Political discussions...

I won’t argue much with that.

I will say that this £2,000 stuff is being repeated and repeated just as the £350m figure was, and although you and I may see through it, when something is repeated enough it seems to become accepted by some as a fact.

Even now there are those who believe in the £350m nonsense.
And I do choose believe as all evidence and proof says otherwise.

Unfortunately politics, and political campaigning in particular, is much more about advertising and the psychological trickery employed than about rational debate and facts.

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if you google it there are other sources available however they were behind a pay wall.

Maybe, but the objective critical analysis of what she did or did not do will be harder to find. As I’ve said, she is not an asset to Labour, so you as a confirmed Tory should be liking what she does, on the basis of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”

again not a confirmed tory… given the options in july i still dont know what i am going to do.

weather she is an asset or not in your opinion isnt the issue starmer clearly thinks she is unless of course he has been brow beaten into taking her back in either case in my opinion its not a character flaw i would want in a pm.

cough boris cough :laughing:

Does he? Where’s the evidence for that?

Just because she has not been prevented from standing does not mean she has his support or that he likes the situation. A Party Leader doesn’t just do anything and everything they want to.

umm there are two options there

Johnson kept repeating the same lies, and many ended up believing them.

PMs are not dictators, nor Presidents.
The balance is different today than in times past, but PMs should be the “first among equals”.

It isn’t up to Starmer to dictate who does/doesn’t stand in every constituency.
She seems to follow the whip.

Abbott’s constituents seem happy with her. In 2019 there was a swing to the Cons and she only managed 70% of the vote…
Not many do better.

nope try again as i have shown many times there were no lies what he said he was going to do is what he did with in the time allocated. it is only the repetition of the false hoods that has damaged his carer.

i have posted videos of him on the steps of downing street showing what he actually said before now and the comment came back i dont care and continued repetition of their beliefs.

Johnson is a proven liar, right from his days of being a reporter, inventing fake sources for stories he created. This is why no one can be accused of defamation for stating it as a fact: “Boris Johnson is a proven liar.”
Trying to deny Boris Johnson is a proven liar is like claiming Chicken-Little style “the sky is falling”. The evidence against him is undisputed, seemingly to everyone except you.

29th time where has he lied

waits for the predictable mass media bs

In 2017 Johnson was reprimanded for saying £350m was sent to the EU.
“Chair of the UK Statistics Authority Sir David Norgrove wrote to the Foreign Secretary saying he was “surprised and disappointed” at the move and branding it a “clear misuse” of official statistics.”
In 2018 Johnson repeated and expanded on the lie.
“Boris Johnson has ratcheted-up his defence of Vote Leave’s infamous assertion on the side of their bus that Britain sends £350m a week to the EU by saying the group could have used a much higher figure.”

The £350m has been bandied about here many times.
Even Farage has disowned it.

he didnt say 350 million had been sent to the eu he said it would be saved (and it has)


It’s a matter of public record. Which is why I can write “Boris Johnson is a proven liar” with no fear of legal comeback whatsoever.


Perhaps we should have a new offence of “Politicians putting an unnecessary drain on police resources”

Here’s a hit of milage for the Farage haters to take up,.and get their Hampsteads in to.:smiley:

Dont know which part she was referring to…maybe it was the bit that I heard, that stuck out for me, when he rightly said the Tory Party went on to betray the majority voters for Brexit.

I’m not sure which bits are being discussed, but there is one comment there:
“well actually
they kind of did the BBC haven’t been
impartial for bloody donkeys years and
the vast majority of people in the UK
absolutely detest the BBC and everything
that it stands for and it’s blatant
Etc .
It seems that the vast majority of of people do not think that at all.

But having seen some other of this guy’s offerings, I am not at all surprised at his comment.

Brexit was a betrayal?
Well, yes.
Brexiteers promised all ups and no downs. And that hasn’t been delivered.
Again, no surprise at all.

To Add The YoiuGov poll is not a perfect representation of BBC trust. I do expect that is is better than some bloke saying stuff tho.

Personally I’d trust the BBC’s impartiality about as much as I trust the guy with the booming African voice who often rings me from a withheld number telling me “Goood morrrning Sir, this is your baaaank”.

Lies, lies and damned statistics.

I see you have also made your mind up about that particular bloke also Franglais.

Being that the old class system is still alive and well in this country, I wonder if the poll was right across the board in terms of class…or even political leanings

I would imagine off the top of my head the BBC would be traditionally favoured by the middle and upper classes as a news source.
I also think in my own opinion the BBC tends to have a strong left wing bias in a lot of cases and subjects, and the way they are reported, a lot of working class people who are sick of biased reporting I have heard saying this.

The BLM canpaign for example was done to death, followed up by a lot of programmes and features pertaining to black people.
Where as anything that could be described as even mildly right wing is either ignored or glossed over.

My own personal go to favourite for a source of news is Sky, I find them more neutral.

The Tommy Robinson organised march at least got a regular mention at periods throughout the day on.Sky news, not sure about the BBC…you will need to tell me.

They should tell themselves it aint their job to filter out what they think we should and should not think, or know about.

Even the tv drama side of it, ot is filtering down to that.
The BBC soap Eastenders is a version of some PC imaginary version of working class society.

Somebody on there once commented on the potential s3x of a baby, and a rough looking working class cockney bloke at that, by saying,…
‘Male female or non binary,.I dont think she cares as long as it is born healthy’.:joy:

I mean c’mon, I dont know about you but I have never heard that comment or anything like it by anybody who I know.