Political discussions...

Great news for one political party.:sunglasses:
Diane Abbot is back in the mix for Labour.
Definitely a cause for celebration.:sunglasses:

(Btw the party getting the ‘great news’ who will be celebrating are the Tories.:joy:)

Just what Labour needs in their campaign when they are ahead in the polls.,… the return of the embarrasing lump of lard, who is as thick as mince, with more comedy value than Billy Connolly. :joy:

Harsh but true.:smiley:

I would have said it’s her unwavering support for Corbyn that makes her an albatross, but the overall impact is the same no matter which way you look at it.

The Tories could return the favour by showing public support for Jacob Rees Mogg, but I can’t see that happening

why was the first thing he did when he was elected is use his power for personal gain as well?

Liz Truss is still a candidate, is that a parallel?

If their numbers are reduced enough she could end up as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, and since the Tories currently have non-elected Minsters, how about Mone as Monster for Corruption?

I’ve no idea what you’re referring to, probably some unsubstantiated anti-labour issue that will turn out to be incorrect.

My comment was referring to the fact that JRM is someone who makes the Tories look like entirely the wrong people to be in charge of the country: Priviliged, self-entitled, ivory-tower “snobs” whose greatest fear is being forced to spend time with we plebs.

The Tories (who called the election of course) are currently missing 150-ish candidates. All the other National parties have more.

Rumours of conscription have not been denied.

JRM always makes me think he has just arrived from the 1930s. :grin:

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You can tell there’s an election looming when the lunatics make stupid promises in the hope to garner votes. This happens with ALL parties by the way, but I have just heard with a degree of either amusement or bemusement that Labour are pledging to show ten Premiership football matches on free to view tv if elected!

That alone is enough to ensure that they don’t get my vote.

Yes, me too.

It’s like when Corbyn was promising free broadband for everyone :roll_eyes:
Eff the broadband, it’s nothing compared to, for example, gas and electricity costs.

I can just imagine the whacky “brainstorming” sessions amongst the underlings, all competing to get their own daft idea promoted as an election winner. I expect someone right now is cooking up a counterplan to the free football matches, probably free tickets to see Taylor Swifts “Eras” tour (the filmed version that’s been on at the cinemas)

I think it’s the Lib/Dem that are saying that.

So we can be confident it won’t happen.

If anyone were to make watching either footie or Ms Swift free I wouldn’t object at all.
If they made it compulsory? ! Then they would loose any chance of a vote.

Either way it smacks of “bread and circuses” to me, or even “There’s no bread, let them eat cake”, and we know how that turned out.

Qu’ils mangeat du brioche or Soma? Right enough.

But only 2 years ago we had Rachel Mclean saying much the same thing. Just get better-paid jobs, explains Tory minister to struggling families who had never considered such a radical move – NewsThump
But so much has happened since '22 that wee gem has been lost.

He really does live in a parallel universe I think.
Or more accurately perhaps he imagines that he is a world above ours.

Remember the Imperial Measure survey he set up?
The questions were summat like:

Do you want Imperial Measures returned a lot?
Do you want Imperial Measure returned very much?
Do you …oh never mind.

A chuffing joke who takes us all for mugs.

And Another Thing…
Sunak is taking us for mugs too

Some of the comments are interesting too.



9 minutes ago

If £38 billion of spending equals £2000 in tax increase then, Rishi, what does the £40 billion stolen during covid, £40 billion Truss disappeared from the economy, and the £40 billion revenue loss due to Brexit add up to? Using ToryMath I calculate that Tories have already cost the taxpayer £6000+. And much of those ‘taxes’ have been running for years already and would for years yet to come, if the Tories win again.

And Another Thing
Red background, and a slogan “Labour For Largan”

He is a Tory.
But apparently not honest enough to be open about it.
Sorry typo
Obviously not honest enough to be open about it.

Who is “Peter Stefanovic” when he’s at home? What makes this one Youtuber any different from the millions of others all clammering for attention?

Even if he or anyone else had something to say that is worth listening to, social media is just the background noise to modern life, it’s not somewhere I’d go to get useful information, to me its not that much different from this

Never mind the messenger…
Look at the message.

Sunak says one thing, fact checkers say summat else.
All he has done is put the two together.

Quote Stefanovic “Don’t take my word for it”.

I do agree that YT is not my “go to” source for news etc, but I think it is a good medium for here.
Putting up links to news articles or scientific literature don’t get many following them.

im not anti labour im anti screwing the country. as i have said many times.
but here is a link to what i meant

so looks like it was personal gain absolutely nothing to do with representing her constituents as many didnt want it. However i forgot labour can do no wrong regardless of all the complaints against the tories

Post 82.

The council decided whether or not to close the road she lived on.
It seems that all the residents of that road were happy, but others using it as a rat-run were less happy.

zac said he didnt know what i was referring to so it was for him i couldnt be bothered last night scrolling through all the wrongs of the labour party looking for it.

even if it was down to the council and she had absolutely no influence (yeah right) it doesnt matter if it was the council parliament or postman pat that actioned it she was voted in by her constituents to represent them not add a fortune to her house

Maybe, but it depends on your starting position: My default starting position is that if any politician is speaking, they are not being entirely truthful, the task is finding which bit of what they are saying is either untruthful or a blatant distortion of the truth.

Did Sunak actually take the time to create his statistic? Or did it get handed to him by an underling? Either way, I would have already assumed that what he’s said is not going to stand up to my analysis of the same info because (a) I don’t have a vested interest in the statistic saying what he wants to say, and (b) I know from previous experience that a statistical conclusion depends entirely how the data is treated initially, plus the political world does not have the same vested interest in getting that bit right as a scientist does.

Personally I would also automatically reject Sunak claim as “no Labour leader would carry out something that daft so are you NOT telling me?”.

If someone is described as “being politic” I equate that as “being economic with the actualities”. Is that the same as lying? Not quite. Choosing your words carefully is wise, but it is emphatically not the same being honest. Job interview candidates are wise to “be politic” in the way I’ve described it, and politicians are by definition people who do not have a vested interest in full-disclosure.

Abbott isn’t an asset to her party, and I would be suspicious of her judgement at pretty much any time (she’s a fan of Corbyn, that is enough to make her judgement suspect for me).

But your source is The Daily Mail, and the same goes for them, not a source of information I would rely on at any time

No, that’s just your reaction to those of us who don’t swallow everything the Tories say, especially those who accept the fact that you-know-who is, by every legal definition, a proven liar. I for one have no problem criticising Labour at all.