4pe of girls and children and given long prison sentences then upto date figures would include those. (“Tip of the iceberg”).

So are you saying that there are currently many sex criminals still not convicted?


Decades of grooming gangs left to carry on with impunity due to “nervousness about race”. Do you seriously believe all were convicted?

Do you really think that the courts will convict and therefore imprison ALL recent rioters, that will be a no. The riots happened in the last month and not spanning 40 years!

Is there a 100% conviction rate for sex crimes or rioting?
Of course there is not.

Is there a vast unseen iceberg of sex crimes?
I do not know. I cannot see the unseen any more that I can know the unknown.

I do think that any crimes brought up to the light of day now, will be dealt with better than in the past.
I think that victims are treated better today, although I am sure there is lots of room for improvement.

I do not think that there is nearly as much “nervousness about race” now than in times past.