Political discussions...

I remember seeing a clip of this guy who was among the protesters at a pro refugee rally, he had a hi viz and a clipboard going around asking if anyone would house an asylum seeker in their own homes, you can guess what the answers were! It certainly made me chuckle listening to their excuses after quickly trying to think what to say.

Just listen to the words used. Are they an accurate picture of the UK law?
Does Farage correct the record? Nope.
Here is a snippet of Fox News history.

Failed Fact Checks

And Farage himself?
He tweeted about the murder suspect being a Muslim boat arrival.
His source? Andrew Tate.
This MP and party leader, thinks a person, with an international extradition order against him, currently awaiting trial in Romania for trafficking offences, is a good and reliable source?
Farage thinks that is OK to re-tweet messages from someone in custody in a foreign country, as being more accurate than any other sources, available to Farage as a sitting MP?

And for those who find short YouTubes to be an easier way to access info, try this.

Moorhouse is a Labour supporter, and does not pretend to be anything else.
He isn’t the privately educated one, with a history of being in the pay of foreign governments, and their agents, nor of having houses etc provided by businessmen with companies based off shore, and who claims to represent the ordinary citizens of the UK.

I could not give a flying one about Fox News, it’s past reputation, or the perception of it’s quality or accuracy.
In fact I know absolutely nothing about the establishment.

I only know it just happened to be the venue where the inteview took place, that is as far as it goes.

I also know what is said is 99% accurate from what I see and hear myself…99% is enough for me.

I would not expect anything else from you or the likes of you, as you are well known on here for listening to official sources, and forming your opinions only based on them…You also have a dislike for Farage, and a love for the Labour Party that you deny.

I find that hard to believe as even YOU could not defend the indefensible, or not find something to disagree with about Starmer and his crew’s state of play at the present time…especially when everybody else seems to have zero problems in finding at least something wrong with what is going on.
Just you keep believing the hype with your blinkers on.:roll_eyes:

‘Immigration Propaganda’ :joy::joy::joy:
What about ILLEGAL immigration…there lies the absolute main problem

Absolute classic Left Wing sound bite, Absolute classic Franglais.:joy::joy:

Yeah cos we all know that it aint a free for all for any criminal foreign scum who wants to sample our free hospitality.

We all know that there aint many come over here,.(but those that do are an asset, .Dr.s and Solicitors was it?)
What occupation did the intellectual taking a crap in the kids playing field hold down?

We all know that mingling an incompatible alien culture with our own is an asset to our society, and wont cause a problem at all.

What on earth are all us…what is it, oh yeah… ‘‘Far right, fascist, racist, religious bigots’’ slavering about eh?
Lets welcome them all with open arms…cos Franglais can not see a problem.
Immigration propaganda indeed…:roll_eyes:

Just to be impartial and redress the balance,.seeing as immigrants both legal and illegal are getting all the stick.
A positive note on a presumed immigrant, presumably a Moslem ? with his name being Abdullah.

Apparently a young woman and a child were stabbed on a London street earlier, both in life threatening conditions.
No mention of motives, terrorist or domestic
This lad a shop security guard maybe saved their lives by jumping in and taking the attacker on, disarmed him and holding him down to Police arrived.

Good on him…how many more would do that eh?
A hero.

Anyhoo I am lapsing… must get back to my ‘racist bigotry’.:joy:

Btw got my TURKISH (and moslem) mate ‘Rambo’ ex Turkish special forces and all round good guy in today, doing all my handyman jobs, off to tell him I am really a ‘racist’ over another coffee.:joy:

Franglais why don’t you give us an accurate description of your own political motivation.
Were you for Slovene Malitia or the JNA for one question.Do you agree the right side won ?
Allied forces v North Korea ?.
USA and Australia v North Vietnam ?.
Fact check indeed.

Ironically it looks like a Tory Labour coalition in all but name.The laughable over 400 seats for less than 10 million votes result obviously provided them with plausible deniability.

ANOTHER clip.:joy:
I’m quite enjoying this providing links routine :smile:

This time once again, our old mate Jim Davidson😁…
Speaking the truth, name shaming the government, saying and seeing what we all see, (well most of us anyway) whilst basically not giving a ‘rubber duck’

Skip to 12 mins where the main bit really starts.

it was obvious how it would end up if labour got in I notice though no word from the labour supporters that spent weeks rubbishing boris and the torys on starmers ■■■■ ups when the man hasnt even been in office 2 minuettes

That is what I was saying.
I have listened to news channels on the radio all week, mostly phone in shows.
Some were even urging callers to come on and defend Starmer for balance, because nobody actually was.
The majority were dissatisfied with his performance, his alienation and ignoring of the white working classes, his faliure to acknowledge the true causes of the unrest, and his two tier policing when dealing with different types of people.

As for those on here continually slagging off the Tories in the past, and Labour fan boys…c’mon what else did you expect…‘‘Must not go against or criticise the official narrative’’.:roll_eyes:

Here’s the latest from ‘Talk’…

As Kyle says…‘How the hell can anyone listen to this and not think this is bloody ridiculous’ …especialy the bit where Rayner is going to prioritise illegals for social housing and not ban terrorists.:joy:
How the hell indeed…They ARE among us…and even on Trucknet.:grinning:

Labour havent got a clue about the general consensus listening to the radio last night every news broadcast started with the home secretary saying the british people have lost respect for the police like its a new thing or is it a case of its now white faces predomently

To add I didn’t see any of Lee Rigby’s close family or comrades wanting to ruffle any establishment feathers.So why should we put ourselves on the line ?.

They ain’t terrorists Rob.These are bona fide genuine red star wearing anti Zionist freedom fighters.I’ve put in a planning application for an extension to be built at my expense then I’ll donate the whole house to the council in exchange for a 6 month commitment for a caravan pitch in whatever traveller’s provision they might care to offer.
I’ll also maintain the council tax payments for my Comrades.
Obviously no need for the re education gulag in my case.

ill just leave this here

for those that dont do face ache its some one walking around asking round asking people holding refugee welcome signs if they would house them

:joy::joy: Class.

Still, at least they had the good manners to answer the guy…
Where as I asked Franglais (The TN champion of the illegal immigrants, …amongst other accolades) a couple of days ago, if he would do the same.


…And in his following THREE posts he pretended he had not seen it and ignored it…:thinking:
Funny that,.as he aint backward in coming forward in posting, answering and arguing something he does not agree with, that he ALWAYS otherwise notices :joy:…AND supported with his links.

I’m also yet to find out which side he is for Slovenia v JNA.
Allied cause and casualties v North Korea.
US and Australia v North Vietnam.

When the police are hauling people off to jail for saying the wrong thing, by being deliberately baited by strange random events, that they really need to stay well out of, that’s not respect that’s DDR Stasi style fear.

I have said, more than once, that illegal immigrants should be deported ASAP.
However I think that once again you are mixing up different things, but since I also do that, I will repeat an answer that I gave in another thread. I think it might have been to you then, too?
I think that the UK should carry on fulfilling it’s international obligations concerning giving shelter to bona fide asylum seekers.
I don’t say and never have said that ordinary citizens should give up space in their own homes to do that. If any choose to do so, fine, but that is their choice. My choice is that I prefer to live alone.
Since we are currently stuck with too many asylum seekers for the existing accommodation for them, then I think that using hotels is the best of a set of bad options.

Rayner has apparently scrapped the Tory plans regarding applicants for social housing.
Under the proposed changes I believe that those who are now being convicted of riot, would not have been eligible for state housing. Because of Rayner they now are.
Any comments on those videos about that?

But you never acknowlege the FACT that many of them go a bloody long way to raise the crime figures in the areas they live in, …including (and especially) harrasment and serious sex crimes on our young girls…
I can only assume you live in some sheltered from reality leafy suburb where everything is rosy, and the harsh realities of life are only seen on your tv news.

And we aint only giving shelter to bonafide Asylum seekers though are we?

(Incidentally they imo should forfeit that status when they choose to leave the FIRST safe country they arrive in.)

We are also ‘sheltering’ at great expense to us as taxpayers (despite your trademark denial) non bonafide Asylum seekers, but economic migrants who have no buisness here.

It aint a case of SHOULD give up space in their own homes either, it is more about a combo of charity and having the courage of one’s convictions…as the people I know locally who have very kindly taken in Ukranian families…ie GENUINE refugees.

So again…Would you take in one of your ‘bonafide asylum seekers’ …if the oppportunity arose?
Please no wannabe politician style non answers this time a ‘yes’, or more likely a ‘NO’ will suffice.

You say you choose and prefer to live alone (no comment from me btw :grin:)I am sure the people mentioned would also, but they choose to actively back up their views, rather than shout off their gobs all the time about them instead.

Videos?..Show me one and I will comment
But if you are waiting for me to support the rioters you are wasting your time…I do not.