Political discussions...

do you not think the tax thresholds should be raised. its all very well just putting wages up but without raising the tax bands it is meaningless. I know lots of people that even though they got pay raises they are actually worse off because they have to pay more tax because it takes them into the next bracket.

The waste is in anything run by an elected body. nhs and teaching are two prime and current examples. both professions are chock full of non jobs pushing paper around and doing nothing except collecting huge salaries.

that is what happens. you not heard all the complaints about microlise etc. havent you noticed to save money the first thing the company does is reduce the number of drivers and warehouse people. it never occurs to them that they dont need 10 people on payrole and 20 secretaries and 7 transport clerks to dole the work out.

IM going to answer both posts in one…

all brexit has stopped in the way of trade is her ladyship knickerless (cant think of her name but you always throw her out when boris is being discussed) sending out all the manual part of her manufacturing to be done abroad. no bad thing

um by recent do you mean thatcher because it was then that they started doing that when we joined the common market and those that didnt comply and knuckle under were hit with other rules about slaughter houses where they had to ship the cattle off to approved places which happened to be in the eu so they couldnt be made cost effective.

could that possibly be because no one is selling and buying as much gold because of the world economy?

of course trade is down we dont import as much useless crap anymore and as i said we dont make anything.

why is that blare/brown stuffed the country full of eu nationals who went to work in the service industry goody goody we have sold another cup of coffee or filled another hotel room so bloody what. the coffee shops and hotels are owned out of the country so all the profits go out of the country but we have added to gdp. same as building houses… every time some tacky box is sold another 200k is added brilliant. its all rice pudding fills you up but no substance

OMG…Now you’ve done it…:roll_eyes:
I feel another 10 pages coming on now at least.
Frangers is currently making sandwiches and filling his flask as we speak, before he approaches his lectern, suited and booted, in his front room.:joy:…I bet he actually has a one.:grinning:

Sorry only joking/ttp.:joy:…enough.
I’ll leave you to it.:sunglasses:

Well, if I’m going to have that responsibility dropped on my toes, I’d like a number of other events “Taken Into Consideration”:
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, yes I had a hand in that;
The Twin Towers, again partially responsible (Alluah akbar…);
Bad piloting of the Hindenburg, Ja, das war auch ich.
I can’t claim responsibility for Hiroshima but I was on the back up crew in case Paul Tibbets took ill.

Ex-wives are available who will corroborate the extent of my guilt

What Big Nige saw when he made his triumphal return to Reform UK HQ a couple of weeks ago:


Hang on a minute lads, I’ve got a great idea…

Big Nige election plan

How does that work?
The higher tax rate applies only to pay inside the higher band. Not to all pay.

A frequent comment.
Repeating something ad nauseum does not make it true.

It may be true that there is waste in every large organisation. It certainly is just as true in private as well as public owned companies of similar scale.
But simply saying that waste occurs is not very useful. It is necessary to accurately identify it.

Just because you or I do not know what a particular admin job involves, does not make it useless.
The administrator who can save a tenth of a penny on the cost of diesel will be more valuable that the driver who knocks half an hour off a run.
The same applies in many aspects of paper-shuffling.

Politicians saying “be more efficient” without saying how is useless.

And how do you measure efficiency?
In an efficient NHS we would have zero slack. Everything would be rationed according to utility.
I don’t want a Dr measuring my economic value before giving me medicine.

And in the current situation it is well known that many people who should be working are waiting for the medical treatment they need to make them well enough to work.

Starving the NHS of funds does make it run better. You don’t make a truck more efficient by putting less fuel in it.
You make it more efficient so it needs less. Currently the NHS is running out of funds before it’s work is done. That isn’t efficient it is making false economies.

So you are in favour of UK jobs being exported?
You surprise me.
Assuming you mean Mone, her “manufacturing” consisted of setting up a company with assets of £100 (I seem to remember) after the Gov said it needed PPE, and making a few phone calls to buy and sell mostly useless crap.
A very “efficient” way to make a profit I reckon.

Pure nonsense. Pure 100% fantasy.
Time and again I have shown figures that show this is not so.

Slaughter house stuff is nonsense. For years there has been no UK export of beasts for slaughter.
Recently means since 2019.

True. We don’t make as much as we did a few years.
Those who have lost those jobs are not very happy it.

That is Thatcher/Minford economics.
And Truss/Minford economics.


Set-aside was an incentive scheme introduced by the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1988 (Regulation (EEC) 1272/88), to (i) help reduce the large and costly surpluses produced in Europe under the guaranteed price system of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); and (ii) to deliver some environmental benefits …

so not 2019 and in the 80’s as i said.

where did i say that. i said it was no bad thing that whats her name cant export her stuff to be manufactured

a few years try a few decades… where is the car industry… where is the engineering where are the true british made goods and i dont mean the assembled in britain cobblers.

it was bloody blairs mindset as well he did sweet fa for the economy and proper british jobs.

Not Blair, Thatcher, that woman so beloved down south and so hated up here.

We got to the end of our apprenticeships in the early 80s and were all promptly shown the door: “Congratulations lads on finishing, but there’s no jobs, see yer!”

And the UK car industry justifiably died because (a) British Leyland made rubbish cars, and (b) the Japanese were so much better at running car factories, so much so we gave them half of Washington (Tyne and Wear, not DC) to call their own. Nissan are British made and British assembled, creating jobs for… British people.


They’re very thourough at Nissan, they’ve even got the workforce learning and talking Japanese at work I discovered.:flushed:

I delivered there one day, walked through the factory to the bogs and I heard em.
One guy shouted to his mate in his best Japanese…
‘Hayhinnie hoya hama howa’.
I was impressed.

Once upon a time, anyone with any level of responsibility got sent to Japan for several months, even something as simple as being a team leader for a section of the production line - nice work if you can get it. I believe that’s all stopped now.

I did some training for a company that makes some very specialized, very powerful lithium batteries, the main man is ex-Nissan management. He refers to them totally unironically as The Evil Empire :laughing:

I’ve driven in there a few times, no wonder people call it Nissan City, it’s heeee-uuuuge!

i thought nissan was going to pull out if we left the eu?

nissan isnt british and do the profits go into a british bank and all taxes paid promptly if you think they do i have a bridge i can sell ya.

as to british cars being crap and more specificaly bl. bl was finished in the 60’s with all the strikes (thank you labour) various sections of it like rover did try and struggle on for a while with the likes of the p6 but thier nail came when they tried to sell it to the yanks by putting a buick v8 in it. (a decision made by more paper pushing bureaucrats btw) if they had been allowed to go in the direction they wanted with efi and the p7 who knows what would of happened.

I listened to him when I was 17,.and I’m listening to him now.
Not so pretty these days,.and definitely not vacant…but talking a lot of sense.
Never mind the ■■■■■■■■…heeres Johnny.

Again…read the comments.

Not only is that not the case, but they have committed to further investment, no doubt partly because (a) we northerners aren’t afraid of a bit of graft, and (b) wa’ aal geet canny like y’naar

They’re as British now as those Saxe-Coburg-Gotha benefit claimants not too far from where you live


Alright! Apart from the job creation (7,000 in Nissan and 80,000 in the wider automotive sector), investment (over £1 billion since 1986), building affordable and reliable cars, being the UK’s largest exporter of cars (over 90% of the cars built here), and bringing lots of research and development to the UK, apart from all that, what has Nissan ever done for us…

As for

That’s easy, technically we call it the coriolus effect

sorry that one is lost on me… unless your on about ds smith

im not so sure they didnt realy commit to efi until the late 80’s early 90’s by then everyone and its dog was using injection of some sort and had 10-15 years of development under their belts. then of course came all the issues with ally heads and cast iron blocks

just googled it … clealy you didnt mean ds smith

That is the original name of The Windsor Family, before they rebranded their selves during WWI so as to appear “less German”

The CAP had set aside. As I said the CAP was far from perfect.
However my point was that psot Brexit we have had perverse (IMHO) policies regarding food security. Farmland could turn into meadows after Brexit, says Michael Gove | Farming | The Guardian

Counter factual.
(Gosh, but aren’t I being polite today!)
All of Mone’s PPE was made in China.

Nonsense. (less polite)
It couldn’t possibly be so, because, it is not so.
The gold trade is busy. Very busy, because of the world economy.

Agreed. We sell less and buy less.
Most people think that getting paid less and having less to spend is bad thing.
Most of that has happened post 2019.

Other economies have recovered from Covid. If they haven’t it is due to other factors.
What has happened to the UK?

Brexiteer Jim Rattycliff said he was going to make his new vehicle in the UK. But he decided that the EU was a better bet.

too much to do on my phone here i will reply properly later but…

as said in the origonal post is she the one that made womens stockings and under garments

Lingerie is the collective term, yes that’s her, “Baroness Bra” as some have called her, but in the past she wasn’t averse to trying her hand at “diet pills” and “fake tan” as well.