Political discussions...

Me being very vocal about this stuff, because I strongly disagree with it, even I was quite moved when I read this.
A young mother killed crossing the channel bringing her children is awful to anyone with any human empathy.

Thing is though,.and without casually dissmissing this and her tragic death…(I aint :roll_eyes:) , it illustrates a number of valid points.

Firstly the futility of all this, as to what constitutes ‘asylum’ .
Correct me if I am wrong but it is to reach safety from persecution from an opressed or war torn state I thought.

So when they have left behind a NUMBER of safe countries to get here,
why do they want to risk their lives coming to a small island when they have already achieved safety on the Euro mainland.
It is nothing mote than for the incentive of free benefits and facilities that we as a country can not afford, and nothing to do with the literal definition of ‘Political Asylum’.

The young girl wanted to become a dentist and learn English which is all commendable, but that does not excuse illegal entry into any country, and what is wrong with learning dentistry (and English) in mainland Europe, rather than risking, and in this case losing, life.
A waste of life eith a girl with potential which could and should have been prevented.

Not to put too fine a point on it either, but it also illustrates how the left wing press excitedly and gleefully jump on a negative story like this, usually tragic ones, involving women and children crossing the channel.
It’s purely for their own warped agenda, to dispel what they try and tell us is a myth (it aint it’s a fact) that the VAST majority of these economic migrants are young fit men…we see them in gangs walking our streets, usually menacinglly, well those of us with our eyes open, but evidently not the lefties.

Yep all already overly discussed ‘old chestnuts’ granted, but given the current cluster ■■■■ of a state we are presently in has MUCH to do with all this, …and the fact that it is being brushed under the carpet, denied and ignored by our new illustrious leader, it needs discussed and pointed out again and again !

From your link.

When the family left Kuwait, they originally planned to seek refuge in the UK as they understood the country accepts Kuwaiti Bidoon people.

They took a flight to Turkey before continuing their journey to Greece and arrived in Germany in 2021, where they were processed.

But they were refused asylum there, prompting them to try to get to the UK.

“If the German authority gave us the protections at the beginning, we wouldn’t have had to use a boat and cross the Channel to reach the UK,” Ms Al Shammari said.

So, why small boats? Why irregular migration?

Wow !
Who would have thought it eh?

The usual justification/explanation, denial and refutement by who other than Franglais.
AND within minutes of me posting it.:flushed:

No news of them trying for Asylum in a nearer, more convenient and easier access neighbouring state to Germany?
Holland, Belgium, France?
She said she wanted to come to UK, so maybe not eh ?
Yeah they let in (illegall ) Kuwaitis, why single them out…they let in ANYONE, that is the whole point.

I quote the link that you posted, and all of a sudden it is me refuting you!

Have you emigrated to another planet? Are your new neighbours CF and WS?
What is the weather like on Zogg?

It strongly goes against the grain to apologise to YOU…but at least ONE of us is man enough eh?

I apologise for jumping in and wrongly presuming the nature of your post.
In mitigation your links are usually of the nature I described, left wing socialist apologist type claptrap,.so I rarely read them anyway if I am being honest.

So I am also guilty of jumping in too quick without reading your link.
But it is just what I have come to expect.

Caught off guard.

So one of the main members (Germany) of the beloved EU which Franglais wishes we had never left refused this family asylum !
WHY ???
Did they try any other mainland european states ?? and why should we automatically give them asylum.

According to the report they had tried several times to cross the channel. On this occasion there was double the expected number of “passengers” on board (totally unsafe) yet they still got on the boat.

The elderly father of the family was abandoned in his wheelchair on the beach as others ran to the boat!! Some family!!!

When the French authorities intervened mid channel the one man crew was threatened with a knife and told not to stop, that knife is probably in circulation somewhere in the UK.

Just a few observations.

Sorry about my severely warped sense of humour…but there is a lot of comedy value in that guy sat there alone on the empty beach in his wheelchair,.wheels sunk half way in the sand, boat in the distance and him looking all around him and shouting…

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Thank you, but there is no need to apologise to me for that.

I do read most of your links RR, that is how I get to quote some of them back at you.

I don’t know.
I do know that Germany has given many more places to asylum seekers than the UK, but why not this case? Dunno.
A charity needs £50. Some-one gives £25, another £18, and you give a fiver.
Should the shortfall of £2 come from the one who gave the most anyway?

Do you think that all asylum seekers should try everywhere before the UK?
Most of them do.
To listen to the usual suspects they all want to come here, but most don’t.

Who said anything about “automatic asylum”?

Wow! So that is an extra knife somewhere in the UK!
One more to add to the millions already here…

Yes. They are not getting on overcrowded boats because they are on a wee jolly!
Elsewhere we looked at the benefits asylum seekers get in the UK compared with other countries.
Here is what they get in the UK, follow the underlined links for details,

and what is in France

To add I’m sure that most of the gulf states including Kuwait are British Airways holiday destinations.

France and Germany seemed safe enough when I went through there a few months ago.

And the UK is pretty safe for most people, in my opinion.
But it seems even holders of both UK and Eire passports do not all feel that way. For example this failed asylum seeker, failed economic migrant, and convicted illegal immigrant.

Yep I fully realise you are an avid follower of my posts after you have chucked things at me from years ago that I had forgot about…sorry but I do not return the compliment.

Can you explain WHY they want to come over here then?
They are already on a safe haven on the mainland, it is only logic, (not to mention glaringly obvious) that there is a much better incentive to risk the journey…
What other reason could there be other than freebies at OUR expense.

Please dont give me the old …because they have relatives over here, cobblers, they too made the journey for incentive.

Whether or not they are ENTITLED to any benefits… (including living accomadation, 3 meals a day, heath care…bloody brand new bikes ffs, and dont be refuting that one, I have seen them with my own eyes , and anything else they can get their paws on)…they clearly DO get them…fact.

Ya know what…The more conversations I have with you on here, the stronger the vibe of deja vu I get.:roll_eyes:

From the article:-

“When the family left Kuwait, they originally planned to seek refuge in the UK as they understood the country accepts Kuwaiti Bidoon people”

If they knew we would accept them why did the family use the illegal route ? for the fifth time seemingly.
They claim to be stateless and yet Germany appear to refuse to even give them some sort of leave to remain. What about the other EU countries, do they refuse stateless people?
The person who sadly died (no one wants to see this btw) was very specific she wanted to train as a dentist, was she under the impression she could just walk into some sort of training establishment? what about all the expense, or are they not letting on about their personal wealth.
As regards the knife - yes there are probably millions already in the UK and plenty of people prepared to use them - We certainly don’t want any more, even one !

For many asylum seekers there is no legal route, see vid above. Political discussions... - #1464 by franglais

Do we? Should we?
There is no automatic right for asylum seekers to stay in the UK. They are currently taking many months and even years to process them. Previously it was all done in a few months. Because they are hanging around for too long, instead of either being accepted and getting jobs and paying taxes, or of being deported they are taking up space.

Actually the thousands are costing us no more than a few would. The funds comes out of the already ear-marked Overseas Development Funds.
The money goes to UK hotel owners, etc rather than to foreign states to provide for refugees nearer home!

I’m starting to get to be a bit of a political animal these last few weeks.:joy:
I’ve been dipping in and out of Talk (radio) LBC,.even a bit of 5live all week…(hey give me a break, no Prem football to next week.:joy:)
Most of that week it has sounded much like this.

On the whole it has been hosted in an impartial way, tbf even the bits of BBC 5live (Nicky Campbell) , it has been full on most of the week about Starmer and his short time in power.

I can only talk for the times I have listened…obvs, …but unless I have just tuned in when the same opinions are being stated by some shear coincidence, I have not heard a good word for Starmer so far.
I think he has took most people by surprise (and not in a good way) with his ‘Do as I say or else’ stance, and him not facing up to, nor accepting the core reason for all the trouble.
His problem is most people do not agree with him, and he has alienated a large portion of the population…only in 5 weeks !
So what tf is to come NEXT? :flushed:
Btw read the comments.
Not going too well for 2TK so far.:grin:

Your last paragraph…
Do you expect us to say…
‘Ooh well that’s ok then’’ :roll_eyes:
So effin WHAT exactly ?

What about the costs in terms of increase in crime, theft, sex crime to name 2.

What about the costs of extra health care ( not to mention the adverse effects on the indigenous waiting for appointmemts)

What about the costs of providing homes for this lot …when he grants them all amnesty, and infests our towns and rural villages with them all.

What about the costs of EXTRA policing?

Your comfortable little idyllic little hamlet where time has stood still, and is a million metaphorical miles from the REAL UK, that you presumably live in Franglais will have a shock coming to it and you all…big style.
From rural ‘Villagepond ville’ to Downtown Beirut :joy:
Best step up the neighbourhood watch recruitment, and get in extra cardigans, binoculars, pens, pads and Werthers Originals for the double 24 hr shifts.

That reminds me…
I personally know 2 families locally who have took in GENUINE refugees, Ukranian women and kids, who have fully integrated, while THEIR young men of fighting age, are doing just that…

I know it is easy for me to say in cold light of day, but hell, if I lived in an equally as big house, me and my Mrs, who is of a very good nature and very charitable (her, not me btw😃) would maybe even take a couple in, a young mother and her child maybe?

What about you Franglais, a guy who constantly sticks up for these people, giving their pov…
A very vocal socialist…
What about you taking in to help out, a couple of Somalians, or maybe a couple of Syrian ex Isis, or a pair from some far out sh hole with primitive social skills…for instance I got a whats app vid sent, of an ancient old codger in full middle Eastern attire, and a long white beard, sat nonchalantly taking a crap in the corner of a kid’s playing field :flushed:…as if it was just normal and acceptable.

So what about it Franglais?
Money where gob is?
How many are you and your Mrs willing to take in exactly?


Thought not.:roll_eyes:

Here we go Franglais…That was a suggestion, how about a challenge?

So the challenge for you…(should you wish to accept it.) is this.
I’m rightly or wrongly assuming you won’t accept it btw, given the content and the individual involved…a certain Mr Farage.
But we all know how you lurrrve to prove me wrong,.so here we go.:grin:

So get yer eyes and lugs around this, and seeing as you are good at giving a marked second by second analysis, and recording it to refute points made,…or as you did with the derisory statememt from that Midlands Chief Constable, try and prove them…
Have a go at rubbishing some (or all) of this, instead of just trying to discredit Farage as a cop out.

Personally I have watched it,.and consider it irrefutablly accurate, but that is just me.

Seriously? Fox News?

So the questioner

So she is saying that anybody posting about riots is set to be prosecuted.
Honest and truthful and accurate Farage instantly corrects this…

Surprise! He doesn’t.

I’ll look at the rest later.

Tell ya what mate…
Don’t bother…Seriously !

You were bad enough before.
But you have lately become a caricature of yourself on here.

I dont think retirement agrees with you.
You are morphing into some kind of Trucknet megalomaniac, ideas above his station, the need to be always right, illusions (or even delusions) of grandeur.

Have a holiday away from that keyboard ffs, get out more…take up fishing.

I’ve changed my mind, the vid speaks for it’s self, people who can SEE and note what is actually going on around them in direct contrast to what ‘they’ tell us, know the reality …a la covid in fact, a classic and similar example of official bodies beying purveyors of b/s to those who want and need to believe it all.

You start by even discrediting the news source.:roll_eyes:
I don’t need your warped biased interpretations of it after all despite my initial request
Thank you.

Meanwhile while we were discussing all this cack yesterday.
703 more ‘persecuted refugees’ landed on our coast, asjing for directions for ‘Freebie City’.
703 ffs…in one day !
Ok Franglais we know, the figure may be wrong,… it was maybe 702 after all, so that aint as bad eh? :roll_eyes:

Ok the Rwanda thing was a bit of a badly planned non starter, a damp squib…but at least it had an aura of positivity,.something however miniscule was at least attempted and put forward as a deterrent.

Vote Labour eh?
They will sort the country’s problems out.
They are a much better option to the Tories.

My Arse.:roll_eyes: