Political discussions...

Nah…that is really ME mate.:joy:

Btw…if that whats app you sent me actually IS authentic and genuine, and is going to happen, you should put that up on here for perusal by the experts…I daren’t :joy::joy:

I’ll make the bullets, you can fire em.:joy:

Here it is broken down by age and voting history, but not by class as such, for Broadcasters.

I like Sky (UK) too. Agree they seem pretty straight. Not at all like Sky Australia BTW!

Many commentators say they find the BBC too right wing, although you find it left wing.
A lot is to do with one’s own position of course.
They do seem to have given an awful lot of air time to Farage over the years. More than to the Greens who actually had an MP !

If the Beeb upsets everyone equally…doesn’t that mean they are in the middle? :grinning:
Probably not that simple though.

I didn’t hear any updates about the march, but then, I didn’t hear any about the bigger events in London either. I tend to listen to R4, and no live updates on anything like that normally.

“Eastenders”? Waste of space.

Would that be this one? :joy:

It could get an Oscar for the cinematography, and maybe one for the script?
It would of course be ineligible for any documentary category.

Maria Caulfield seems to specialise in double-think.

She starts by talking about waiting lists coming down. Most would agree that is a good thing.
She then points out that Covid caused much disruption. True as well.

When the interviewer points out that the 2019 figure is nearly double that of 2010, Caulfield then tells us that waiting lists are not important!

All of that was yesterday.
Today nurses call a National Emergency

Caulfield doesn’t limit herself to doublethink however, she also seems to think that people would be charged for going more than 15 minutes away from home. Minister told to refer herself to ethics advisor over 15-minute city claim | LocalGov
Refer herself to the ethics advisor? No news on that.
No surprise at all.

15hr 30…
Farage has announced, that is making an emergency announcement…later.
(he does know how to get heard)

There is much speculation.

He is coming out as gay and renaming Reform Ltd as Reform Rainbow.
He is supporting Trump as next leader of the Conservative Party.
He is keeping his promise to emigrate, now that Brexit is a failure. Putin has said that he is welcome to come and stay in Kim Philby’s old apartment.

Earlier…Kemi Badenoch was on the prime 8hr10 slot on R4 Today. She was being questioned about the Tory policy on toilets’ signs.
She did repeat several times “It is very clear”, without making anything clear at all.
I’m sure that Mishal Hussain was struggling to keep from laughing.

Whether or not anyone thinks the Tories are better at running the country, they are doing a poor job of running this election, whose timing was in their gift.

Farage is to stand in Clacton. We need to wait to see whether it is as Nigel or Nigella.

He didn’t mention Trump being found guilty in the USA once.

No mention yet whether Count Binface is to stand as an MP anywhere. Nor whether any dolphins are standing, but a couple of days left for them to show.

Clacton is pretty right wing, and even in 2014 with a split vote between Tory and UKIP, Labour were third, so it is interesting to see how Nigella will do.
I reckon she is in with a good chance.

Margot Robbie video is a pleasure.

and the excuse for it here?

Edit to add.
A bit waryof putting a link because of a little bit of “explicit lyrics” or whatever, but Jonathon Pie is putting up some “Election Special” YT videos it seems. Easy to find if you want.
One up today about about the economy and apparently immigration tomorrow.
He is, of course, cool, calm, and collected, in his unbiased analysis of the situation…
…or not.


With an election coming up, I’m surprised there’s no discussion on THAT hariy subject right now?

I’m looking at the stats, and so-called pollsters - and wondering how they can come to the conclusion that ALL defecting Tory voters (of which I’m one…) are apparently going to be voting either Libdem or Labour, but mostly Labour…
Starmer is NOT Blair.

We’re neither inspired by Starmer for some “Clause Four” moment, nor scared of Starmer like we were of Corbyn enough to “hold our nose and vote Tory”.

Our local MP is definitely a gonner…
It seems to be a four-way race as to who replaces him though:

Because the last election only had 2 of those 4 on the ballot paper though - anything can happen, and most likely will imo.

Here is an interesting scenario. Only a 90 second YT.

All within the rules of the “game”.

Got any anti or negative Labour Party links Frangers ?.., or is Tory bashing your priority and speciality nowadays.

As I keep saying, the Tories are a shower of sh in their present form…no need to keep trying to convince us by hammering it home… we get it.

It’s all getting a bit boring with overkill on the media at the moment, I think everybody will have made up their minds by now who or who not they are voting for.
In fact 2 blokes I spoke to yesterday agreed it was too much ‘in yer face’ on the radio atm, said they were that sick of it all constantly, they werent even bothering to vote.

Speaking of priorities…got mine sorted for next week :sunglasses: (Yeh I know Frangers…just what you expected)

So I will be ignoring all this cack even more so…mebbys apart from election DAY.

Btw apologies for getting my knob in the photo…Mrs :smiley:

I think that Blair’s policy on Iraq was very wrong.
And that he was wrong to allow more migration than the rest of the EU did when Poland etc joined up.

I think that Sunak was right to start his Furlough scheme during the pandemic. But the administration of it, and his abject failure to chase after the scammers and abusers of it wrong.

If anyone is fed up with all the detailed coverage of the election, then I accept that is a perfectly valid point of view.
But not voting because there is too much of it the TV? Nose/Face? Or just silly?

No compulsion to watch politics anymore than there is to know that Geordie, Lawrie McMenemy has taken over from Ted Bates now.
See, I’m to date on everything.

And as a bonus:
I think that Johnson was correct with his attitude in supporting Ukraine, too.

Ok Blair was years ago, surely you can think of something more current.:roll_eyes:
You’ll be doing a Carryfast next, giving us all a history lesson on Thatcher and Callaghan.:slightly_smiling_face:

As for your McMenemy comment…why do I think of that Alan Partridge clip, where he is talking to his workmen, trying to be cool and…‘one of the lads’ saying…‘Watch the match last night lads’
Which match?
Shrugs his shoulders shaking his head…
‘‘Any match’’.

Exactly !

Did you see the most recent (it is only midday) Tory ■■■■-up?
Moorhouse is a strong Labour supporter so he is really enjoying the election campaign.
He suggests that anyone employed by “Team Sunak” should try to leave a blank in their CV for the current period, or tell future employers that they were in prison for drowning kittens!

Quote: Frangers…‘‘Exactly’’.
I did get your point, but the Partridge thing is just how I imagine YOU trying to ‘be cool,’…:joy:

Bring on the put downs, the instant pre.judged opinions, the rubbishing,.and the labels and name calling.
But before you do…just listen to this guy what he is saying.

He is not alone in his feelings, true enough.
It is good that he is able to share his emotions with others.
He seems to be in the majority in Clacton, but maybe not in the country as a whole.

In other versions of this interview the camera angle is wider so all the message on his T-shirt is visible “Never judge a book by it’s cover”.
Guess he has never read a book explaining what irony is.

Maybe lost on me too…do you mean he is judging the foreigners ‘by their cover’, or he is being judged by ‘his cover’ as a racist ?
Sorry for being a bit slow here.

Not only in Clacton mate, I hate to bring up the old chestnut of the bogus ‘asylum seekers’ (at every opportunity) but there is an infestation in every major town, of them, many of them are basically non law abiding dregs.

Choice terminology you will no doubt say, but true, and absolutely f.all to do with colour of skin or racism on my part either, if we were infested with white blonde blue eyed Norwegian attempted child abductors,.rapists,.and thieves who were posing as asylum seekers (or ‘doctors and solicitors’ :grin:) I would have the absolute same opinion.

I know you think I am making this stuff up, and I dont really care, but the latest adventute of ‘Rob going out playing The (pound shop)Terminator with his baseball bat’ :roll_eyes: was only last Sunday…
My own daughter yet AGAIN !.

Phone call last Sunday in tears…
‘‘Dad I am out jogging (down a lonely road ffs :roll_eyes:) this car keeps passing me turning around and slowing down looking at me, I have photod him but he keeps coming back’’.
A ‘foreign looking guy’ (incidentally she aint racist either, her ex boyfriend was a young Kurdish lad fyi)
By the time I got there he had gone, maybe for best all around.

Thing is mate if they do want to come here they should behave their ■■■■■■ selves.

rayner dropped another clanger last night standing there bold as brass on the political debate screaming at penny mordent that the tories have raised taxes higher than they have been for 40 odd years and how honest working stiffs like her that pay their taxes cant afford to live. then in the next breath admits that if labour get in they will increase them to another 2000 pounds a year per working household.

the point being for those that will deliberately miss the point is you cant point the finger at one party and complain they raised taxes then go and raise them more than the tories in one swoop especially after saying all the scheems and promises were going to be paid for by tax dodgers. cough

An independent and easy to digest explanation of this “£2000 myth” that you’re seemingly accepting at face value

im accepting at face value rayners words