Political discussions...

The BBC reports on the subject that I came across,.approached it from the pov of the 2 main party leaders…with both of their comments shown afterwards, which led me to believe that as I said, that they were a bit ‘rattled’.
You would have thought that if they deemed Farage with no real creedence, and as not important, they would have just laughed and shrugged it off.

You describe him as a catalyst…I personally see nothing wrong with shaking up the establishment of Brit politics.
Maybe that is one of the reasons he appeals to me personally, a maverick non conformist type who aint afraid to call a spade a shovel.

As for you implying I am a ‘conformist’, :smiley: hmm not sure about that one.
And as for a ‘blokey/lads culture’…sorry but I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with that either tbh,especially in comparison to the weak wristed woke non free speech way of life,.which is alien to most ‘normal’ people, the said culture that is being tried to be pushed in through the back door of the country by many at the moment.
So give me the ‘beer with the lads’ (not so much the tabs) concept any day.
If that makes me a conformist, then guilty as charged.

Parties ya nougat. :joy::joy::joy:

Come again mate.:thinking:

Edit…forget it,
You mean you are the nugget not me.

(But I could have told you that.:joy:)

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And that’s also what I said: “Not necessarily a bad thing at all, but it needs to be taken in context.”

Your sensitive side is showing :smile: no need to be so defensive. I said you were conforming to a specific sterotype one that’s readily visible in my local FB drivers group, which is full of beer-drinking, Nige-supporting Toon fans; it’s right up your street and you don’t have to be a North-east trucker to be part of it, they’ll even allow sheep-molesting Cumbrians in.

How dare you bring that up.:flushed:
I was fully exonerated and cleared over that charge.

Here’s Nige in good form, with a backdrop of traditional Old England.
I like his style…:grin:
Check out the comments after the vid.

Was talking to my old mate Beaver yesterday, (we all know he’s a political intellectual,)
Him and all his Scouser mates are all voting Nige, in fact he told me they had all took to dressing like Nige, to up their image, but with a Scouser twist,…
They’ve took to wearing pin stripe shell suits .


So Farage says “We provoked this war”
That is like the wife beater who says “She made me hit her”
Or the 4 year old who says “I had to hit him because he looked at me funny”

He is merely repeating Putin’s “excuses”.
Putin wants to tell other countries how to behave, and when Farage etc refer to “poking the Russian bear” they are saying we should allow this strong country to do whatever it wants. Let the bully, be a bully, and win.

It didn’t work in 1939 did it?

In actual fact Frangers the examples you give are nothing like that.
But it’s a free country, so just you keep thinking that way mate.
He’s not appeasing anybody btw, he is pointing out that it was just the excuse Putin looked for, for pseudo justification.
In the same way that if the Eastern axis forces moved their intentions westward.
Oh hang on a minute.

Btw I like the way you answered my question on whether or not I was using the correct terminology…as if I WAS being serious.:flushed::joy:
Rein it in a bit mate, rein it in.:worried:

I was agreeing that PR would almost certainly give RefUK Ltd a bigger number of seats than the current FPTP system does.
No need to be so twitchy.

Ok, but if you had deleted the part in brackets along with what you already deleted, my twitchy twitcher would not have twitched so much…just saying like

He’s a smart guy, he knows many people will be impressed by him going back to basics like this video, carefully avoiding switching people off with The P Word (ie policies), appealing to “the people’s POV” in a way that all the others seem to ignore. Yes, very cleverly done.

I like quite a few of the things he says, some of the things he says I like a lot, they appeal to my self-confessed moderate right wing side. I think his oration and timbre is extremely good, in comparison to RS and KS it is in fact excellent, akin to a jovial Richard Burton (a high accolade in my book, Burton beingone of the finest actors ever to emanate from these islands and with the most superb voice).

However… It’s a case of The Emperors New Clothes: Apart from Big Nige’s undoubted catalytic capabilities, his offerings “don’t add up”. But I’m not asking you to believe me, just the (verifiably independent) Institute for Fiscal Studies - I’ve given the link below (I know how much you like these things :laughing:) but the conclusion that Reform’s numbers “don’t add up” is the take home message from the IFS page.

And - this is the kicker - Nige fans are required to already believe that Brexit was indeed a good idea - I don’t: Most young people I know also don’t believe it was a sound idea, and many of the hauliers going into administration also don’t agree, as many others in business feel too. In fact if there are any business people who do feel it was a good idea, I have yet to see them voice it in public

Incidentally, there’ll be another gone-bust-haulier announced sometime next week, a Lincolnshire firm with an 80 year history, it’s not officially announced yet but someone claiming to be one of their drivers has been posting about it online in advance of the official notification

Most damning is the very obvious reason for Big Nige finally throwing his hat into the ring (to help out the party he founded and walked away from), and that is the myriad woes of his bestest-ever-BFF, “The Donald”. If Trump had not been found guilty in New York, Nige wouldn’t be making these videos and wouldn’t be campaigning for Reform.

He says “I believe in my country”, yet the New York Times reported that he wasn’t getting involved in his country’s election: “preferring to focus on helping former President Donald Trump recapture the White House” and promising to “help with the grassroots campaign in the US in any way that I can”

The comments after the vid are no more than I’d expect in this age of internet echo chambers, only people likely to agree with him will watch the video and only those that really like it will take the time to comment.

Ok but as already said, his technical figures dont really have to be totally credible, as he hasnt got a cat in hell’s of winning an election, that and the politicians forte of embellishing the truth to get votes, is the way it goes.

On the other hand, Starmer’s figures on taxes are also being questioned as not credible , but the biggest difference is he sure as hell IS going to win the election.

As for Sunak, he’s promising all sorts, when the obvious question is…
If you think things need changed, why has it took you this long to propose and promise them.
Which brings us back to my favourite opinion on politicians,…
They are basically all the same…or as Jimmy Carr says, ‘They are all ■■■■ s in their own way, but some are bigger ■■■■ s than others’.:smiley:

Not sure about your opinion of all positive comments on you tube clips, there is usually a mixture of good and bad.
The proof of opinions will be seen by all of us after the election anyway…as ever.

And how has that worked in the past?
It creates a background noise where people do start to believe in the “style” of a candidate. They start to think that maybe the seemingly impossible really is possible.
Just like promising that leaving the EU would be all upsides and no downsides.

If you can see that he is (and it is clear) spinning a line…ie, he is telling bare faced lies…why on earth would anyone vote for such a person?

You say “they are all the same”, and moan about the lies and spin, yet you seem to be ready to support Farage?
Someone you accept is lying. Someone telling the biggest lies: The biggest ■■■■■

Bizarre. I don’t get it.

Dont bother yer arse about it so much then Frangers.
You will soon ‘get it’ when Labour takes over,.and fail to deliver what they have promised, when you find out that (god forbid,.shock horror,) they have also lied.:flushed:
Or do you find that proposition and concept equally as …‘‘bizzare’’.

You know what mate?
I bet you actually DO. :joy:

I am pretty sure that all the ambitions Labour have, will not be fulfilled.

I wonder how many promises will be broken though?

Probably fewer than the past few administrations.
And I very much expect far, far, fewer bare faced are lies being told by Starmer.

I could be wrong, of course.

But Starmer isn’t promising the impossible. Some journos are trying to tie him down to make claims about taxes, but, listen…he isn’t making them.

He isn’t making impossible promises as a cheap way to get votes.
To steal your phrase “I like his style”.

Quote: '‘Probably fewer than previous administrations’.

So there you go again with the…
‘Vote Labour, they are also crap, but not quite as crap as the others’ routine.

Nah I’ll stick with Nige thanks, even if only to prove (or disprove ) he is the least ‘crappest’ than the rest of the old tired same old shower…
In fact the deal breaker was Zac’s interpretation of him representing the blokes culture of mates, beer and football…
‘My’ style.:sunglasses::joy:…but I’m quite confident it aint yours,.and you dont like that one.:smiley:

the only way any party can do half of what they say is raise taxes and or increase borrowing.

its all very well them shouting about increasing the economy but there is no real economy left its all non jobs and service industry. This is why britain has been slower than europe to recover from the pandemic. Nothing to do with brexit we dont make anything anymore and we dont sell natural resources/food something that every major eu country does

Is that what Zac actually said?

Farage is liked by that group, looks like one of them in public, and proports to represent them, but does he?

Did you follow Zac’s link? Read much about what his monetary proposals would mean if he did get to enact them?
The richer would get much greater tax cuts than the poorer, the NHS would receive cuts, everyone would get cuts.

He and Tice say they would reduce waste everywhere.
(No-one is in favour of waste by the way)
Where is the waste found? How are cuts to be done?

Imagine you get a new transport manager at work.
He says to the drivers
“We need to be more efficient. I know you are all good drivers, so I trust you to de a good job.
I expect you all to do runs 5% quicker and save 5% on fuel.”

Pie in the sky nonsense.
And privatisation if the NHS is on the cards too. Any few quid some of us might gain will be swallowed up in insurance and profits for insurance companies owners.

Who sponsored Farage for years? Oh yes, an insurance company owner.

It is true that Thatcher and her economist guru Prof Patrick Minford, thought an economy based on cutting each others hair, selling each other coffee, etc and closing steel and coal would be a good started the decline.
It is also true that, after the rise in GDP under Blair/Brown, GDP and the country has been flatlining for years.
It is not true that Brexit has had no effect. Brexit has exacerbated an existing problem.

The volume of UK trade (excluding the gold that merely transits the UK) is downwards.

Trade figures are down on 2019.
By a lot.

And food? The recent Govs have paid farmers to hold land fallow as a resource!
The EU CAP was not perfect but far better than the insanity that has replaced it.

Ok Frangers fair play me old mate … No that isnt what he actually said.

Sorry but I find it difficult to be 100% serious 100% of the time,.and especially on all this type of stuff, …unlike yourself.

And tbf I did not entirely MEAN what I said…it was tongue in cheek, acting up to ‘my image’ if you will.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

So just to explain my trademark casual flippancy, I will repeat and reiterate what I have said from day 1 on here about all this…

(Are you sitting comfortably, brace yourself Frangers this may come as a shock, what with your TN armchair politician status,.and your political aspirations…)

It does NOT matter a ■■■■ what the likes of you or me think/say about all this stuff, because at the end of the day ‘THEY’ can (and will) do whatever tf ‘THEY’ want to do to us and about us.
Newsflash…To them we are the ‘great unwashed’ ‘The Plebs’, despite what they try and tell us and try and lead us to believe …(as has beem proven since time immemorial)

So best just to strap yourself in and keep your head down,.whilst looking after yourself and your own…as with everything else in life…as I do.

I think that kinda sums up the whole thread tbh mate.

And THAT is the reason I dont take this stuff (and life in general) TOO serious.

It makes for an easier time…

So just let the ■■■■ s (of whichever shower of sh wins) , get on with it, while I just keep my head down.

Thanks for listening to the latest episode of …‘The Wisdom And Philosophies Of Rob’.:sunglasses:

Off to catch up with the football.:smiley: