Political discussions...

The clean up squads needed for afterwards might take some jobseekers off the dole :wink:

To be serious though, the physical safety of UK politicians is no laughing matter since the murders of Jo Cox and David Amess and is a damning indictment of our current society.

@cooper1203 This will spoil your day

Personally I welcomed the news of Diane Abbotts imminent return. I feel that the comedic side of Parliament has been neglected far too much recently so therefore eagerly await her laugh a minute style of delivery


@maoster Apologies to anyone sat across from you, but I did choose what I said with an eye on the audience. :grinning:

I’ve never considered myself very left wing, more centre/left, but I expect others disagree.
Mind you, who can fairly describe themselves as an “independent observer”?
I also have a lot of time for The Greens and Caroline Lucas. Being the owner of an old diesel, I am wide open to accusations of hypocrisy…mea culpa. I claim to be Green leaning and Left leaning not proscriptive; so liberal certainly, Liberal possibly.

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She certainly arouses strong sentiments…
At the last election she had a drop in her popularity, as did many others on the left.

Mind you she still had over 70% of the vote!
One could argue that a pig wearing a red rosette would win in some constituencies?
With Abbott the majority has increased over time. 70% is impressive. Take the mickey, but she seems well liked by those who actually know her.


And to be clear, not standing this time, so not after saving a job.

Diana Abbott was certainly popular with one bunch of people… Those who make R4’s Deadringers :grin: She’s comedy gold for the satirists, but if Starmer thinks of her more as an albatross around his neck, I can see why

are you serious of course he is after saving his job. what better way of being able to stay in power than switch to the party that may win. same as all the others that have jumped ship

i cant wait for tonights episode.

Is he standing as Labour candidate for his old seat of Bolton?..No
Is he standing as a candidate anywhere?..No

Christian Wakeford was elected as Tory MP for Bury South in 2019 and crossed to Labour in 2020 when the Tories were still strong. He is to stand as Labour candidate 2024.

Elphicke has joined Labour and is not seeking election anywhere.
Poulter joined Labour before her and is not seeking election anywhere.

With the upcoming election they aren’t exactly muzzled, but are somewhat restricted.
But doubtless they will not be silent.
They aren’t limited on comment about the US, but I believe the show is recorded on a Thursday night, so there might not be as many Orange Man jokes as we might expect.

Knock knock
“Who’s there?”
“Hello Donald, it’s The Real World here, can I come in?”

Trump might be having a wake-up call, but some of his supporters…disciples? worshippers?.. are still enthralled.
Here it’s often said that a pig wearing the correct colour rosette would be elected, but it seems even more tribal in the US. He isn’t (not quite) yet the official Republican candidate, I believe, so there might be a twist to come there?

Maybe the US should issue extra warnings to tourists?
Do not put your hand in boiling geysers in Yellowstone Park.
Do not feed the bears in the mountains.
Do not talk to Trump supporters.

I’m taking it as read that the confederate-flag-waving 'tards who support him will not see his conviction as any reason not to take charge of what is surely still the most powerful nation in the world.

But of course not!

In their eyes everything points to the need for him get in, and clear up the mess. It is further proof to them that the system is even more biggly not nice, than he said.

Circular reasoning?
Confirmation bias writ large?
Cerebral misapprehension of reality?

Being as mad as a bucket of frogs nutters?

In the interest of balance I feel it fair to point out that many many current and former world leaders deserve charges being brought against them. Arguably for the more serious crimes against humanity rather than crimes against a ■■■■ star.

Bless her.

That was p orn, which is obviously deemed a naughty word

Many leaders and ex-leaders deserve prosecution?
Absolutely true.

This a small start, admittedly.
Just because I can’t run a 4 minute mile, is no reason for me to stay on the couch.
And how many leaders are found guilty of crimes before they are elected? Especially Trump’s crimes “a New York jury has found him guilty of falsifying business records to commit election fraud.”

The trial was not about him and his personal life.

Cases are still pending concerning the 2020 insurrection and secret documents he had in the bathroom of a golf club/hotel.
And I have lost track on his payment due regarding his civil case.

Try as you may my friend you can’t defend the indefensible. I appreciate your penchant for taking the opposing view, but nothing I said is open to rebuttal.

I didn’t rebut anything you said did I?
I haven’t defended anyone have I?

I wonder where Nige is today? Giving his bosom-buddy big cuddles, or frantically back peddling and denying The Donald three times before the rooster crows? :grin:

18hr45…Well, that’s me wrong again.
Happily :grinning:

18:45■■? it was the first thing on. i suspect your clock is fast