Political discussions...

more labour corruption i see… clearly starmer has had a word with his mates in the cps and lent on the manchester chief of police to drop it all but its not over yet by the looks of it they have passes their findings onto the council and inland revenue.

I’ve heard the orange one speak of “stealing the election” this is a bit a of a low rent version…

Call it conspiracy if you like, but the authorities were all to aware of the majority of the public’s feelings towards these parasites in the hotels.
They knew that if there was too much adverse publicity, that it would all kick off in a old Hammer horror film ‘pitchfork lynch’ type scenario.

Also if there was any hint of reported interference of these hotels, the Police were there in minutes on full blues and twos…fact.
Try reporting your house being turned over, or your car being nicked,.see if you get the same gold star service.

Same with the point I made with my mate’s medical centre.
One rule for them, one for the indigenous locals…

But hey !..it’s just conspiracy theory, vivid imaginaton, and predjudice with a hint of racism, …innit.

Just what most of us would do I reckon…well me anyway.:joy:

:smile: And there’s the proof of what I said about you focussing on personalities - there was insufficient evidence against Rayner, but that must be due to corruption. Should such a fanciful scenario have actually taken place, I’m reasonably confident GMP would have joyfully told the anticipated next PM where to get off, if for no other reason than “because we can”.

nothing about insufficant evidence just it wasnt in their remit.

thing is she broke the council tax laws end of. She was claiming single occupancy whilst all of them were either living at her place or his. to claim council tax relief you have to be there more days than not its as simple as that.

Multiple people have had to pay back thousands because they did exactly what she did. Others had to give up homes that they had lived in for decades because of the second bedroom rule.


But you claimed (without any evidence) that Kier Starmer had leaned on GMP to drop it, which if you already knew it wasn’t in their remit, was a scurrilous falsehood.

Got to say I couldn’t give a toss about her 2nd home dealings :roll_eyes:,
If somebody whoever it is, (especially a working class lass with a ex hard life) can make a few quid by bending the rules or screwing the system, good on em I say…

I have been guilty of similar blags in the past, no qualms of conscience whatsoever as I have paid more than enough tax in my life, as I am sure Ms Rayner has.

More importantly in my book, when you see people in this country who have paid the far end of f/all into it, and do not even belong here, but seem to benefit from it regularly, and excessively it puts it all into insignificance.

It maybe aint cricket, honest, or the British way, and it will undoubtedly upset the ner do wrong purists on here, but I see it as being a survivor and a realist in this hard ‘every man for himself’ (and his family) country/world.

(By the same token to keep it politically party neutral, I did not give a toss about Boris and his after works parties either.)

Maybe the excessive expenses blag a few years ago annoyed me, but come on…moats and kin duck ponds and the like?..epic pi55 take.

So instead of concentrating on smear campaigns, and bad mouthing of individuals, maybe we should concentrate on who or which party is gonna sort this country out.

Got to say being a mercenary non favourite party voter, I am presently erring towards Labour this time.
At least my old (and late) Granda would start speaking to me again after voting Boris last time.:joy:
Whether or not it will be a wise move remains to be seen

Someone thinks it’s wise to vote Labour:
“Mr Farage told me it was nailed on Labour would win the election and the Conservatives would be annihilated so people could vote Reform without fearing any wider consequence caused by them.”

With friends like Nige, the Tories don’t need any enemies

thats just it
but you wouldnt stand there an point the finger at everyone else saying it was wrong and that you were going to clamp down on it etc etc

As I have told Franglais countless times, the nature of the beast of any politician is to duck and dive…and lie, fact.
He cant seem to accept it, and appears to have the naive view that politicians are in fact ‘Right Honourable’ (although he is the only non politician that I have ever known who thinks both of these points.)
The rest of us (afaik) know it is true…so why does it surprise you so much about her in particular ?

no supprise at all i have said all along that labour are even more dishonest than the tories just some wont accept it and have a so what attitude but if boris ■■■■■■ would write 500 posts about it.

As I’ve said mate,.I have no particular alliegance to any party, I’m only showing an interest in UK politics now because it’s an important time to decide who can sort the whole cluster ■■■■ in this country out.
And I am not in aggreance that Labour are any worse than the others tbh.

The Tories scored an epic own goal ousting BJ, by pandering to the ‘outraged’ (clutching their pearls Frangers :joy:) from all the fuss made about the after work parties , they should have dug their heels in and ignored it…the pseudo ‘outrage’ I hasten to add used as an agenda by opponents to get shot of him.

Whether you liked him or hated him, it was HIM who attracted the landslide vote,.and the dumping of traditional Labour strongholds.

The covid pantomine fiasco scam prevented him from having a ‘normal’ term, so we will never know how good (or bad) a PM he would have made, and we would not have had to witness the embarrasment of the Truss clown, who was both a wannabe and a pound shop Maggie Thatch.
So the Tories deserve all they get imo.

As for me…
Well I cant wait for Euro 24 to start,.when all this , apart from the day I vote more than likely Labour up to press, will take a back seat for me.:smiley:

I can here a certain self assured politics expert rushing to his keypad as we speak to rubbish every point I have made startting with the classic retort…
‘Nonsence’ :joy:

No matter what I personally think of Johnson…he is a very liked person.
And also a very disliked person.

At 30% in YouGov polling he is the most liked Tory, and at 56% disliked also very unpopular.
Almost no-one is neutral about him.
A question is whether he attracts more votes to the Tory party than he repels?
Would some of the 56% never vote Tory? Or are some normal Tory voters who couldn’t vote that way if he was back in charge?

Anyway, he was voted out as party leader, by the Tories under their own rules. The same rules that he was voted in as leader.
He resigned as an MP, and has not (so far anyway) chosen to seek re-election.

Edit to add

You’d never know it from TNUK, but it seems that Corbyn is equally popular with Farage, and Johnson. And not quite as disliked either.
There is discrepency there but those different polls are months apart.

Ok no ■■■■.
…So some dislike him/some like him.
Do we really need to know that?
Did we not already know that?

You have just described every single person on the planet.
So what’s your point?

What comes next?..some like sugar in their tea and some don’t ?

(Pleeeeease no links and back ups with percentages on that one.:smile:)

I find it surprising that Johnson, Corbyn and Farage are approximately equally popular, and disliked.
There is no clear divide amongst them across the country.

If I put up a pro-Corbyn post, and a pro-Johnson post, here on TNUK would you expect an equal response?
I wouldn’t.
There is no real reason to assume that all truck drivers equally represent society as a whole of course, and maybe we tend to be right of center, but, I found the figures as polled surprising.

Maybe I too, read too much biased right wing media nonsense and should try to be more open minded to the left wing viewpoints.

Sorry, just spat my tea out :joy::joy::joy:

Actually that was a tad unfair to you Franglais. I don’t think you’re left wing, I think you’re probably left of centre (slightly) but I think your natural home would be Liberal.

Liked leaders? Means nothing more than they were good at getting people to like them, means nothing at all about their fitness to do the job of leader.

You can find pretty much everything you need to know about modern politics by looking at the political cesspit that was ancient Rome; the names and actual pivotal events are different, but there is room for easy analogies:

Caligula was massively popular when he succeeded Tiberius; as most will already know, that didn’t last and he was murdered by some of his “own people”, including those pledged to protect him (The Praetorian Guard).

Caligula’s ancestor Julius Caesar got into power by being very well-liked (along with some spectacular military campaigns), he was a master of manipulation of the masses. Again, I suspect most of us know what happened to him, murdered by those who didn’t like his never-ending power grabs.

The only difference these days is that “the knives” used tend to be non-physical knives, but the politics underlying the “political assassinations” are no different .

Perhaps it’s high time to reintroduce the good old days where political leaders who failed to deliver were very publicly stabbed to death? It would certainly focus some minds.