Political discussions...

opps missed one …

Safe streets

The Labour Party wants to make Britain’s streets safe and tackle violence against women and girls. It previously accused the Government of “treating victims of violence as an afterthought” because the administration is yet to publish its own strategy in response to a wave of allegations that emerged in the wake of the MeToo movement and Sarah Everard’s killing in 2021.

The Labour Party is making sure it will toughen sentences for ■■■■, stalking, and domestic murder, and review all sentences for domestic abuse.

so nothing about the gang related crime caused by migration. oh wait they want more so they cant say that it will be just tougher sentences for those that get caught rather than those that go back to their original country and get a different id and come back to do it again.

i also notice they dont give a strategy for dealing with the sarah murder and the me to’s just stricter sentences for those that are caught (unless its their own making the racist comments and inciting hatred) but bugger all for how they plan to stop it.

my turn today it was yours the other day :grinning:

To answer one of the points…the 15000 Doctor vacancies will be easily solved.
I’m sure I read somewhere that the poor oppressed ‘asylum seekers’ arriving everyday in boats everyday will fill the jobs.
Apparentlly most of them could enhance the country being that the majority are highly trained professionals in the medical and legal fields, and not in the least criminals and scroungers.

Clenches fist in air with a ‘Yess.’ proving beyond all doubt he is in fact immature.:joy::joy:

Got to say I’m disappointed…in.a casual way I must add. :grin:.

Woke up this morning with great glee and anticipation, thinking Franglais would have been up through the night doing his ‘Labour Party Trucknet campaigning’, urging us all to vote Labour, telling us why,.and pointing out how they will do sooo much better than the Tories have done.


He’s unoficially set himself up as a Politics expert and specialist on here,.and banged on and droned on for f. years telling us how bad the Tories have been (and tbf quite correctlly).
Then supplying us with a never ending plethora of tedious links to back up his need to bad mouth and criticise them.

He is certainly an absolute staunch Labour Party supporter, no matter how much they have changed, and how many madcap events have led them to the way they are today.

So during the conversation I call him out, in the spirit of discussion, and give him a chance and opportunity to put forward a well thought out number of reasons as to why we should vote for them at the next GE…I for one am a floating voter ffs.

A golden opportunity from his pov I would have thought, to display his vast political knowledge, (not to mention his patronising delivery :roll_eyes:) and to gain a few more voters for his beloved party…

The disappointment aspect (although no surprise) kicked in when instead of backing up his alliegance, and championing his party, he just continued to list the reasons the Tories are so bad, continue his display of hatred towards Boris J, drone on about Brexit and all the usual ‘stuff’ interspersed with childish jibes, trivial insults, and the usual Franglais isms…pearl clutching, hun, drama queen etc , and the usual (bad) ‘‘comedy’’ repetoire.

I really can not see how he thinks he can carry on with any political credibility on this site after this.
(But he will undoubtedly try)
My synopsis?..Political discussion thread, my arse !

Your assertion that one person (even living in London) has 1,000 neighbours, your comments about Norway and Thatcher demonstrably wrong, and your suppositions about migrants in hotels are a misunderstanding of the basic facts, then yes, I expect you will try a different tack.

Yes. Let’s address the maths.
£93 billion over a decade
£475 annually

So, redoing your calculation after reading the piece correctly, we arrive at about 20million households in the UK.

No one is saying there will 15,000 new doctors in year one of a new Labour Gov. They are saying they will make 15,000 places available.
Starmer does not claim to have the keys to a Tardis.

Ever see this?
U.K. Murder/Homicide Rate 1990-2024 | MacroTrends
UK homicide rates over time. Look at the years it rises and falls and then tell me which is the “Party of law and order”.
Are you aware that currently criminals are being released early because there are not enough places in jail for them? And at the same time new laws are being pushed to send rough sleepers to jail?

I post on what interests me.
Where have I claimed any sort of expertise? Straw man argument.

So, i drone on, but you wake up wanting more?

NHS waiting lists:
The methodology does change but looking at this Chart of the week: How has the waiting list changed over the years? | Nuffield Trust it is plain that under the last Labour Gov waiting list went down and under the present Tories it has gone up, and note that it was going up way before 2019.

that is clearly a list of separate items to improve the health service even if its not where are they going to get 30,000 people with the appropriate level of qualifications a year.

seems to me its the same old story oh its a shortage i know what we will do we will make it so more people can train. they did it with the nurses last time and it didn’t work they have done it wil the plumbers and the sparks bricklayers and drivers each time it has failed spectacularly.

Ok, ok.
Let me ask you a question,…
To quote Rolf Harris…
‘Ya know what it is yet’'?

Yep you’re right…:smile:
But I will construct it in a different way in anticipation of actually getting a constructive reply, instead of the inevitable and usual diversary and avoidance tactics displayed so far.

Why should we vote Labour, in terms of how better they will run the country than the cluster ■■■■ the Tories have created, especially taking into consideration the state that they left the country last time.

Over to you.

(Another tooth pulled btw)

There were nearly 3 million entrants to UK Universites in 21/22, I expect that there are more than 30,000 with relevant qualifications.

What? Who said What and When?
What was whose target and what were the results?

A picture paints a thousand words.
U.K. GDP Per Capita 1960-2024 | MacroTrends

personally i dislike the nuffield trust having had dealings with them. They are money grabbing scum that create their own problems and then cry about it. One of their branches has one of the best surgeons for cancer so under the patient choice scheme nhs patients want to see him. Trouble is they wont let him work in any of their other hospitals nor for any other trust. They then bleat and cry about the waiting list.

Back on topic the waiting list is going to get longer and longer until something is done about the population growth. The other reason the waiting list is getting longer is the nhs are past masters at messing things up for the sake of it.

I hurt my back 2 years ago it slowly got worse and worse until l couldn’t lift my leg 3" off the floor let alone drive or dress. Eventually the osteopath said i needed a ct scan so along to the gp i go they agree to a urgent ct scan. this is april last year 3 weeks ive heard nothing and my back is even worse. I go back to the gp for stronger meds or something while im waiting all i get out the gp is go to a and e.
Along to a and e i go rather than there being 1 person to take your details and check you in there are now 3 people you have to see giving the same information again and again. Whilst waiting in these queues an old gent came in having been to his gp because his catheter came out and was told it wasn’t their job and a young couple came in with a baby that had a temperature and was told there was no gp in the surgery that could deal with that. Both like me had been told to go to the a and e.

I was trearged and told to go through to minor injuries fair enough. there was a person in their late teens early 20’s at a guess that was clearly in pain. She asked for some pain relief and told them she was allergic to codeine and to check her notes if they didn’t believe her. 20 mins later they came back with co-codamol she told them again she was allergic and to check her notes. she was told tough its that or nothing and it didn’t matter if she had an allergic reaction as she was in the hospital. I dread to think what could of happened if she had taken them or the nurse hadn’t told her.

Long story short i ended up going private for my ct scan. It showed quite severe damage to several disks and vertebrae that was only going to get worse with time. I went back to the gp with the report and was told that i needed surgery and would i go for that. I was referred to a spinal surgeon at the end of april. 6 weeks later they wrote back to my gp saying they couldn’t see me because i had to go through this pathway process that was run by the surgeon. My gp sent the referral off to this pathway business 3 weeks later i got a letter saying that i was in the queue and if i hadn’t heard anything in 6 months to ring this magic number.

I went and saw a privet consultant and had the operation the next week.

All this to say they create their own issues with their own bureaucracy and cry they are over worked.


That is in nominal GBP. ie it is not adjusted for inflation. First looking at the ten years of Labour from 2000 to 2010, and that includes the Global crash.
£18,900 to £25,900
and ten Tory years 2010 to the start of 2020 so excluding the Covid effect
£25,900 to £31,500.

Using BoE infaltion tool
Labour… £34,400 to £38,300
Tory…£38,400 to £38,305

So taking inflation into account wages went up under ten years of Labour and including the gloabal crash, but fell under ten years of Tories even before Covid hit

So, who is the party for workers?

And if RR or anyone else wants to spend a whole eleven minutes just scroll up and watch the video I posted about austerity from an American commentator.

who said there were 3 million and how many of those were British? How many of the universities that took them on were proper universities rather than these immigrant scam places. How many universities are in the russell group and will have capacity for extra places for doctors. Or is it (as it obviously is) a case of farming out these extra places to old polytechnics that are universities by name only.

from the intro Back in 2015, then chancellor George Osborne announced that the nursing bursary, which offered student Nurses at least £10,000 a year in funding, would be scrapped from 2016.

It was controversial to say the least, and is widely attributed as the cause of a 40% drop in student applications over the ensuing years.

However, as of September 2020, the nursing bursary is back.

But do student Nurses get the same amount as before?

And how is the bursary structured?

i cant find / be bothered to find the one refered to in the intro

I imagine that if you made comments like that about Johnson, RR would be clutching his pearls and fainting!

If we want to reduce waiting lists we could kill off old people or get more Doctors, that is a choice.
I prefer more Doctors.

Similarly a problem with high housing costs and increasing homeless could be cured by killing off everyone over 70 years old, or by building more houses. Again I prefer the latter option.
In fact previous Tory administrations have chosen that route and promised in their manifesto to build more houses.
We all like a laugh…from 4 years ago.

So, does this consultant sit around all day twiddling his thumbs? Are you saying there are idle doctors looking to fill their days?

The NHS is a huge organisation. There will be ■■■■-ups, because it is staffed by human beings. But that statement is hyperbole.

You then give a neat description of the state of the NHS after 14 years of austerity. You tell us about your experiences and of those you met.
But how on earth do you get this:

How do you go from to description of an under-staffed under-resourced NHS to blaming those who are actually there doing what work they can, instead of complaining that there should be more of them?

Higher Education Student Statistics: UK 2021/22 released | HESA.

Yes… Although any later Chancellor could have reinstated it at any time, or indeed stopped it being dropped, it was ended under a Tory Gov.

Not true.
The NHS bursary in England was scrapped by the Conservative government in 2017, causing a large drop in applications to nursing courses in the years immediately after.

And while cost-of-living grants were introduced in 2020, student nurses still have to take out a loan for tuition fees.

By the way The Nuffield Trust has no hospitals.
There are other Nuffield named organisations around though.

difference being i have factual evidence where as everything you provide links to is then proven to be lies or miss information as several people have shown you. and for the record assuming RR is robroy he has said numerous times he doesn’t like Boris and agrees with you so i fail to see why he would clutch his pearls in a fainting fit.

no we could reduce the population growth like i said. If you want examples of how this can be done is stop mass migration stop people lying on their backs poping out 10 kids by removing the financial incentive.

dont get me started on building houses and that stupid woman whately that when they wanted to build a truck stop for those going to and from dover appeared in her wellies with her dog crying about kent being green. Yet has single handedly turned from sittingbourne down to whitstable into one big housing estate.

how on earth did you get that they were understaffed from my description. all it needs is to see one person to check a patient into the system not three. Rather than make someone wait to go to the pain clinic and see the same person twice when they are referred for surgery see the person once. A medical professional has seen the patient and decided they need surgery why make them see a surgeon twice before going under the knife. Unless of course its more money in their pocket and props up the myth about how under paid they are and how hard worked.

why give drugs to a person that is saying they are allergic to them if she had taken them and had a serious reaction it would of tied-up more nurses, doctors and equipment dealing with that and would of turned a “minor medical issue” into a major one .

didums so like every other student that was to a graduate course

btw i see using articles to back up points of view is allowed again