Political discussions...

I agree it looks that way.
The Tory Party has been fubared and lost it’s way. Will it move further right and attempt to get voters back from Refuk Ltd, or move back to the centre?
I guess some clues will come in the next few weeks if Sunak falls on his sword , when we see who replaces him.

A issue for fixing early on for the new Gov.
I wonder…?

Me too.
A pity that Badenoch and Braverman didn’t go the same way too.
Truss was noticeably less than gracious in her constituency. Doubtless she knows it is all part of the global plot against her!
Sunak seemed very good in his speech on leaving Downing St.

what would be interesting is the demographic of those that switched from tory to labour or the extra labour voters. is mass movement from one area to another enough to swing a majority vote.

any way its sliced though labour didn’t really trounce the torys they only got a few thousand more than the tories in most of the constituancies they won from the tories in kent. In the cases of starmer rayner and abbott they lost a lot of votes in their areas





Politics, the gift that keeps on giving. At least there’s full employment for meme makers

more hypocrisy from starmer moaning on his political rally’s about unelected officials and promptly not even had the job more than 24 hours and he has made not one not two but three people peers so they can serve on his cabinet. whats that starmer you can have unelected officials but others cant huh flaming hypocrite

He has not “made not one not two but three people peers”
He plans to do this, and for the purpose of pushing through the changes he wants to get done, changes which frequently get bounced back to the HOC
And this is not “so they can serve on his cabinet”, no one needs to be a peer to be in the cabinet.

I don’t approve of his strategy really, but if he does eventually abolish the HOL by manipulating the system this way, then perhaps the end might justify the means.

if boris did that you would be up in arms in fact you were when he made an elected official a lord

Johnson made a whisky salesman a Lord so he could be a Minister, and made him a Cabinet member.
It is particularly poignant because Frost was in charge of Brexit negotiations, and one of the reasons given for Brexit was non-accountability of non-directly elected officials.
The hypocrisy seems high here.

Starmer has appointed 3(?) Lords. None are being made Cabinet members.
Timpson is a well known worker in prison reform, Vallance is well known for his work during Covid, and the 3rd one is a lawyer and is working in the Justice department.
Has Starmer criticised the EU method of appointing Commissioners? I think not so he is being less hypocritical than Johnson.

He has criticised the unelected HoL but since we do have one, he is using the tools he has today, rather than some better system that may or may be forthcoming.

i was referring in my comment to zac about ben wallace.

Eh? I certainly made no mention of the man described below and he certainly has nothing to do with KS, for obvious reason, and the man in question is not a “lord”, he’s a knight, just like KS. If Boris did give BW a knighthood (I’m just taking your word for it) then maybe it was for his services in defence of his country?

Sir Robert Ben Lobban Wallace KCB (born 15 May 1970) is a British politician and former British Army Officer who served as Secretary of State for Defence from 2019 to 2023. A member of the Conservative Party, he was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Wyre and Preston North, formerly Lancaster and Wyre, from 2005 to 2024.

everytime i mentioned boris one of your retorts was he chose him for a title.

I can make no sense of that sentence


Somebody else believes in PR it seems.

To a few on here he’s
The political Anti Christ.
The Pariah.
The raving rascist.

Or to others…
A realist with his eyes open who aint afraid to say what he sees, or who tf he offends.

L&G…your old mate Tommy. :smile:

Another interesting clip to have the lefties …clutching their jewels in disgust.:joy:

The most poignant point I found made in this clip is when he suggests…
‘‘Actually calling this sort of stuff out will maybe be even become against the law’’ (pp)

‘‘Rubbish’’…‘‘Nonsense’’ I hear from the usual suspect (s) who will casually just shrug it off.:roll_eyes:

But at the risk of being branded a racist myself (cgaf btw, the fact I know I actually and categoricaly am not, is enough for me) people said the same in the 60s to a certain Enoch Powell, and how did that turn out?

He’s a convicted criminal, which by itself does not mean he’s an unpleasant person, so it’s worth pointing out that… He’s not a semi-decent, fun lovin’ criminal (running around robbing banks all whacked up on scooby snacks), he’s an unpleasant piece of work (see a short history below), probably fancies himself as a “hard man” but only when he’s got a bunch of mates around him.

I for one CGAF what he believes in, and I suspect Big Nige, our most publically acceptable (allegedly centrist) Right Winger would probably also not have the time of day for TR.

Mr Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, as he was known at birth, has been known to use a variety of aliases other than “Tommy Robinson”, amongst them: Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, and my favourite for amusement value, Wayne King, which pretty much sums him up.

Robinson has served four prison terms between 2005 and 2019. In 2013, he illegally entered the United States using a friend’s passport. In 2018, he violated a court order by publishing a Facebook Live video of defendants entering court. Prior to sentencing, he appeared on the American far-right website InfoWars to appeal for political asylum in the U.S. In 2021, he was found to have libelled a 15-year-old refugee at a school in Huddersfield and was ordered to pay £100,000 plus legal costs․ In 2021, he was subjected to a five-year stalking prevention order for harassing journalist Lizzie Dearden and her partner.

Tbh I aint too much bothered about him, and you obviously know far more about him than I do.
Dont put me down as one of his ‘fanboys’ as such either, it’s just that a lot of his stuff is pointed out to me by others via whats app for instance, so I dont actively seek it, because politics aint my premier type interest in life tbh.

He puts a lot of stuff and opinions on you tube, a lot of which I happen to find I agree with, …that’s just the way it goes, nothing more, nothing deeper…and specifically because I actually SEE some of the things he says with my OWN eyes, so from my pov, that makes those things irrefutable by their very nature.

Now if you or anybody else on here want to draw conclusions about me BECAUSE I agree with a lot of what he says, well that is up to you and everyone else…but I have to say not a f is given by me what anyone thinks of me…never has.

So to draw a conclusion from what you say,…
Irrespective of his history and motives, I still find myself agreeing with a lot of points he makes, and in that sole context whatever his history is, it makes it irrelevant.

I never actually said anything about drawing conclusions about you personally, I was just talking about him, that’s just you being a little defensive.

Even bad people can say things that are not entirely unreasonable to our ears - I have an audiobook version of Mein Kampf, not all of it is anti-semitic and Russophobic hatespeech, some of it you might find yourself thinking “Yeah, I can see where he’s coming from…” , but that doesn’t mean a reasonable and sensible person is going to promote those parts of that book, despite how well they might chime personally

From the video:
“and these are all
unquestionable facts this is the truth
this is absolutely undeniable because in
Paris right now as an example your
daughter is 14 times more likely to be
assaulted by an illegal migrant than by
a fellow Parisian now I don’t know what
the stats look like here in the UK they
keep them quiet but I doubt that they’re
any B and it’s only going to get worse”

Where are these unquestionable facts and undeniable truths to be found?

Thorpe and Yaxley-Lennon seem to be just repeating each others ideas. What basis in fact do they have?

Well? How it turn out?
He looks racist to me.
If he doesn’t look racist to you, then your opinion of your own standing becomes very clear.