Political discussions...

My perception of politicians regardless of party is that they are all corrupt and desperate for power. They’ll say anything that they think us plebs want to hear and when elected go right on and do whatever whoever is pulling their strings tells them to do. I wouldn’t pee in their mouths if their teeth were on fire!

What I was on about yesterday.

Farage has tried and failed to get elected to Parliament on multiple occasions, this time he isn’t even going to bother trying, not even bothering to stand for the party he helped to found

Allegedly he is not standing for election because he is choosing to meddle in US politics, buddying up to the only former US President to be put on trial for a criminal offence
“He has helped Donald Trump’s campaign since 2016.”

There’s your “straight talking British values for Britain” man-of-the-people

I hope for your sake you don’t need to buy a second-hand car anytime soon, they’ll see you coming a mile off. :roll_eyes:

Again, missing the point that the UK and the US have a long-standing special relationship which has benefited us in the past. Additionally, Blair hoped by being involved we could moderate any excessive reactions on the part of Bush and his government

Farage quotes

If Brexit turns out to be a disaster, Nigel Farage will “go and live abroad, I’ll go and live somewhere else.”

“Brexit has failed,” he [Farage] added. “We’ve not delivered on Brexit and the Tories have let us down very, very badly.”

A bare faced liar.

Oi mate! Wanna buy a car…?

the discussion wasnt about weather it was a good relationship it was that we were first on the ground in a deceleration of war by blair.

you said we wernt first boots on the ground (we were as evidenced) and you said blair didnt cause the war (he did)

as to the special relationship they say jump all blair did was ask how high. it cost the tax payer trillions long after america left because they struck a deal with russia ending the cold war.

as an aside another benefit of fighting alongside the americans List of U.S. friendly-fire incidents since 1945 with British victims - Wikipedia

Come on Frangers admit it.
Your inevitable virtual long winded rants whenever Farage is mentioned is because of his association and connotations with the Brexit campaign.

A bit like when Boris is ever mentioned, a disproportinate hatred seems to manifest it’s self from you.

We all know that the guy is actually synonymous with all things Brexit, which does not fit in with your liking.

Do you think during his Brexit campaigning and his time as a MEP that he knew, ot could predict how it would be dealt with by subsequent Tory leaders?
In the half arsed way (which I have pointed out to you countless times to the point of boring even myself by it) it has been implemented to virtual faliure.

But then only for my theory (shared by many others who can SEE what is going on) to be instantly rubbished by you in a superior type way, …because it does not fit in with your own agenda, ideas and virtual Trucknet ‘campaign’ against Brexit, illustrated by you endlessly and tediously, pointing out the bleedin obvious as to how…
‘It has not worked’ .
The obvious retort being ‘No sh Sherlock’.:roll_eyes:

Do you think if in some parallel political world if HE had been solely in charge of organising and overseeing Brexit at the time, (a guy who was almost dedicated to getting the f out of there with the backing of a democratic majority) that it would be anywhere near the cluster ■■■■ it is at present?..with all the details of which you endlesdly and smugly churn out?

My admiration for the guy (‘admiration’ loosely speaking obvs) was when he had the gonads to speak up face to face to the EU parliament and hierarchy, with all the gravy train type corruption that went on in there…and afaik still does.

Furthermore with reference to all the corruption in the EU I mentioned, I notice it is ignored by you, or at least never brought up, but in direct contrast when anything done by Johnson or Farage in similar (some might say less serious) vains, is endlessly pointed out by you.

I put some quotes and 2 lines of my own. I let Farage’s own words suffice.
You offer 28 lines of your own. :grinning:

Of !!!ing course!
Brexit is a major handicap to this country, and the lies of Farage, Johnson, and others helped bring it about.
Of course I don’t like those who have helped damage our country!

Farage was happy to take the MEP salary although he rarely showed up.
The hypocrite moaned about EU laws, but his party had the worst attendance record of any party. He was an MEP but did next to nothing to stop any laws he thought wrong.
A lazy whinger.

He is entitled to a £73k pension at age 63.

Re corruption:
Farage had to repay EU funds he mis-spent on his party rather than on his UK constituents.
I condemn EU corruption as I condemn UK corruption.

Where and When have I ignored corruption when brought up.
I seem to remember that Belgian police arrested an MEP a year or two back? I seem to remember that I pointed out that was good thing. Police getting involved not letting internal party politics smooth it over.

Please point out some good things achieved by Farage and Johnson and I will happily praise those actions.

I do remember that I did praise Johnson during the start of the Covid crisis.
He said summat like “We will follow the science”
More fool me for believing him.

Yep,.as I said, all (or most) of the above based on your eternal frustration, with the result of Brexit, and anything or anybody that had anything to do with it.

All the moaning, complaining and disenchantment and shear frustration is not going to make one iota of a difference, and especially on a trucking forum.
So unless your surname is Verne with a time machine in the garage, best do what the rest of us (on both sides) have managed to do, accept it, just get on with it, and deal with it, because as I keep telling you the simplistic view I have on UK politics which is a lot more condensed than your wider pre.occupation…
‘Who ever is in power at the time will do whatever tf they like to us and with us, until they are voted out for the next crew to take the same reins and do the same’.

Just become a quitter?
If you are the sort to roll over and be used as doormat, you carry on.
Not me.

I do notice you have said nothing to counter my stating that Farage and Johnson are liars. You are merely attacking me and my stance on it. If you want to continue I suggest you stick to the subject.

And on corruption…
Johnson seeks to protect nasty pieces of crap.

The EU votes unanimously to allow investigation of their own.

No one is suggesting that the EU is perfect, of course it isn’t. But look at how it tries to deal with corruption and compare that to other places.

It has got f/all to do with quitting man.
And I’m a dormat who rolls over eh?
Aye right.:joy: :joy:

What is best?..
What is more productive for yourself?
Eternally moan and groan about ‘how dissatisfied and angry I am’ either that Brexit prevailed, or the way it has been dealt with…to anybody unfortunate enough to hear it.


Just try and get on with it and make the best of a crap situation for YOURSELF.

Same can be said about working for a sh firm, either get out only to go to another sh firm, or make the best of it for numero uno, and f### everybody else who just kow tows down to it…and/or just moans about it.

Self preservation, looking after no.1, being realistic,.facing up to a reality that you do not like, but try and beat it with it’s own stick…that aint quitting in my book.

The latter is my way of doing things, yours seems to be the former.
So if my way is construed by you as being a quitter, ok I’m a quitter,.and I can live with that opinion.

Btw ‘Look how it deals with corruption’
Aye one isolated incident, the whole organisation is rotten to the core with corruption

And again.

Nothing about the lies and deceits of Farage, Johnson, etc.
Nothing disputing anything in my posts.
Nothing at all relevant to the thread at all.

Just you and your opinion about how I should spend my time.

Whats the point?
Of course Johnson and Farage tell lies they are politicians ffs it’s part of their dna as with all politicians, it comes naturally to them…(.getting a strong deja vu vibe here btw.:roll_eyes:)
So why single those two out?
I know the answer btw, It’s just because Frangers is not suited with their opinions on Brexit.?
That is the whole point and basis of my initial point, ie you going off on one again when certain personalities come up.

Spend yer time as you like mate, I’m just pointing out how you come across.

There ya gan everything covered that you requested.

yet you ignore any corruption in the labour party

i put it to you that you dont give a rats arse about coruption just moan and groan about it as a way of discrediting anyone that you dont agree with your and the woke belive what your told were all in the same bumming circle crap. if you did we would have 870 posts about the labour party being utter scum

In reply to a post by Johnson & Farage fanboy Coop.

So, go on then…
All politicians are liars, and all the EU is corrupt.
How about a dozen links? There must be hundreds to choose from.

You can’t deny that Johnson Farage etc are liars. You haven’t tried to.
But you are listening to the media that support them “they are all the same” and “all the EU are corrupt”.
Prove it.
There is some corruption everywhere in big organisations, but the current UK Gov mob are streets ahead of anywhere else.

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Tell me about it.

I know that Rayner is being investigated (again) by the Police, after pressure from her political opponents. If guilty I hope she receives the appropriate punishment by law and discipline from her party. I doubt that the Labour leadership will attempt to change rules to protect her as Johnson did.

Any other cases you wish to comment on?

Ffs Frangers I have no need to prove it with ■■■■■■ links.:roll_eyes:

And please stop teling me I form my opinions by some official source will you, that is your forte, certainly not mine.
I can sure as hell prove that one if you want, just by trawling through many of yout old posts…but have zero intention of doing so.

And sure I view the media, but at the same time keep an open mind, and then make that same mind up by myself, and form my OWN opinions on what I see, not what they try and tell me what to think…How many more effin times do I need to clarify that to you on this forum? :roll_eyes:

Every politician that looks for a vote promises the earth, then when they manage to con you into voting for them and they get in, the majority of those promises rarely happen, or come to fruition…
Now where I come that is (a form of) lying.

Wtf is wrong with you man, you are the only working class bloke I have come across who does not have a similar view on politicians and their dubious ways
You dont need to defend them you know, it is clear you have some sort of aspiration to be a politician, but get real, you are only of the amateur wannabe armchair variety.

So, how did you find out that the EU gov is “rotten to the core”?