Political discussions...

Ok got you now.
The bit about the 2 female MPs was not the bit I was focusing on tbh. Despite the title.
I understand in reality not many of em are at each others throats
I just wanted opinions and resctions on the guys other points, a lot of which were valid.
He seems to have a similar view to MPs and politicians in general to myself.

Btw Frangers since you asked…I would have a pint with you anytime, but only if you promised not to concentrate TOO much on some of your favourite subjects,.as my boredom threshold during a pint is quite low…but I’m sure even you and me would find SOME common ground.:smile:
Or you may be some handy hard case for all I know,.and want to batter ME black and blue.:joy:

nope i can tell the difference between self interest on her part and her towing the party line there is a difference besides hmrc didnt say she has done no wrong they said they weren’t going to investigate it (surprise surprise).

i have posted before the rules for council tax relief and what constitutes single residency and the time periods allowed for visitors and to be away from that property if you bothered to read them then you would be in agreement that she has done wrong. but like most things in life those in the public eye and with friends in the right place get away with things.

Ah well, since you apparently have a knowledge of exactly where Rayner was at all times a decade ago, I bow to your knowledge.

When does the stalking case come up?

And tell us again…

Yes…So when she said she had done nowt wrong, you accepti that.
Jolly good. Case closed.

if i told you that i had legal advice that it was ok to rob a bank from a lawyer would you believe me? Of course not why because everyone knows its against the law there have been many cases where people have gone to jail for it and before you find one case where someone got away with it it was still investigated by the police as it is illegal.

if i said to you im going to eat some food this year im sure you would believe me as again it is a well known basic human requirement and if i didnt eat i would die.

just like with rayner she is capable of lying and telling the truth. anyone with a brain can see she broke the law. just like anyone with a brain can see labour will have to raise taxes to cover their promises.

I personally could not gaf if she played or fiddled the system, but your raising of taxes to fund Labour promises is a valid point.
The funds have to come from somewhere, but if services like NHS are to be got up to standard, and we have enough resources again to actually defend the country, and the invasion of UK beaches by stealth is sorted (wont hold any breath on that one btw)I can see the point of it.

Tbf Starmer has just been on Sky now saying we ‘Wont increase income tax on the working people’ …but he is a politician trying to get into office, so open mind.
It’s a pity breaking political promises were not illegal, 90% of the ■■■■ s would be doing time…and oh yeah Frangers, we would have had the type of Brexit WE actually voted for.:smile:

I vote for sunshine every day, light rain between, 01hr00 and 05hr00, and free cake for everyone.
It ain’t gonna happen though, is it?

A Tory friendly magazine, The Spectator applied the formula Sunak etc used to cost Labour’s plans to the Tory’s own plans. It turns out the Tories would tax more than Labour.Spectator applies Sunak’s maths to Tory spending plans – the results do not look good | "Your friends at The Spectator have used your own methodology to cost your plans. They say it would cost £3,000. Do you accept that?" 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 | By The London Economic | Facebook

We are all gong to be paying more in tax over the next few years.
The rises are already in the decisions taken by Hunt.
Anyone who tells you they can cut taxes without a serious cost are plain liars.

What we have seen over the past few years is a higher tax burden on ordinary folk, whilst the rich have had tax cuts. Energy companies have had bigger profits because of Ukraine etc. They have not been taxed because it doesn’t suit the Tory paymasters. The scammers who ripped off the NHS, have not been pursued as they should have been. Ditto those who set up companies, claimed furlough etc and disappeared.

It isn’t all Tories who are that bad, Lord Agnew resigned because of the lack of activity by (then Chancellor) Sunak. The current bunch are the very dregs of what used to be a decent party.
Never my first choice but at least the older ones were honest.

Under the Tories we have had 14 years of stagnation.
Under Blair/Brown the economy was bigger when they left than when they arrived, even after the global crash.

The media always banging about the Tories being economically better is total rubbish. Repeating the same lie does not make it true.

And don’t forget it was Tories who brought vat from the 15% under Labour up to the present 20%.
And that is regressive tax, meaning that the poorer pay proportionately more of their income than the rich do.

Yeah ok, just to focus on your first retort :roll_eyes: … I love the way you just casually and nonchalantly just shrug off as 'nonsense’with the added Franglais trademark patronising sarcasm any reference that Brexit was never intended to work.:joy:

The majority of the electorate who voted for it were let down and betrayed.
You can send me all the kin stats, links, ‘proof’ and your own theories as to how you conveniently (choose to ) see it, as much as you like, fact is Brexit was neither wanted, expected or genuinely intended for it to be a success, hence the cluster ■■■■ we are left with that you love to gloat aboutat every given opprtunity.

Anyway it has worked out ok for you in the end,…me and people like me who voted for Johnson almost purely to get the f out of the EU, and for him and his predecessors to implement it correctly and succesfully, are all voting for somebody else because basically we have been stuffed up the Gary.
So Ce nat fait rien…or San Fairy Ann.:smiley:

so starmer has flip flopped again and said he wont increase income tax. what about national insurance contributions? what about capital gains? what about inheritance tax. in other words what about the people that live within their means and save.

i disagree that vat is a tax on the poor. i go and buy my clothes (usually) from primark. if i want a suit or blazer i might push the boat out and go to moss bros or somewhere like that the rich dont they go to a designer store and spend 4k on a suit rather than 200 so thats 40 quid vat as apposed to 800.

of course the energy companys have been taxed at the same rate they always are. They made record profits because they increased the daily charge repeatedly and didnt have to pay anyone to go and do any repairs because of “covid” or they were “very busy”.

Oh yeah…and correct me if I am wrong here *which I fully exoect you to do.
But was the UK economy, gold reserves, pensions not virtually rubber ducked when Brown the Clown was ousted.?
Or was that just ‘‘nonsense’’ also, or Tory propaganda stated by a Tory biased media, …or even are you going to put a Labour Frangers/Alistair Campbell esque positive spin on that one as well. :joy:

As I’ve said before mate…The Tories aint gonna get back in.
I aint a Labour Party supporter (in it’s most recent form) by any stretch, but they are gonna get in.

So to put my own positive spin on…nowt we can do, BUT they can not do any worse than the present shower…

So lets just sit back, give em a chance, watch and see what they can (or cant) do…THEN give em grief, or congratulate them.
Way I see it, it’s the ONLY way, any slagging off of any party presently, is like pi55ing against the wind.

i agree in some sense hence my comment last night. however i would put money on the outcome of a labour gov. As i have said before i dont think the country would survive it.

the state the country is in now is a result of the mess labour left and covid. people are happy to point at the tories and blame them and brexit but the bottom line is tories sorted out the country then covid hit. 99% of brexit issues is caused by loud mouth whingers making life difficult for themselves and laziness.

As I said wait and see.
Tbf The Tories have been in a while since last Labour govt…they have had ample time to sort the last Labour f.ups.

As for Brexit, I do not agree with your theory,… it was the surprise of Camerons life, he grossly underestimated the will of the public on Brexit, and got a bloody nose and a resignation out of it.

Boris delivered at first, Covid kicked in…another life shock, Boris lost his job (to the delight of the remoaners,) and the shower that were left had to be seen to try and do the will of the people, but none of them actually wanted it to work.
Hence where we are with it.
(Take cover incoming ‘Frangers links’ to refute and patronisingly rubbish all of that are imminent :joy:)

Speaking of…it’s a bit like Frangers being in charge of Sunaks election campaign on a fabulous salary…He’s got to keep up appearances for sake of his job, but no heart in it, so secretly and cleverly scuppering it, but at same time for appeasement of the people, appearing to go along with it.:grinning:

exactly my point. and to make it worse i think starmer will do as bad a job as may tried to.

the real worry is france germany et al are seriously hacked off with the immigration issues even more than we are. its is easy to see starmer broadly opening a pipeline and taking them all to get some so called deal.

Dunno mate.
Like him or hate him, he’s a very intelligent bloke, he will see what went on, he will respect the will of the referendum, and I dont think he is the type who will not learn from other’s mistakes…(cant believe I’m defending him btw.:flushed: )
As for stopping the invasion of criminals and dregs posing as asylum seekers…not entirely sure,but he seems aware, and says the problem is with the trafficerrs and stopping their business, so again wait and see.

It’s the cabbages and lettuces that are to be wary of…
Labour loony left cabbage contingent, and the limp wristed pc woke lettuces in the party we need to be cautious of,dont ask me for names as I am not interested enough to know, …but they are sure as hell in there.

What The Actual ■■■■?
How has Brexit worked out well for me or for anyone in normal life?

It has produced money for those who shorted the pound and for disaster capitalists. It has done no good at all for anyone else that I can see.
Well, no one in the UK anyway.

Yes they were betrayed. We all were.
Johnson, Farage etc sold the country a shed load of lies and fantasies.
They promised " no downsides to Brexit only considerable upsides."

You want politicians jailed for making false promises? That is those two clowns to the top of the list then.

But what of the second point I made?
Using Sunak arithmetic the Tories will tax £3k against the Lab £2k, over a Parliamentary term?

Rod cast, line set, and hook delivered.:sunglasses:
‘What the actual ■■■■’ you ask.:smiley:

I meant that a positive has come from a negative for people like yourself.
Being that people like me who voted for Johnson,… primarily to deliver the type of Brexit we wanted, (when he did not get a fair chance to do so because of Covid, back stabbers, and people like you who got all menstrual over an after works party, and then only really to succsesfully acheive his downfall ) will not be voting Tory this time…THAT wt actual f.it has worked ok for you, in the long run.

And especially in the traditional Labour strongholds that turned back then (Workington and (was it) Hartlepool to name 2.

So consequenly your beloved Labour Party will get in.
And as I have said…I sincerely hope they make a better go of it.

And come on you REALLY think I want MPs jailed for lying? :roll_eyes:
It was a flippant remark to make a point…but you knew that.
Still at least the opportunity arose to knock the Tories because of it.

How were YOU betrayed ?
You are a classic type remoaner who voted to remain, how is that a berayal?
It is actually more just YOU not getting your own way, and moaning about it ever since, …and gloating over the outcome of it all.

Betrayal my arse it is US who was betrayed.

Now…where’s me pearls.:smiley:

What has he allegedly said before, that has now changed?
And please make it what he said, not what a Tory invents him saying.

Inheritance tax may go up. The bottom threshold has stayed the same under the Tories since 2009 thereby capturing more people every year as property prices inflate. The Tories have been taking more inheritance tax every year. Under Blair/Brown the sill was routinely raised. Inheritance Tax thresholds and interest rates - GOV.UK

Economists all describe vat as a regressive tax. It is taken irrespective of income.
It is true that a richer person might buy more expensive goods and hence pay more, but that is not a given. A person who spends all of their income will spend a greater proportion of their income on vat, than someone who can afford to save or invest.

And remember inheritance tax is paid not by those who worked and saved, but by those who did nothing to earn that money.

now that is funny coming from you

first of all he said that he wasnt going to increase tax and stamp then they were by 2k Rayener said it on the debate friday night. now he has decided that he isnt going to increase income tax.

What did he deliver?
He did get us out of the EU, yes.
But the idea of getting out, wasn’t just to get out was it?
It was to deliver a whole raft of benefits.
So, which ones have we got?

It really has been a betrayal of the country, I agree.
Cameron and Johnson, sold us all down the river for the sake of Tory party unity, and a selfish power grab at being the PM for a while. And what a monumental lashup has been made of it all.