Political discussions...

Five years of disappointment to follow:

The Left won’t be happy that their agenda has not been followed,
the Right are utterly defeated by the already-in-place rig system installed during the lockdown that has now grown legs.

Odd that the polls had an outrageous outcome predicted, but could only be achieved on a low turnout, which in fact makes elections even more unpredictable than usual!

Peterborough - rinse and repeat.
Northumberland in particular - saw turnout drop to the 49% levels, with RUK coming second to Labour EVERYWHERE…
Odd that, that not a single Labour incumbent could get run-over by RUK, despite Boris being able to take even Bolsover in 2019…

The system is designed to make incumbents irremovable if they are:-

Non-Right Wing
Pro-EU background

We’ve been had of course, and the process of re-entry under the banner of EU/NATO 4th Reich - hasn’t so much begun, but just reverts back to “business as usual”, since we didn’t fully leave in the first place.

Farage and his team - will be kept out of sight for this parliament, only quoted on stuff that people don’t actually care about, Eg. Immigration rather than the stuff we’re not permitted to care about - EU/NATO and now once more UK - foreign policy.

Welcome Back to the Fourth Empire!

I dont normally read your bizzare long winded ramblings, but I actually went for it this time.:flushed:

Can I just pick you up on one small point…
Why do you even mention atheism in this context?
What is the actual relavance of atheism, or religion, in politics ?

From my pov having somebody who is in power, who is a level headed atheist/realist, as opposed to someone who believes in ancient mumbo jumbo and complete illogical nonsence to varying degrees, would be far better suited for the job.

One small point…!

Farage is off again then.

Being the maverick he is, he will not be following the convention of being in the HoC in order to do his job as an elected representative. Much like his track record as an MEP: shouting a lot outside of the EU, but saying and doing very little when inside it.

And that has amused you?..

Just to clarify… the actual subject and tone of his post was not primarily about atheism, and basically had nothing to do with what he was prattling on about… he just slipped it in…so as to speak.
ie…‘A small point’.

It has been mentioned on the radio of late, that the huge surge of Labour MPs in the commons last week - had a record number of “Affirmers” that is, those who refuse to swear in on the Bible…
There is indeed over 50% of Parliament then that “Don’t do God”.

Meanwhile, in America - the population is clearly going in the opposite direction, and persons like myself can only envy America right now for having that option in the ascendent, rather than over here, where this country is on the cliffedge of becoming a latter-day “City of the Plain”.

The attempt to remove the Right from politics in America - is a complete faceplant for the time being, whilst in this country we’re told that it’s possible for a bigger win than Boris Johnson on such a low turnout, that a closer inspection of the seat-by-seat results reveals a pattern where not one single Labour seat went RUK, despite a number in the North East in particular - where RUK came a close second, and around 100 constituencies where RUK polled higher than the Tories…
Odd that. Statistically impossible, I would say with my full garb conspiracy hat on…

But alas… My corner of politics doesn’t have any representation at all.
Farage and his four mates - will now be kept off the front page for the next five years as much as possible, and by the time RUK get to make any kind of advance - Trump will be long-gone regardless of November’s result at this point…
NO link-up UK-USA-Russia “God-Fearing world United”.
FULL link-up EU-UK-NATO - “Marxist Axis of Satan” now in full swing.

It isn’t “Armies of East and West” any longer - it’s “Right and Wrong”, or rather Right and Left.

Enjoy your five years of Labour power. It’ll likely end up in this country at least, like the opening scene of Terminator…

For those ducking and diving like myself, it’s clearly time to go quietly into the night.

Excellent! That’s my kind of Parliament, rejecting ancient Fairy Stories right from the start, huzzah!

You can run, but you can’t hide, my buddies at GCHQ will know where you are at all times: That dream you had about the alien a-nal probe wasn’t entirely a dream…

You’ve got him thinking now.
I can see him now changing from his cooking foil suit and hat,.and emerging from the protection of his under the stairs cupboard hidey hole,.dressed in army surplus kit, as full on Rambo.
Complete with a bandana.
Face covered in camouflage paste, dagger between his teeth, haversack full of the Bear Grylls survival kit (that he bought cheap second hand off e.bay) and disapearing into the night for the forest.

We’ll still find him; the TZ2024-a-nal probe transponder is equipped with a What-Three-Words interlink module, so we’ll always know his location to within an accuracy of nine square metres.

That’s not who I’m running from.
I’m more worried about a NATO nuke going off on Airstrip One “To prevent a nuclear Island from otherwise falling into enemy hands” you understand…

16 July |

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It has been mentioned on the radio of late, that the huge surge of Labour MPs in the commons last week - had a record number of “Affirmers” that is, those who refuse to swear in on the Bible…
There is indeed over 50% of Parliament then that “Don’t do God”.

Excellent! That’s my kind of Parliament, rejecting ancient Fairy Stories right from the start, huzzah!


For those ducking and diving like myself, it’s clearly time to go quietly into the night.

You can run, but you can’t hide, my buddies at GCHQ will know where you are at all times: That dream you had about the alien a-nal probe wasn’t entirely a dream…

Dot - Dash, the letter “A”
This is the signal I’ve been waiting for!
Vive la Révolution! Banzai! Die infidels of The Deep State!


“Aaiiii!” - The classic sounds of a Bad Guy meeting their end, as of VIctor cover stories from the 1970’s…

Thing is about all this, we’re really divided by “Belief” (in anything at all) and “Non-Belief” (in anything at all)

Where have all those gone who recently voted Labour for example…?

What do that huge (we’re told) group of UK voters BELIEVE in right now?

What would “disappoint them” if it should not roll out as expected…

I mean, just because I personally have no faith in Labour, and continue never to have voted for them… There’s a reason for that…

I’d be interested in hearing from those who just voted Labour for the first time… What sold you on that notion?

(Opportunity to get back on-topic here)

It’s not rocket science to realise that the far left are ideologically atheist and anti Semitic and only do the type of democracy that gives them 411 seats for less than 10 million votes and their opponents 5 seats for over 4 million.
Stalin and the DDR would have been proud of such an achievement.

The body parts case might have just been getting rid of the leftovers of their idea of a dinner party.Couldnt really put them in the council food container for collection.

Bloody Tories again eh?
Oooh hang on a minute.:smiley:

The person on the left also hasn’t yet had bedroom tax put on her council tax bill.
Or lost her single person’s council tax relief after losing her husband or inheriting the parental home, that she could never afford to move out of having been young during Callaghan’s regime and that she helped pay for.
Or her state pension means tested and lost because of said house equity.After already having 6 years worth of it stolen from her.
But she soon will.

Christ they’ve even euphamised the terminology for ‘illegal immigrants’ to ‘irregular immigrants’ :joy::joy:…for the sake of political correctness and to make it easier on ther ear as they think.

This Government is pathetic, it stinks to high heaven…
Address, deal with,.and sort the problem instead of effin about.:roll_eyes:
No British Prime Minister in history has divided the nation in such a short time, Starmer is the new Liz Truss.:joy:

It changes the premise to being no different to any other type immigrant at point of entry.Nothing to do with politically correct it’s a change in status.IE entered by a ‘different’ route and channel.Not an ‘illegal’ route and channel.

You could have just said it stinks.Socialism generally does.

I shouldn’t really joke about this.