Political discussions...

Aye if you like.
You decide you cant use the tactics I pointed out to save face.
Then I beat you to your usual ‘pearls’ jibe,
so instead of taking the opprtunity to point out benefits and merits of voting a Labour Party to power, (and not just to me btw, and especially when it ONE of yer favourite subjects…politics.)
You choose the easy option of resorting to childish jibes and petty insults.:joy::joy:
Ok got it.

Off to the pub.:sunglasses:
Happy Easter.

[quote=“cooper1203, post:78, topic:236118”]
mass migration
[/quote]UK net migration hits all-time record at 504,000
Approx double under the current gov than under Blair.

Where? Into the offshore tax accounts of Non Dom Tory backers? Yes, that is happening NOW.

Care to say where and when? Thatcher did her fair bit of that.

Diane Abbott living in a road that was closed by the local council? A council decision she had no part in!

That is sooo much worse than Johnson lying to the Queen and illegally prorogung Parliament!

[quote=“cooper1203, post:78, topic:236118”]
adding about 3 million to the value of her home.
[/quote] Even The mail said was worth about £1 million!

Thatcher Masstrecht?

Just chucking random slogans around is pointless.

Not gone yet :joy:

So more political party politician style point scoring eh Frangers ?:roll_eyes:
We all know the crap perfomance of the Tories only too well, so I will try again…

Instead of telling us how bad the Tories have done and are doing which we all know anyway, enlighten us as to how better a Labour govt will do,.
How they are going to do it.
nd refute my/our opinions on the state of the present Lab party…or dont bother I aint fussed.

So to sum up In laymans terms cut the Tory knocking crap, and either pi55 or get off the pot.

Going out NOW really.:smiley:

So you want my opinion?
But you don’t want me to say the Tories aren’t very good?
How can we compare and contrast without saying what has gone wrong?

PS, the video is just over 11 minutes, not half an hour.
But he does say some things about the Tories that might damage your sensitivities.
Best not get upset by it, hun.

And there we have it the sting in the tail, at the end, the pettiness, grow up ffs.
Its like pulling ■■■■ teeth.
Here is your chance to put your cash where your gash is mate.
Tell us how better a Labour govt will do, their policies favouring the likes of us, and try and point out my … ‘mistakes’ if I/we are actually wrong.
Now is your big chance, all of us, or most of us think Labour will make as big a Horlicks as the Tories…so help us understand and see the light.
Or as I said dont bother.

Or you can keep copping out if you find it easier and more comfortable.
Either way your call.

[quote=“franglais, post:82, topic:236118”]

and who set up the deal with the eu that allowed every single country that joined the eu to flock to the uk? was it a tory or labour pm.

the billions that went out of the country by the migrant workers that hadn’t even paid tax or stamp. the billions that went into his mates pockets under the guise of advisers the billions that went to prop up African dictatorships.

portsmouth, rochester/medway hastings brighton dover folkstone pretty much any city / town that relied on tourism

I assume you mean this article Labour's Diane Abbott backs traffic scheme that would boost the value of her home | Daily Mail Online
if you read the first paragraph it doesn’t say its now worth 1,000,000 it says it sent the price of her million pound home soaring ie worth more than 1 million like 3 million more. And before you bleat that she only backed it who do you think suggested it and as all her neighbors didn’t want it i guess it proves that a labour lead council doesnt listen to its residents. so nope sorry not fantasy.

have you broken your glasses■■? i said EVEN MORE THAN WE WERE

Blair did make a bad move IMHO in opening the UK borders up when the rest of the EU didn’t.
That does affect the fact that immigration is far higher under Sunak than under Blair, does it?
So if you don’t like immigration, Blair did better than Sunak, but could have done more.

Anything to support that?
We do know that Tory supporting non-doms are doing that today.

A list of town names? What happened there and when? What are you saying?

Who says all of her neighbours didn’t want the roads made quieter? Where is that? Even the Fail doesn’t say that.
Again, where does £3m come from?
The petition of 1,000? From a population of 22,000. You surely cannot say that the council were ignoring the wishes of all the residents.

No I haven’t broken my specs.
I asked if Labour were worse that the Tories.
You said Blair etc brought us closer into the EU, and I pointed out that Thatcher did just that too. Labour were no different in the broader picture,
Anyway it is not sure that being outside the EU is a good thing. I would say not, but ignoring that for the moment, you are not showing a difference in the former Tories and Labour.

I am not saying that Labour have been perfect, not by any means.
I do say that Blair was wrong in many ways, but nowhere near as bad as the Tories since his day.

blair had a far smaller pool of countries to deal with than the one in 2022. just to illustrate the point here 10% of a larger number is smaller than 10 % of a smaller number but still the same percentage. you also have 10 % of a larger number can be larger than 20% of a smaller number.

how many documentaries and articles of the millions we paid out sending the buggers back and forth to their own countries where they were building homes. Did they spend the money they earnt over here? nope it got sent back to their families.

umm city and town names. both portsmouth and rochester have city status. all the migrants were put in the b&b’s / hotels so minimum income for the businesses no money being spent by tourists so local shops etc being closed down gang warfare between different countries so local house values drop (dont bother showing somewhere that says house price has increased it hasnt increased as much as elsewhere in the reasonable vicinity)

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories

Diane Abbott backs controversial traffic scheme that would boost the value of her home despite 1,000 residents signing petition against the plans 22,000 people living in approx 87 buildings really?

nope sorry not quite… thatcher didn’t want to join the eu. Eventually to save her position as pm she joined under strict guidelines like Norway did. The second blair got into power he undid all the agreement and let the eu run rough shod all in the name of lining his own pockets both during his tenure as pm and after.

you cant have it both ways bring up thatcher than only want to include the people since.

actually you asked

which is what have been answering

Tony Blair…
So apart from the “everyone knows that” stuff ie a load of old tosh that people think they remember, but probably don’t, what was his record?

Iraq and WMD? Hard to defend that, so I won’t.
A major mistake to go in with Bush at that time.

He has made a lot of money since retiring from UK politics. Mostly from foreign sources, so not from UK taxpayers, and not to influence current UK politics.

Blair said he would not take a place in the HoL although that is almost always offered to ex-PMs.

Not a saint.
But this is the real world.

On.a break… so just thought I’d check out Frangers points on…
Why we should vote Labour.

How well they will potentially do in comparison to the Tories.

How they will go about it

And to point out that my view of the LP is miguided and wrong…

Oh hang on a mo, he’s still doing his ‘Honourable member for Trucknet’ act, side swiping, playing political party point scoring, slagging off the Tories, and deliberately avoiding a relavant and pertinent question.

Who would have thought it eh?

One country joined since Blair left office.

Documentaries and articles are not evidence. And even then what is that do to your assertions that taxes and stamps were unpaid?

What? Hotels etc tell customers how much they charge for rooms. The Gov does not requisition them! The hotels with migrants in them, are doing so because they are getting paid. It is capitalism at work.

What? Who said the 1,000 signatories were in the 87 houses? No one.
I would guess that those who live in the houses would be fairly happy that they were not be used as rat-runs. I would guess that those who wanted to use rat-runs would be the ones signing. Those in the 87 houses would, if we believe you, be getting a £2million bonus!

Thatcher campaigned for the EEC in 1975.
Norway is not a member of the EU, and never has been.

OK, Blair was better for the country than Thatcher was,

Pretending to be a grown up didn’t last long did it?

You invite me to say why Labour might be better than the Tories, and when I start to do that you accuse me of party point scoring?

It really would be helpful if your two brain cells managed to communicate with one another.

but you haven’t done that all you have done is say well so and so did it so its ok and deny other evidence that the world and his mother knows.

does this mean we dont have to put up with the endless twisted articles that are posted

they were getting paid at the lha rate not the rate they charged ie 100 p/w rather than 100 per night

yep i agree no one said it including me.i said neighbours

nope thatcher compained to join the common market and did so with norway

Come on Frangers, cut the crap I’m back on in 10 mins.
Your avoidance tactics are exemplary, your attempts at put downs and childish jibes not so good…embarrasing in fact.

You have done an excellent job at pointing out the shortcomings of the Tories, but you have done nothing to tell us why we should vote Labour instead and how they are going to sort out the crap.

It aint my brain cells that are lacking mate, it is your power of comprehension …

Right so how would I go about that to your satisfaction?

List promises? That seems pretty pointless to me.

Johnson made (sorry but it is true) loads of brilliant promises.

I will try to show you what has happened in the past.
After all “judge by actions, not words”…No?

Ed…more than 10 minutes needed

Ok I get it you aint got an answer because you know I’m right.
Just you keep on slagging of the Tories if you find it easier.

Just got reminded of this…cant think why.
The self proclaimed political expert vibe has gone to yer head Frangers…fantasy meets reality.
You actually ARE like a politician.:joy:

What evidence have I denied?

aka widespread nonsense.
I have repeatedly asked you about things, but when I do, you go off on a tangent elsewhere.

And were the hotels forced? No.
It was a commercial decision to take that guaranteed money for full occupancy, with minimal services and costs, against partial occupancy and higher overheads at higher rates.

Thatcher campaigned to join the EEC and we did so.
Norway did not join the EEC, but did join the EEA.
Thatcher did not campaign to join the EEA instead of the EEC.
From her Bruges speech onwards she was against further integration, though.

At least he’s answering YOUR questions.
He obviously does not find them as awkward.
Glad to see he has finally met his match btw.:smiley:

lets try a different tack… stammers 5 aims

**Economic growth

By the end of Labour’s first term, Starmer says he will secure the highest sustained growth in the G7.“Our mission on growth comes with a second yardstick. It must be powered by good jobs and stronger productivity in every part of the country.”

so he is going to create skilled jobs and who are going to fill these skilled jobs that will pull the country out of its collapse. or is it more coffee shops and other drivel

Make Britain a green energy superpower

The Labour Party has presented a proposal to boost the generation capacity of technologies like offshore wind and solar in order to make the UK a clean energy superpower by 2030. During the next decade, householders in the UK could save a total of £93 billion, according to Labour. This translates, on average, into a yearly saving of £475 for each household.

lets address the maths 93 billion / 475 = 195,789,473 homes considering there is only 68 million in the uk that means each person owns 2.78 homes! Im sure we can agree that it takes more than 6 years to build nuclear power. so where are all the solar wind tidal and all the rest of the crap coming from. Couldn’t possibly by from companies with in the eu could it who dont actually want it on their land and waters?? Or is it a smoke screen for more eu deals of buying energy from france et al?


Starmer would, “Build an NHS fit for the future by reforming health and care services to speed up treatment, harness life sciences and technology, reduce preventable illnesses, and cut health inequalities.” The Labour government is hoping to oversee the biggest expansion of the NHS workforce in history. The party is promising to double the number of medical school places, train 15,000 new doctors a year, create 10,000 new nursing and midwifery placements, double the number of district nurses qualifying every year, and recruit 5,000 new health visitors

It was labour that limited the number of school places for doctors etc but that aside 15000 new doctors a year ok where are these coming from 10,000 nurse and mid midwifery places and 5000 new hearth workers so 30,000 people are suddenly going to retrain instantly or is it open the borders and let all the under qualified in again which is one of the reasons the nhs is in such a state.

Removing barriers to opportunity

Starmer has said he would, “Break down the barriers to opportunity at every stage, for every child, by reforming childcare, reforming education, raising standards everywhere, and preparing young people for work and for life.”

Labour’s “Breaking Down Barriers” is aimed at creating a society that adheres to the social model of disability by removing the obstacles that handicapped persons have while trying to access independent public services, including housing, education, work, and transportation.

so are they going to deal with the huge classroom discipline problem and lack of proper teachers and how are they going to entice young people into getting into 20k’s worth of debt for some micky mouse degree that has proven time and time and time again that all it does is raise the requirement level for even the most basic of jobs. Forcing those that chose not to get a degree into poverty.

“Handicapped” people have only had an issue accessing housing and other services because of the care in the community campain