Political discussions...

You don’t get it do ya?
I dont get ‘upset’ as you put it while I am on here, thats your dept…more than evidently.
Reality check…t aint real life mate, its a forum between strangers,.so nothing could possiblly ‘upset’ me in the true definition of the word…Jeez I rarely get ‘upset’ in REAL life,…but hey thanks for the (false) apology, but no need.

There was mention on another thread of young kids language and vernacular, from your pov since the last 4 or so years it has been …
‘Don’t diss the covid shizzle dude’’ :smiley:

I can only think that you as somebody who followed the stupid rules to the absolute letter and extreme (I imagine you as one of those clowns who even wore a mask while on his own driving the car :smiley:) it suddenly dawns on you that you have been had…
Furthermore the fact that you were ‘had’ during the time Johnson and the Tories were in charge and were the instigators of it all, is a double whammy for you…

I do NOT expect you to admit it btw.

As for your request for me to express my opinions on Johnson…same answer as yesterday mate,…If you have the time on your hands,.have a trawl through all my previous posts on the subject.

So, you are as ever a fan of Johnson?
And you think that Covid was some sort of scare story?
And that since Johnson was in charge then…uummm…?

So Johnson was one of them that fooled you and others ?
And you like him?

Right. Absolutely cristal clear.

Say what you like about Farage, he’s in the only party that makes a sensible suggestion how to deal with the illegal bogus asylum seekers infestation .
Send the ■■■■ s immediately back to France.
Yeah I know, it will never happen…unfortunately. :roll_eyes:

Fan is the wrong word, he attracted my vote, mainly because of his promise to get tf out of Europe…Why am I even replying btw, I’ve already told you, if you are so interested in my opinions of Johnson have a look back.:roll_eyes:

And Yeah covid…we were ALL fooled, but some (no names) more than others, the words hook line and sinker spring to mind.
How ‘cristal clear’ is that?

Wow, such a simple solution to that problem!
I wonder why Johnson, Sunak, Braverman, Patel, etc haven’t thought of that?

Or maybe they have?
And faced with prospect of actually having to do it, they realised it is even more bat-shiz crazy than the Rwanda plan.

Sensible? No need for sensible when making promises and suggesting schemes and you don’t expect to be in power.

Yep,…which is the reason I said…
quote:‘‘I know it will never happen’’.

As for it being ‘bat shiz crazy’ only in the eyes of people like you in the mamby pamby touchy feely left.
Way the rest of us see it…it is a deterrent.
If they were turned away (after being fed…I aint all bad :smiley:) then safely escorted back, it may make them see they aint welcome.

It is BScrazy because it will never happen.

I could start a party and promise free health care, high benefits, early retirement, and low taxes. I daresay I would get a few votes too.
But in no way shape or form would it be sensible!

How, in any way, is something that is impossible going to be a deterrent?

No need to reiterate and bang it home mate…I got your drift the first time.

As I said only as you say ‘impossible’ because decisions and policies like that are vetod by the lefty limp lettuces.
‘‘Ooh perish the thought, we musnt be seen to take a hard line with these poor destitute souls’’. :roll_eyes:

Aye right, lets keep welcoming them with open arms instead, providing an all inclusive lifestyle at the tax payers expense i…

Now that probably DOES ‘‘upset’’ me Frangers, in a almost violent tendency type of way in fact… I have never been comfortable with me (or my country in fact) being taken for a ■■■■ in any walk of life

(Disclaimer…No pearls or skirts involved in that last post.:joy:)

“Vetoed” not allowed.
An idea a Minister has is voted against by Parliament? That is how democracy works.
An plan passed by Parlaiment is illegal so is not allowed? That is how the law works.

I am quite pleased that Ministers and Governments have to obey laws. I don’t like the idea of a Gov getting above it’s station.
Maybe you like the idea of Braverman or Patel laying down the law and ignoring judges. If Diane Abbott was Home Sec would you be so happy if she played by those rules? Or rather ignored we have had for years.

That is purple prose straight out of the “dog whistle” song book! :grinning:

Let’s try again.
The plan requires that France allows them back in doesn’t it?
Or do imagine that the RN or Army will just roll on on the beaches and kick them off the boats? They aren’t French citizens.
Would you be happy if the Irish sends those who cross into Eire back to the UK? Just the same isn’t it?

We can move those who fail to get asylum abroad already. We do.
The reason we have so very many in old hotels etc now is because the Tories but down on the number of staff processing them. By saving a few quid in salaries they now pay money to hotel owners…I wonder who they vote for?!

“Send them back to France” is just a meaningless slogan.
It has no chance of working.
Even you know it has no chance of working, for whatever reason, but still support the guy that suggests it? Why?

On a lighter note!
No one (with two brain cells to rub together) could possibly believe this:

Or that would have insane just a few years ago.
Today? Anything seems possible.

Thanks for yet another political lectutre, and an explanation on ‘how things work’.
I am hanging on to your every word of superior wisdom.

Got to say though, it’s a bit rich a bloke who has spent the last 6 ? years whimpering like a whipped b1tch about a democratic result that did not go his way, having the audacity to try and teach ME the definition of democracy and ‘How it works’ .:joy:

‘Let’s try again’ he says🙄…, implying I am not on the same educational or intellectual plane as him, in his usual and tiring patronising manner…

Let ME try again.

I dont gaf about how long the Tories have taken to process these criminal scum,.I SEE the disruption and crime they cause locally, I am told it is much the same in every locality and region of the UK… I dont want them HERE at all !.

You are repeating that you do not the current situation.
Neither do I.

You say that you do not care about the fact that the current Gov made the situation worse by their actions.
You say you support someone who proposes a plan that you admit will not work.

Farage’s “plan” is just a sound bite. It makes no sense at all.
“Send them back” is just like “Brexit is Brexit” or “Take back control” “No downsides, only upsides”
Pretty sentiments, but no PLAN on how to achieve any of it!
Snake Oil !

Ffs how many more times?
I am fully aware there is no hope or Bob kin Hope of Farage getting into power…I have repeated, the phrase ‘It will never happen’ how clearer do you need it to be?

The fact that a party who has no chance can promise anything does not pass me by, because contrary to your belief I aint stupid…

So again as I said NO need to keep reiterating your point.

I was merely pointing out his pledge, suggestion, promise, or remark…call it wtf you like was a ‘sensible suggestion’ to most people who can actually SEE and KNOW what is going on, rather than listen to official version b/s…So obviously it does not apply to you, so maybe I can see why it is so hard for you to grasp my point.

One thing that surprisingly hasn’t been seized on by Nige and his chums, and it’s an open goal, is the increased health risks from uncontrolled immigration

data indicate that cases of tuberculosis (TB) in England rose by 10.7% in 2023 compared to 2022 (4,850 compared to 4,380). The rise signals a rebound of TB cases to above the pre-COVID-19-pandemic numbers.

This was a disease that was in my youth virtually eridicated from the UK, but the influx of immigration from Africa - where TB is far more common and often resistant to treatment - has gone hand-in-hand with an increase in TB cases. It is also far more common in south Asia (ie the Indian sub-continent).

This is a hot topic amongst my work colleagues, as one of them - a 40-something UK-born caucasian woman who has never been to Africa or south asia - has recently been diagnosed with TB.

TB cases rise in England - GOV.UK.

I admit, NO, I do not get it.

How is an impossible plan, “sensible”?

Ok you do not get the concept of a plan no matter how impossible, for whatever reason, how it could be irrespective of that a good idea in essence.

(But I think you do really)

And Led By Donkeys have a new video out. They are revisiting Tufton St and looking at who really pays the piper.
We can see who wanted the Truss budget.
And what did Farage think of that BSCrazy “plan”? x.com
“Today was thebest Conservative budget since 1986”

If you want to say that “it would be nice if we could send them away” I agree.

But if you call that “a plan” you are crazy.

It would be nice if I win the lottery, but that is not a plan for paying off my mortgage!

Sending them back to France is not any form of plan at all. Not sensible at all.

You’ve finally sussed it.:boom:
To use your own analogy…winning the lottery is my ‘plan’, unlikely maybe, impossible hmmm again maybe.
But still a good idea, although I’m aware it will never happen.

Hang on a minute…a bit like Farage’s suggestion.

(Banging head against wall.)

Good plan

You just might knock some sense into it… :grinning: