Political discussions...

Sorry, for a moment I thought you might actually be interested in an independent assessment of the current biggest lie circulating in the pre-election furore, rather than simply (once again) getting het up about Angela Raynor

id heard it before as dead ringers isnt on any more. sitting whining that the conservatives have predicted how much it will cost to put all the plans into action doesn’t interest me its something labour should of done before announcing their plans.

anyone can see that all the increases in budgets are far more than is available to spend. they either have to make other cuts or increase taxes.

The hypocrisy i pointed out is that she had the cheek to scream and point like a petulant child at the tories for their tax increases (if there were any) and then stand there saying oh yes we will increase taxes to the point of 2k a household.

This debate on the election and who is the worst of 2 evils in the 2 main parties, can easily be sorted by saying this…

It’s a done deal that Labour are getting in as far as I can see.
So lets see what kind of roaring success (or utter balls up) they make, and then resume the discussion then.

Until then, all the bad mouthing, political party point scoring, and bickering about it is pointless…not to mention a bit kin’ boring…
Just saying like.:smiley:

PS never mind ‘The wisdom of Solomon’
What about ‘The wisdom of Rob off Trucknet’ :joy:

So you’re avoiding the independent assessment of people who properly understand how to assess numerical data: The Tory claim that Labour will increas the tax burden by £2000 DOES NOT stand up to examination, as Tim Harford and colleagues explain, if you can face up to having your cherished beliefs taken apart.

if i stand on national news and say if you vote for me i will give everyone a million quid I have said i will give everyone a million quid end of. it doesn’t matter if some “independent” read known me supporter says oh no he didnt say that its a lie by bloggs

I’ve no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m talking about someone (Tim Harford) who presents a regular show in R4, which looks at the reality behind statistics that make the news. He does this independently and brings in a range of other guests who spend their working lives dealing with numerical facts.

They came to a very clear conclusion that the Tory claim of Labour’s alleged £2000 tax hike is a gross distortion of, not even facts, but merely conjecture and speculation.

In short, it’s BS. The same conclusion is available from other sources, but if you’re intent on swallowing this myth as a fact then I expect you’ll avoid all of the these other sources too.

The fictional £2000 is a desperate lie from a desperate party, which even other confirmed right-wingers (eg Farage) have labelled a dead duck going into the election.

Just to add a bit of variety to the thread, according to the FB group for north-east truck drivers, good-old wind-em-up-and-walk-away Nige is now flavour of the month and aal th’ proppa trukkaz believe they’re going to be quids in with Reform’s tax plans.

Maybe the TN NE contingency could arrange an event for Nige to meet his new followers, I would have suggested the Newcastle Labour Club as a venue, but I doubt Nige could bring himself to walk into a building with the word LABOUR in letters 12" tall on the front of it :grin:

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she said they were going to do it… no lie no scam no anything other than raised taxes

“She” (ie AR) did not say “We are going to increase the tax burden of every household by £2000”,

“They” (ie RS and pals) claimed that is what Labour’s plans amounted to.

When examined rationally and independently (see Tim Harford and other sources) this is a wildly inaccurate claim which does not stand up at all.

Ah, but come on!

When Rayner says she has done no wrong, and the police say she has done no wrong, and the Revenue says she has done no wrong, she is obviously lying!

If she ever said (she didn’t)
“I’m a wrong 'un”
@cooper1203 would instantly take all at face value!

So…if we ever did meet in a pub would you batter me black’n’blue?

Or, would we have a bit if drink and a bit of an argument…maybe not be best buddies…but be civilised?

well we will see what happens by this time next year. i will of course except any appolagies

By this time next year?

I predict that we will moving from spring into summer,
…unless we are all fried up by a few buckets of “instant sunshine” being spilled out over us all.

Everything else is …details…

And I’ll make sure I bake a big Humble Pie for you to nosh on when the next (inevitably Labour) government turn out to be so very little different to the incumbent incompetents.

I’ve lived through many different governments, and with the exception of The Wicked Witch of Grantham, Thatcher the Milk Snatcher, they’ve all tended to seem pretty much the same

Looks like Rishi has started a trend.

Burf! Ze forth ov Jooli, Pah! We Francais can do ze elections quicker zan zat!
Monsieur Zunak, your mother was an 'amzstair an your fazza smelled of ze eldde-burreez, I flatulate in your general direczion

:thinking: … Come again Frangers, you’ve gone right over my swede mate with that one.
Why tf would I want to beat you black & blue exactly??

I’m with Del.
'This time next year Rodders we’llbe millionaires ’ :sunglasses::joy:

that wont be happening with labour in charge unless you make your money on the next stock market crash they cause.

anyone that believes labour will do any good at all needs the acronym for trotters independent traders tattooed some conspicuous so we know not to expect a sensible answer

You wouldn’t.
And we are somewhat different in our views, aren’t we?

So, if Mordaunt and Rayner behave with civility at the end of a debate, does that make them two cheeks of the same arse?
That makes no sense to me. They certainly agreed on very during the talk. One snap shot at the end proves nowt, except they are both fairly OK human beings.