Political discussions...

Aye ok…but it may be one of those impossible plans that sound a good idea, but would never work .

A small vignette of the current state of play

Williams: . “I should have thought through how it looks.”
They still don’t get it, do they?

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This is the kind of thing where someone who’s being directly accused of wrongdoing comes back with some BS, the standard one I’ve heard is, much beloved of those who believe the law doesn’t apply to them: “Yes we should have explored that topic in more detail…” :roll_eyes:

It occurs to me that Sunak himself might have a bet laid on the current election?
Maybe he has backed a Labour landslide and is busily working to make sure he wins?

Another wee bit of news is that a 46yr old man has been arrested in connection with Mone/Barrowman PPE-MedPro investigation.
Not clear who it is yet.

But 100 quid?
If he was on a dead nailed on cert, surely at least a grand.
Just saying.:smiley:

Bet that has made your day eh Frangers.

If somebody gets their collar felt for snatching millions form the NHS then, Yes.

Why wouldn’t I be happy to see someone get busted for stealing from us all?

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Do try to keep up at the back of the room… “Landslide” is out, the new buzzword is “supermajority”.

Thus continuing the Orwellian reduction of our language to fewer and fewer words in order to limit the ability of the proles to communicate effectively, and thereby challenge the ruling party elite.

The only thing to rival the prefix “super-” for language dominance, is the sole remaining permitted adjective for all public speaking, “Absolutely”
For example, “We absolutely want to be very clear that we aren’t not failing not to avoid lying to you, and I think we can all see that is absolutely true…”

:+1:…along with ultra. Sheer hyperbole.

Recently there has been a superfluity of politicos saying
“We have been very clear” etc etc
When they have anything but clear. They seem to think that by repeating the same lie we will become convinced it really is true.

Yes, it is truly Orwellian.


Mind you it is a still a step up from being
“Biggly important”

At least ‘biggly’ is an honest infantile adverb, whereas these ‘absolutelies’ and ‘ultras’ are plain lies! :joy:

Here is a short clip of Farage…“Economically Brexit is working”
And he cites our exports as a metric.

A picture paints a thousand words.

But according to him the crapo we are all suffering from, the delays in transport, the extra paperwork, the problems on frontiers are all because
we are not Brexity enough?

Brexit has screwed things up, but if do more of the stuff that is screwing us up… all will be better!

Who the !!! would be insane enough to believe that!
(Note, no question mark. I know the answer)

It’s just that you pontificate, and sit there rubbingb your hands with glee, gloating whenever any dirt can be dug up agsinst any Tory …or basicslly more like anybody who aint pertaining to the Labour Party.

If Jesus himself ran for office under the ‘Christus Rex UK revovery and reformation party for working people’’ you’d be digging the dirt, providing links acusing him of having a record for fly tipping or something, or running a dodgy bookies when he was a lad.

The same bloke as far as I remember in my Sunday school days said…‘‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’’ So what about you Frangers, I aint saying you rinsed the govt for millions, but you must have filled out a dodgy tax form, or didnt let on if you got an over payment or something…or as your mate Boris, told any lies in your time.

I cant believe you are the absolute law abiding paragon of virtue as you see yourself when you sit there regularly pointing out other’s indiscretions and misdemeanours.

How are you on LEGAL theft btw?

How Gordon Brown ruined retirement for a generation.

As for Nigel, he also said that Brexit worked…as far as initially leaving, which is correct.
What did not work was the way it was handled (or manipulated more like) afterwards by tge reluctant Tories…I paraphrase btw.

You rightly say you can make any spruced up promises and manifesto when you have no chance of getting into power…I get it.
Now I am blagging this and going out on a limb here trying to talk politics with a man of your political knowlegdge stature and authority, and being at the severe disadvantage of being…what was it?
Oh yeah ‘ignorant’, …:smiley:

But am I right in saying a similar type party in Canada,.a ‘Reform’ type party, kicked the arse of the Canadian Conservatives so hard in an election, that they became in time the official opposition?
Who knows what could happen

I deffo wont be voting Tory, I want to trust Starmer (genuinely btw) but am finding it hard,.so I will probably go down the route of voting for Nige’s lot, purely because he says many things I agree with.
Dont waste your time btw, I’m fully aware that politicians tell you what you want to hear…so still deciding.

That bloke did reputedly say that. But I do not profess to be a follower of his, and I thought you weren’t either?
So if you see wrong doing, do you ignore it? And pass by on the other side?
I am sure I heard a story about that too?
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing . John Stuart Mill. (a real person)

Of course I have done dodgy things. I say no other.
I have been a bad boy. But I haven’t stolen money from the sick and dying.
And if that is dramatic? Yeah, I’m not above that in this case.

Is it only Tory misdeeds I moan about?
Tell me which cases of Labour/Liberal/Green scams I have failed to criticise.

Maybe, just maybe, the Tories are a bit worse than the others?
Maybe that line of your’s “They are all the same” is not true.

The “reluctant Tories” were a Johnson Gov with a big majority. The candidates were purged of those older school Tories who did not sign up to Brexit.
The trouble (some of it) is that the whole idea that “They need us more than we need them” was ■■■■■■■■.
The idea we as a small country could sign better trade deals was ■■■■■■■■.
“All ups and no downs” …■■■■■■■■.

Canadian politics? Sorry no idea.
YES, even less idea than I have about UK politics! :wink:

Brown’s Tax Raid link suggests that pensions of over £one million might be taxed higher than pensions of less than a million quid…
I honestly think that if you are worried about that affecting you very much, and since you seem unhappy in your current job, retire now!

OH! How could I forget?
Well so much has happened, but Truss in ONE budget wiped
£425,000,000,000 off of pensions.

Edit again…That was only a mini -budget…thank gosh we didn’t get a full one!
And Farage though it was great budget!

Ok so Truss was a bigger (legal) thief than Brown, so that makes it ok…got it.

To clarify your points, …I dont ‘follow’ JC either, …in fact I didnt even know he was on twitter.

As for my job…not keen on who I work for but am happy as a pig in sh with the job I do, so no plans to retire anytime soon.

Passing by on other side?
Stuck my beak in once or twice when it was my job, if some body weak was getting set on…women were worse, bloke gobbing off at her big style thteatening violence, I waded in and then they BOTH started on me. :flushed:

As for stuff that involves ‘grassing’ somebody up, for want of a more mature term…No never have, unless life was on the line, but so far not.

Always had you down as ‘President of the local neighbourhood watch’ type, Frangers, wearing a hi viz carrying a notebook, Old Bill on speed dial…but hey maybe I’m way off.:wink:

You’re right. It isn’t a mature term, and IMHO that is because it isn’t a mature idea.

If I see someone thieving I see nothing at all wrong in reporting them.

And it is as I say even worse if millions are being taken from the NHS which needs every penny it can get.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Correct.
Truss made a terrible budget, and Farage said it was a great budget. There are two wrongs and no right at all.

Brown gets a lot of stick and lots of it is from the Tory press.
I have pointed out before he was a good Chancellor.

Now, I know you have dislike for facts and figures and links, but look at the time Blair/Brown were in power (about 13 yrs) and the time (14yrs) we have had Tories in power,and I’ll tell you what…we will include the Global crash at the end of Brown’s time (not his fault but hey ho) and we will stop in 2019/20 so we can’t blame anything on Covid.
That is leaning backwards to be fair isn’t it?
U.K. GDP Per Capita 1960-2024 | MacroTrends.
1997/2010 - - -$26,800 to $39,600 a rise of $13,200
2010/2019- - -$39,600 to $42,700 a rise of $3,100
And in Labour’s time the NHS wait lists were falling because of good financial management, under the Tories rising, and again that is even before covid.

All Chancellors have ups and downs.
Well most do, Kwarteng had no ups at all!
And if multi-millionaires are moaning in the Telegraph, because their pensions are being taxed a bit more by Labour than by Tories, I will shed not a single solitary tear at all.

Wow !
I’m used to the obligatory Frangers posts anti Tory type bile in the first paragraph, but the rest …as I said, just wow !

If all that cack is non google and off the top of your head, you are an even bigger mine of useless political info than what I thought you were…do you REALLY fill your head with that much sh?

In comparison as politics go, I am just a normal working bloke, who provides for his family ducking and diving, (with more ‘traditional’ working guy intetests) with enough left for a night out with the wife and a day out with mates watching football…politics are just something that goes on in the background.
Like everything else in my life I get by on a ‘what I NEED to know’ basis,.as far as British politics go…and I certainly do not need to know cack like that in that depth (unless I was handing in my licence for a career in Politics.) so I (kind of) bow to your level of knowledge, with a degree of curious wonderment thrown in.
Like most blokes I know,.I find politics and politicians a ball ache,.a pain in the arse, rather than a fascinating and intriguing subject…but whatever turns you on.

What I DO know personally about politics, is that aspects of my life were about as crap as they were under Blair with his charisma and penchant for ‘looking good’, and then same with life under his inferior sidekick (with zero charisma and an air of just ‘blagging it’ style incompetence) , as much as they were under the Tories…
ie ‘All the kin same’.,as I keep saying.

So from my pov in my ‘‘ignorant’’ bliss on these matters as you tokd me, life under Labour was certainly not the Labour based ‘pretty picture of nirvana and milk and honey, with singing birds’ as you try and portray it.

You keep refuting anti Labour stuff that is common knowlege to everybody else, by casually brushing it off as all really being down to ‘Tory Media’ …and implying propaganda.
After reading your biased posts on here, you should get yourself a job in the Labour media (propaganda dept) you would be a natural, your experience as TN’s very own Labour spin doctor would stand you in good stead.:smiley:
