Political discussions...

Tbf I did not say that YOU did say anything about drawing conclusions about me,. I was more predicting that some would, and giving my reaction if they actually did.

You know yourself that if anybody dares to stray from the populist or pc line, they are immeadiately written off as some kind of ‘ist’ or ‘phobic’ in todays delicate society,.so not so much me being defensive, more covering my arse.:smile:

As for your Adolf analogy (cant believe you compare TR with AH btw.:smiley:) I agree.
But some ‘sensible people’ (arguably) did actually try and promote some of his policies and aims, which basically speaking was a European Superstate with it’s own combined armed force, laws and currency or the Third Reich.
The attempted Fourth Reich was known as The European Union.
:wink: :joy:

Frangers me old mate.:roll_eyes:
I aint going to even respond to your points, you are exactly the type of person personified, who will deny anything you may see and hear yourself, or listen to what others have actually heard, seen, and experienced themselves first hand, or members of their family have first hand, in favour of some official line or political policy or another whilst wearing your blinkers.

We have been here before mate with all this illegal immigrant stuff, more times thsn I care to remember, and what goes on around my own home city, so what is the point in trying to penetrate your eternally closed mind.

Now if you want to interpret that as some kind of trivial ‘victory’ by me backing down from arguing about it again with you, …go ahead, fill yer boots.

I thought your motto was DILLIGAF and you wouldn’t care what people think? :joy:

People are going to think whatever they want, so DILLIGAF would be a comfortable default position

Yes, apologies to Adolf, he was intelligent and well liked by the masses, and he only had one criminal conviction.

I quite liked the idea of being “Part of Europe”, as you know I’m not a Brexiteer, but as an Irish passport holder “being European” is still an option for me and my kids

Off to the “Fox’n’Grapes” again then.

Once again you post videos and links but won’t or can’t justify or argue in support of their content.

quote zac: ‘‘my apologies to Adolf’’.

Credit where due… that made me laugh.

I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier…
Jeeez Frangers all your armchair wannabe politician stuff is rubbing off on me ffs.:flushed:

:joy: :joy:

I’m just waiting for (another) post telling us you ain’t interested in politics.

‘I aint interested in politics’…

There ya gan.:smiley:
You’re welcome.:sunglasses:

Makes as much sense as a Slovene wanting to stay in Yugoslavia in case they wanted to move to Bosnia.
Or the USSR was a good thing so that a Georgian gangster could rule Russia.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m guessing (wildly) you’re referring to my “being part of Europe” comment, but I’m still lost.

how is old starmer getting on with his first day back yesterday has he fixed immigration (nope we have to take more illegals in so we can accsess a register)

has he fixed the nhs nope they are on strike

has he fixed the “teacher shortage” nope still no extra staff

now there is a surprise to his day one plans

If this is going to be a regular occurence, ie you complaining about how the brand-new government is, or is not, handling a massive range of problems within their first couple of weeks, problems that they inherited from the party formerly badly misled by your pin-up boy Boris , then it’s going to get very old very quickly.

nope simply backing up the obvious that i was told i was wrong and didnt know what i was talking about.

He is the one that said he was going to fix these problems day 1.

Far be it from me to be an apologist for Starmer and the Labour Party, (especially as I aint interested in politics :joy:) but tbf I think he said along the lines of he was going to START fixing the problems FROM day1.
It would take a bloody good man to fix everything the first 6 months, let alone the first day.

he said he had a plan that was already in action and talks were underway so that he could enact his plans from day one.

not to mention the fact first day after he was elected he had to ask his cabinet for ideas.

But despite nearly 1500 posts bashing the conservatives and god knows how many about brexit etc apparently point out what a clown starmer is is old and boring

:+1: Precisely.

Obviously the idea of maintaining your country’s independence and self determination, being more important than anything else, is a difficult concept.

:joy: Sorry but that just looks like you’re attempting to defend your incomprehensibility by suggesting it’s my lack of understanding of “difficult concepts”.

An isolated incident, but read the comments of a few more on there…especially the gang of young foreign males sat outside a girls school and following a young British girl…that could be yours or my daughter ffs.:flushed:

I’ve been banging on about this sort of thing for last couple of years, you let scum through our borders illegally, and this is what happens.

So will a Labour government sort it, exacerbate it, or make things worse by letting any foreign lawless criminal excrement into our country posing as refugees/asylum seekers, and run around free.

Just look at the case (no pun intended btw :smiley:) in Bristol…not sure if the guy was illegal, but I’ll bet a weeks wage he is, …But Columbian gang drug wars, (presumably), and dismembered bodies in suitcases :flushed: ?
They come over here and bring all their sh with them…this is ENGLAND ffs, OUR country.

Boris goes into movies.

Audition for Shrek and Fiona.
Next step head shave.:grin:

Not happy btw…I auditioned for same part, and he even beat me .:flushed: