Political discussions...

And Johnson was repeating that same old lie about Brexit and C19 vaccines wasn’t he.

I daresay the same who believed that lie before will believe it again now.

Ok everybody, Frangers is back, we cant compete, we are not worthy…and we all talk crap in comparison…(apparentlly)
So just lets all sit back in awe, form a circle at his feet, and take in his superior pearls of political knowledge and wisdom.
He’s da man.:sunglasses:


Have I said anywhere that you are talking crap?
I haven’t.

You are apparently looking at some facts and coming to your conclusions.
Far be from me to argue with you!

Since you ask…
Everything anybody says that does not fit in with your political views is casually brushed aside by you as…‘nonsense’, aka ‘crap’ in my book, where as your views are just taken for granted by you to be accurate,.as opposed to just being your opinion.
It’s just that you appear to be blissfully unaware as to how you come across on here mate…I feel it my duty to save you from embarrasment.
Just saying.like.

Wisdom scottweiland1


That again?
If I wanted vindication for my opinions, and an ago boost, I would be on one of the many echo chambers out there.

True enough.
So try proving me wrong in the facts I present, maybe?

I regularly show that what you present as some sort of fact is indeed nonsense.
I often support that with links, so it isn’t in any sense a casual dismissal, is it?
You moan both that my posts are casual and that they are laden with links.
That is in my opinion nonsensical.

Before computers, we had no shortage of opinions and rants.
Few pints of beer in any pub on a Friday night and there ya go! :grinning:

Quote …Franglais:…‘‘That in my opinion is nonsensical’’.

Like I said mate…EVERYTHING is nonsencical that does not fit in with your views in your eyes.

But hey ho, …kinda got used to it now.

Of course not.
I don’t think that everything different to my opinion is non-sensical.
Some things are different, but not non-sensical merely because of being different.
I don’t post about them very much. WTF would I?

Those things I find to be the most non-sensical get the most attention from me.
Goodness knows you give enough to choose from! :wink:

Nothing like a general election to stir up a bit of political debate, eh?

Me, I like to weigh up the manifesto promises (Reform’s is a manifesto, they can call it whatever they like but it is still a manifesto), see which I like the most / hate the least, and then see if I believe they will follow that through.

Oh, and as an accountant I like to see how it’s paid for.

Okay on employment (though the pledge to increase minimum wage to £13 in 5 years in laughable, as inflation at 2% will take it to £12.63 so that isn’t much of a jump). Not a big fan of Rwanda, but I have no viable alternative ideas. Promised tax cuts are great for my pocket, and mostly seem to target what I’d hope. Environmental promises look OK, but they’ve let it get into this state - not sure I believe they will sort it. Costings appear fairly sensible.

Not a massive fan on flexi-working being default from day 1. Abolishing non-dom status would be good. They too have stated no tax rises in corporation/income/VAT/NI taxes - but no cuts. Still think 2030 is too early for a combustion engine car ban. Other good policies like banning no fault evictions for renters (I am one). Nationalisation of key utilities I like, but it’s hella expensive. And for that, their costings don’t add up.

Bit mixed on their employment stuff. Reviewing IR35 is a must. SSP to NMW is a burden on businesses and could mean higher sickies. Exempting NHS/care from immigration fee is good - not all immigrants are bad. Surprising not too bad on economy, though re-joining the EU is pointless - we can’t rejoin on the old terms (which I was fine with). I like their environment policies. Costings have some issues like reducing tax avoidance, though they do pledge more money to HMRC so who knows.

Not much in the way of employment, other than scrap IR35. Immigration policies comes across as xenophobic, though there are some good points such as ensuring no benefits for 5 years (though I make an exception for those genuinely fleeing war. Horrendous policies re the Environment. Abandoning the Windsor Framework will cause issues with Ireland - it isn’t brilliant, but it’ll do. A bit hypocritical when it comes to free speech - it’s only the free speech that they agree with. Permanent expulsion for disruptive/violent pupils isn’t the answer. Right to reform the House of Lords though! Costings are cloud cuckoo land.

Not costed at all, so I ignored their manifesto even though I generally favour most of what they say. Except cancelling Trident. Or school testing. Definitely agree with banning badger culling.

So… who knows what I’m doing tomorrow.

Cheers for that, nice to have a different bit of input from a different POV

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I’ll second @zac_a 's comments.

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Well the big day is about here people.
The shear excitement is just around the corner.
Frangers is sat in his front room all suited and booted sat keen as mustard with his home made swingometer poised like a coiled spring. :joy:

Everybody else is on tenterhooks waiting with bated breath to see who the winners will be, all walking around wearing their colours.
So who will it be??

But relax, the FINAL is more than a week away…and I STILL think it will be England.

Issued a few hours ago before the purdah.

Is this nearer the thoughts of some others, too?

I have Switzerland in the sweepstake.


Well it’s all over bar the shouting. No great surprises regarding the outcome. However if we look at the peripherals I think that we have seen a sea change in British politics with not so much a Labour victory and more a Tory loss. My feeling is that the public have spoken loudly and clearly that they are extremely dissatisfied with the big two , something that Starmer would do well to take note of.

I honestly wish him and his party the very best as I have an obvious vested interest in that.
I’d like to say that I rarely take pleasure in someone losing their job, but there is an exception here with the likes of Truss et al losing their seats. Unfortunately and as much as I wish it were true I can’t see them hurrying off to the local foodbank.

As is typical of our rotten to the core business in the UK, Thames water is shouldered with the debt its parent company has offloaded onto it because they sees a way that small customers can can be fleeced easily

The merry go round continues also known as the magic roundabout, no change then, all as predicted

Excellent…Said in a Mr Burns voice.

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R4 is full of talk about “voter volatility”, big swing one way last time, big swing t’uther way this time. Any notion of voters being “loyal” to a party in that no-matter-what fashion of old, seem to have evaporated, which is refreshing to see.
Sooooooooooo pleased to see both Truss and JRM losing their seats