Political discussions...

Jonathon Pie suggests that some of us really should be voting Tory.
And TBF he does have a fair point. He hasn’t convinced me though.

You really are struggling with things now, aren’t you?

I did not say that everything was great.
The person I linked to did not say that everyone was in bliss.

It did say that
Education, schools, NHS hospitals and GPs, shorter waits for treatment, courts, police, homelessness, child poverty, were all better though.

And you have not said otherwise.
Is anything that was actually said wrong? I will not argue about things that only happen inside of your head.
I suffer from agoraphobia.

Watch the Reform Ltd broadcast tonight.
St Nigel will tell that his idea of stopping all migrants, will cure everything!
Just like he told you that leaving the EU, will cure everything!
And again you will believe, everything!

I forgot no link!

And remember too, the last time Engalnd won the World Cup?
It couldn’t possibly be a coincidence could it?

There it is again, the trademark patronising, you just cant help it can ya. :joy:

Yep you know me, vulnerable, no self confidence, still struggling as you say, and believing everything…(possibly still ignorant.) :grin:

But I’ll be fine,.I’ve still got you on here as my life coach and mentor,.so all is well with the world…a bit like when Labour were last in power in fact.:smiley:

*and remember too, the last time Engalnd won the World Cup?
When Harold Wilson on the devaluation of sterling appearing on telly “Don’t worry the pound in your pocket will still buy the same”
We are getting the same snake oil promotions again.

Interesting point.
Yep, I was being silly, in that post, but I’m up for natter.

When Wilson devalued the pound that was indeed his decision. $2.80 to $2.40.
The pound sterling was floated on 1972.

I am sure you can read a graph.

Edit as a reminder to all
Blair/Brown 1997 to 2010.
Brexit vote 2016

For those who might want to know more about the alternative candidate options in the upcoming election, this site shows you who is standing in your area (just need to put your postcode in)

From there there’s a link to all the candidates for that constituency - I was surprised to find there are nine candidates around here: Tories, Labour, LibDem, Reform and The Greens, as well as four independents - two of whom didn’t even have a photo or election statement, so they’re not doing themselves any favours

And here are is the MRP survey from YouGov.
It is not a prediction.
But it shows some interesting figures broken down into individual constituencies.

A useful tool for those who may wish to vote tactically. It is useful to know who is the strongest contender if you wish to keep a particular candidate out.

Think you forgot to include a link?
Was it this one? (below)

I’m seeing a lot of pro-Reform posts on FB HGV driver groups - I guess middle-aged white males are probably one of Reform’s key demographics - but amongst all that “support” I’m not seeing much evidence that many of these guys have actually read what Big Nige’s plans are. There are several who are adamant Reform plan to abolish most taxes, and one guy is claiming all we need to fund government activities is one small overall tax: no income tax, no NI, no corporation tax etc, just 5% VAT and the country will run like clockwork. :joy: The HGV driver’s guide to the governmental equivalent of “slap a magnet on it and it’ll be reet”

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I think that most pro Reform don’t give a rats botty about what big Nige’s plans are tbh. That’s probably not a very convincing argument to vote for them granted, however most people are waay past heartily sick of the moral cowards who are representing the “big two”. Sometimes the devil you know isn’t the right choice, sometimes a leap of faith is required.

Cue TN’s political guru telling me why that’s so wrong an ideology. Don’t care.


Thanks for righting my omission.

Well, sometimes it does pay to trust in others.
It does pay to make a leap of faith.

What if Jack hadn’t taken the magic beans and planted them?
He never would have gotten the Giant’s treasure, would he?

In other news
Farage was one of the first to praise the mini-budget of Truss and Kwarteng. Says a lot about his fiscal acumen don’t it?

Farage was bank-rolled by insurance millionaire (and off-shore company owner) Aaron Banks, in the Leave campaign. Farage has suggested that the NHS is not a good model and we should all buy insurance.
All obviously a total coincidence.

Farage a few weeks ago was not going to take part in UK politics, but was going to the US, to support Trump. A foreign (ex)leader about whom he had said (Whilst he was leader of a foreign country) that he was loyal to him.
And then Trump was convicted.
And brave St Nigel ran away. He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Obviously another coincidence.

But never mind, it is easy to promise anything, and everything, if you will never have to fulfill those promises innit?
They won’t be expected to deliver beans. We will never know if they were magic or not will we?

And if Starmer does get in a wee bit of a harvest, Farage will doubtless be shouting about how he would have done better.
The old gadgie in the pub who would have won the cup if only he was in charge of the team!

Ta da, as if by magic appears the new superhero on the block; condescension man.

What Maoster said…on both posts😄
Condescension Man btw, why did I not come up with that one.:joy:

I dont give a rat’s ass if his Dad was a banker and all the rest of it, and especially what his plans for tax etc are (or what they would be) tbh.
The fact alone that a Maverick has put his hat in the ring , and with a bonus that he says a lot of what I agree with, (irrspective of whether or not he means it…none of em do anyway, they’re politicians ffs) , appeals to me.

I’m fully aware he has as much chance of becoming PM than Frangers has, but he is pi55ing a lot of people off, (that’s not counting the ones on here.:joy:) so he’s saying things snd not giving a jot who he upsets.
So all that, (and the fact he likes a pint of beer ) makes him my kind of guy.:joy:

Jesus a load of intelligence men discussing things they can’t change in a million years
Given a opinion is one thing but it seems they are trying to convince themselves about their own opinions
It doesn’t matter what you think nobody cares because you are a minority and you’re opinion is just that your own opinion used as an excuse to slag off other opinions
I think in another definition it would be called bible bashing
Living in a dream world thinking i know more than you
Welcome to the Google experts

Truss and Kwazi were lined up to be knocked down.
Sunak knew damned well there was a bond crash incoming, due to the Chinese buying less on the open market, as a consequence of the ongoing Proxy war against China’s Trade Ally, Russia.
So let poor old Liz barely get the seat of Number 10 warm, and saddle her with both the incoming bond crash AND the death of her late majesty!

There are no coincidences in politics…

Farage says he won’t be standing, thinking that the election is six months off…
Suddenly Sunak decides there’s now a Recession incoming, and interest rate hikes on top…
He’ll NEVER win in the autumn now that people are starting to lose jobs/have their houses re-possessed…

Clearly Sunak is going for what Major pulled off in 1992…
Hold the election AHEAD of all the incomign doom - and hope the population “fearing Labour” does the usual thing, and cling onto the Tories…

Well, that was all well and good until Farage got his oar in, and has decided to go for the collective Tory throat this time…

Not only is he standing, but he’s standing candidates in over 600 seats throughout England and Wales…
The only thing that stopped somone like myself from voting Brexit party last election - was that they didn’t stand a candidate in this seat…

Things are different now.

I don’t see Diehard Tory voters “not bothering” at this election - they fear Labour too much.
I see the Tory remainers perhaps going over to Libdems, that may account for their expected surge from 11 to 48 seats, according to the latest polls…

Where does Labour get all these extra seats from though?
I do believe they’ll trash the SNP down to single-figures…
They might even take a few marginals back on top…

Starmer has to take Labour from 202 seats from 2019 upto 326 seats for a majority of 1.
He needs to gain 124 seats then.
Where from?
Maybe 30 from the SNP… None from the Libdems, as we’re told the Libdems will be taking seats Labour need to be taking…
The Conservatives?
Brexiteer Conservatives? - PULL THE OTHER ONE!

Remainer Conservatives are more likely to switch to the Libdems rather than Labour…

I’ve put a tenner on Keir Starmer to win 251-299 seats same as I did with Corbyn in 2017… Got 40/1 last time, got 66/1 THIS time. (Price still available!)

All it takes is for the Tories to only lose half the seats they were supposed to, and lose the Red Wall to Farage’s RUK…
Perhaps a few seats on the South Coast will split between Libdem gains, and RUK gains on top…

So, if the Tories lose say, 124 seats instead of 200+ the breakdown may be as follows:

Libdem gain their expected 37…
Labour gain around 78…
The SNP lose 37, and swap places with the Libdems…
That leaves 46 seats for RUK to pick up.

Even if Labour copped the lot here (requiring all Brexiteer Ex-Tory voters to become Born-again Remainers!)
they’d only win 78+46 (with RUK staying on zero) giving them exactly 124 total, and that majority of ONE.

There’s a lot that could go wrong to the DOWNSIDE for Labour in the above… Do the math!

I can’t see RUK staying on zero THIS time, unless the vote is rigged like it was in Peterborough where an expected turnout of 72% turned into 48% on the day, and RUK ended up losing by a small margin despite being odds-on favourites to win that seat beforehand…

Farage is 1/6 odds-on to win Clacton, and there’s still plenty of pundits arguing RUK will stay on zero…
Anyone want to lay me 6/1 against Farage winning in Clacton then?

Current bets:

Starmer’s Labour to win 251-299 seats
£10 @66/1

(Current market here)

Libdems to fall below 25 seats (they stand on 11 now!) £10 @ 12/1

Current market here.

RUK to win the most seats £1 @ 250/1 (don’t laugh - that price is now into 40/1)_

The next government to be a Labour/Conservative coalition
£10 @ 100/1 (Price now out to 200/1)

(My thinking here is that should RUK finish second and be the new opposition, they main two parties will join forces to keep RUK out of government, and coalition possibility…)

Might as well try and take some money away from these over-optimistic layers who think a big majority for Labour is a given…
I just don’t see it.
Labour MUST steal some seats from all three other parties in order to get ANY majority, not “see the Libdems AND RUK likely surge in seat number”…
This potential for Labour - seems to be all about the Tories losing 200+ seats.
I suspect Sunak might well get his “John Major 1992” moment, and Starmer - his “Kinnock falling over in the sea” moment too!

(At Thatcher’s downfall, John Major was 66/1 to be the next PM, let alone win the next election as well!)

Farage coming back like he has, subjected to ridicule like he has been, taking the next milkshake on the nose like he has done… Has upset Sunak’s plans completely:

If this isn’t rigged in any way, I reckon we’re in for a hung parliament with RUK at last winning some seats to indeed hold PARLIAMENT’s feet to the fire over Brexit, closing down the border, and of course outright war against the so-called Tory Right ministers who’ve let immigration continue unabated, all because they won’t do the deed - and tear up the ECHR charter.

Cancelling the foreign aid budget as close to zero as possible, will save £13billion per year, and perhaps we might see the Brexit Dividend finally after 8 years of no one even attempting to go get it!

Farage’s fire - is getting the UK out of the ECHR charter.
That done, he can start returning illegals to French, and other shores - no longer worried that he is “Breaking Treaty” by doing so.

We can reduce funding of ukraine to zero, no longer worried that the EU is upset we’re abandonining them…
We can reduce defence spending, upsetting Biden’s warmongering Democrats…
We can forget Rwanda, and instead set up a treaties with places like DR Congo, and other places that actually have some useful exports we might like to buy…

We can dodge the incoming bond crash/interest rate spiral by spending less of the money we’ve already got, rather than borrowing money to then give away to parts of the world that simply don’t deserve it…
Indian Space Programme
Woke Charities
International bodies that are nothing but a money pit for all members, such as the ICC
… and of course China, who may well call collect in terms of “stuff” before long, once our currency isn’t good enough to make interest payments with…
“Yuman Rights”? - Forget it!
If we borrow from China, it is China that calls the shots until we STOP borrowing from China!

Putin now being forced to conquer the rest of Ukraine, rather than just the Eastern areas he already occupies - prolongs this war another year at least…
NOT good for anyone with a mortgage, anyone working in a “disposable” industry, and not good for anyone needing “more debt” to fund their unaffordable consumer habit…

“Events, dear boy. Events”

He is too late then!

I wouldn’t make that bet at less than 1,000,000/1 and even then I wouldn’t risk more than £1 …Each Way :grinning:

Wow the prospect of maybe one or two Reform Ltd in the HoC must have him trembling in his boots!

Only if you have rose tinted specs and really really really have faith in the cause. Then you will see them eveywhere!

Tbh mate I agree with a lot you say…cant argue.

A load of random truckers who in the realm of things do not matter a ■■■■, nor do their opinions.
Mainly because whatever us as part of the electorate say, it will not make one iota of difference, because at the end of the day ‘THEY’ the MPs, the govt,.and the establishment, can do,.and will do,.whatever tf they WANT to do, irrespective of any our opinions and grievances, or (false) promises on their part…So rinse and repeat/business as usual as far as 'THEY’are concerned.
So do not be taken in by their pseudo concern for you.

But nothing wrong in discussions or ventings of anger on the subject (a forum) it puts a couple of hours in,.a bit of fun,…as long as we (but some do) do not take ourselves too seriously as armchair type politicians, but (very reluctantly) realise ‘our place’ instead.

But then the clever trick is, go out there and try your damndest best to beat (or at least play) that system that they put out there, to your OWN benefit…preferably without anyone knowing,.as in ANY walk of life.

Changing the subject a bit,
That guy in Red chucking cement at Farage…
Looks a bit familiar…

Indeed, BOTH these two look rather familiar…

Is Winseer trying to beat his own record, to receive this years…
‘Trucknet War and peace award for the longest boring post’
If so I think he’s rocked it this time.:smiley:
If I had the time or will, I’d try and decipher it,.and study the attached links, but I’ve already got a full day planned and need to be in bed soon after midnight.

Sorry Winsers, only joshing mate…if only to lighten the mood on here to keep us away from the bumper family pack of paracetomol and full bottle of whiskey.:flushed::joy:
Anyhoo carry on.