Political discussions...

Yes, Harry and his missus definitely don’t get enough coverage… Well, not enough to fund their desired lifestyle of (a) being in the public eye whilst (b) claiming they don’t want to be part of the Royal family circus.

As a reminder

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Latest news combining the election and Euro 2024…
It’s been reported the England squad will NOT be voting from Germany in the election.

Mainly because they find it very difficult to put a cross in the box.:joy:

Thank you very much, I’m here all week.:sunglasses:

Looking forward to the Trump Biden debate tonight.
MAGA 2024 :laughing:

US elections?..Oh sweet Jesus no please…, there’s plenty of this type of sh going on over here without dipping into other countries political debates.

Speaking of,.I caught excerpts on radio news of the Sunak Starmer head to head btw.
Loved the bloke who asked ‘Are you 2 the best we have to run our country’ :joy:…got to agree.

Many are voting Labour from what I hear,
under the heading of…
.‘Well they can’t possiblly do any worse than the Tories’ …
Given the history of a couple of Lab govts, and that the whole election build up operation so far has been a effin pantomime, in the spirit of that the obvious answer is…
‘‘Ohhh yes they CAN’’.:smiley:
(2 words for reference, ‘Gordon’ and ‘Brown’, the Blair wannabe who did not know his arse from his elbow.:roll_eyes:

I can usually suss people out within 5 minutes, and I’m normally right as to whether they are genuine, in fact my wife and kids say I am always a great judge of character…as for Starmer, not this time, he’s a bit of a challenge.
(Ex).working class made good, he’s been on 2 tv shows I have seen, coming across as ‘one of us’.
On one he was taking his lad to the Arsenal game, on another he had been with his daughter to a Taylor Swift gig,…but is it all a ‘I’m a regular bloke, please like me’ part of his campaign?
I mean he’s a politician ffs nuff said.

Tbf he comes across as a decent guy on the face of it all.
I really do want to like him enough to vote for him, or his party at least, but the fact that I can not suss him out, and that I find him wholly ambiguous, kinda prevents me.
Blair had similar type facets (again a politician) which makes me VERY wary and puts me right off.

And I am still hearing more and more people speaking up for Reform, on the basis they are totally p.d off with the whole system of Party politics, and broken promises,.with all MPs of every persuasion with their fat snouts in the same gravy train trough.

At least with Proportional representation, it gives a much truer indication of what individual people REALLY want,.and
It will be intetesting (term used very loosely btw :smiley:) to see just how many votes across the board they will get,.even ‘protest’ to display type votes.
I will more than likely be one of them up to now…unless I finally work Starmer out.

But as I keep saying…does not matter a ■■■■ what you and I think…etc etc, all the same etc etc ,they do as they like in long run…etc etc…

The small amount of the KS vs RS debate I could tolerate did RS no favours; he came across as desperate and downright rude. At one point I thought Mishal Husein was going to just tell him to “shut up” as he talked over her when she tried to direct the proceedings back to the audience. I got the impression he was deliberately trying to be more assertive under directions from his advisors, it didn’t come across well at all, seeming forced and unnatural.

I thought Starmer seemed more in control of himself. When Sunak repeated the “£2000 tax hike” line, Starmer blandly said words to the effect of: “That’s a lie and you’ve been told not to repeat it but you’ve done it anyway…”

I’d prefer it if there was another option to these two (Farage didn’t count before and counts even less now after his supporters let him down), but once again it comes down to who is the least worst of the options.

Had to laugh at this.
Everybody hot under the collar,.reaching for the smelling salts…a la Boris parties :smiley: …tirns out it was a stitch up to discredit Reform by an actor.
Epic backfire. :joy:



Potentially true, I don’t find it hard to imagine someone would do this, but why didn’t “Big Nige” present the evidence of this “actor” for us to verify for ourselves? Post these website links they’ve found, provide screenshots?

Anyone can say anything they like in this media obsessed age, but without actual evidence, it’s just yet more “talk”

Yep maybe so.
Look I aint a ‘lover’ of Farage as such, (yeah ok I fooled you.:smiley:) I just like the way he gets up the noses of the rest of the UK ‘political establishment’, while at the same time they hurry to keep telling us he… ‘aint a real threat’ or …he’s ‘a joke’ .
But if that was so, they would treat him as such, take zero notice of anything he says, and treat him about as relavant as ‘Tarquin Finbim Ole Bisquitbarrel’ of the (Monty Python.) ‘Very Silly Party’.

I like his maverick approach, he’s could not gaf what he says, or who he upsets approach,.which appeals to me,.and I can relate to myself.

I remember his speech in the EU parliament, day after Brexit.saying to Monsiuer Whatshisface, …‘You laughed at me, but you aint laughing now’.

The obvious next step (as I’m certain Big Nige is familiar with Niccolo Machiavelli) is to set up his own sting in the form of “another undercover actor trying to do me down” but with pre-prepared evidence linking said actor to someone who might have cause to want to undermine him (RS, for example). The actor can be nabbed red-handed, all caught on camera, And Farage can have a big “AHA!” moment, “Look how much of a threat I am! They’re doing it again”

Or some similar self-orchestrated set up, portraying himself as the plucky underdog - we Brits love that storyline

Yep he could…and they do.
Or… he could just sit back until July 4, look at how he has disrupted the voting figures for the 2 main parties, thus displaying the evident dissatisfaction up and down the country, despite the denials, and gloat at the vindication.

He’s after more than that, he knows he isn’t likely to win, he just wants to become the official opposition “Tories Ver 2.0”

Well all I can say is good luck to him.

I like many othrts are personally sick of all the b/s in politics in our country.

As Billy Connolly once said ‘Dont vote for the ■■■■ ers, it only encourages them’ and ‘The fact that these ■■■■ s WANT to stand,.should be the thing that disqualifies them’ …jokes yes, but essentially he is right.

People are taken in EVERY time with false hope and false promises, by one of only TWO parties, one of them gets in, people get sick and vote tgem out,.and the other one in again…,.and so on ad infinitum.
So somebody taking these (Billy Connolys adjective😃) on is like a breath of fresh air,.and watching them worry whilst pretending not to is comedy gold.
Anything that upsets the applecart of any body in authority, and stops them getting things all their own way, is fine by me.

It’ll certainly be interesting to see what happens next week, but I also agree that UK politics does need a shake-up.

It wasn’t always Labour vs Tory, once upon a time it was Liberal vs Tory, then Labour eclipsed Liberals (or rather LibDems as we know know these also-rans), so maybe we’re due a change.

Yeah ok, but all I remember in my lifetime is Tory v Labour, with the same old promises, same old let downs, time after time by both parties.

The amazing thing is some, (even most) people are not only gulible enough to believe all the promises, hype, and general b/s, every time, but they go on to actively promote it all themselves foc as unpaid active supporters, to influence others to vote for their chosen party.:joy:

These absolute clowns who put pictures of a candidate in their front window.:roll_eyes: the same candidate they will never see again until the next time he trys and contacts them to vote for him.

Why can people not see they are being constantly conned…on a 4 year loop.
If everyone who was not happy, but sivk and tired of the same old routine just did not vote,.at least a message would be sent out to these people.
Only reason I am voting Reform, is because the 2 main parties are doing there best to urge us not to…a golden reason to vote imo.

has any one had a candidate knock on their door or put a flyer through

I’ve received numerous flyers through the door. I’ve no idea if anyone has actually knocked on my door because I’m usually at work trying to keep my head above water.

Here’s the last one I received

Not an actual candidate, but I’ve have a couple of underlings door knocking - but like most of us here, I’m usually out at work the majority of the time.

Whatever Big Nige could potentially offer as a breath of moderately-right-wing, common-sense, what-many-people-seem-to-actually-want-to-hear, is unfortunately entirely eclipsed by the one concrete thing he can 100% claim “That was my idea that was!”, which is of course Brexit. Which would always stop me voting for him.

Anyone who used to have a thriving business based on exporting their products (which may also have relied on importing certain raw materials) is suffering big style. On the Today programme on Friday morning they were interviewing Stilton manufacturers (bless’ed are the cheese-makers) who spelled out clearly how devastating Brexit had been for their business and the local economy which relied a lot on economic input from that particular food product. And the day before the Head of the British Chambers of Commerce, Shevaun Haviland, made it very clear just how challenging things were for businesses in the post-Brexit landscape.

The generation of voters coming up now don’t care about Nige’s “victory”, they just wonder why anyone thought we could possibly be better off being on the outside of the world’s largest economy.